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Everything posted by Tex_NL

  1. @parameciumkid Added your long answer. @Spyke Added your answer. And added some extra solutions. @Cetera Typo corrected.
  2. @Pecan I added the 'spaceplane' part to your question in order to clearly differentiate between SSTO spaceplanes and SSTO rockets. Often people just says SSTO when they actually mean SSTO spaceplane. (You can avoid double line-spacing with Shift-Enter) @Kerbart Good point. I'll add it. @NathanKell Thanks. You might be correct about not referring to the hacked 64bits version. Your -force-opengl suggestion would indeed be better. I'll add your rover answer too.
  3. @Pecan I removed some double spacing and did some minor grammar corrections and added yours to the list. Keep those questions and answers coming guys and soon I'll have to start sorting them into categories.
  4. So called super computers gets their power from parallel computations. As in multi-threading on many multiple cores. KSP is currently limited to 32 bits single threaded calculations. It can only run on a single core with 3.8GB memory. KSP won't run much better on a super computer than on a decent desktop.
  5. Oops, did I just fizzle that? You bet your sweet tail I did. Since those that need it don't read it and those that read it don't need it this FAQ no longer serves any function. It's going, going. GONE!
  6. I started with that as the first thing that comes to my mind when I see similar questions is 'Are you orbiting in the right direction?' To answer the other questions; It does never matter where your antennae are pointing. It never has and it most likely never will. But I did actually point all dishes towards Kerbin for RPG. And yes, I did indeed accept the mission in advance. As Kerbart said, there is no reason it should not complete. And to my complete surprise it suddenly did. I have absolutely no idea why, but it did. There is something seriously wrong with the contract system.
  7. Concorde didn't even come close to orbital velocity. Planes like the X-15 and SR-71 flew much faster. And they were not painted black for stealth or to absorb heat. They were black to radiate heat more efficiently. The SR-71 might have been nearly invisible to radar but at full throttle it lit up like a candle in infra red.
  8. The target is not on the far side. I've made sure of that several times. Besides that, if it was on the far side the target map icon would have been faded out. And it isn't.
  9. Yes. I know what you're thinking right now. 'Are you orbiting in the right direction?' Trust me. I am. I am at the correct altitude, inclination, direction. I have all the equipment required by the contract. ALL requirements are met and are ticked off green. All except one. "Keep line of sight with ..." When 'activating navigation' with the required target the marker almost perfectly overlaps with my Rad- marker. I am almost directly over head. Shutting down the game, restarting and returning to the mission sometimes resolves an issue like this on other craft but in this case it does nothing. I spend a crap load of funds on this mission as the rewards are even bigger. I do not want to lose it, my space program currently can not take the financial penalties.
  10. If this works as promised it is yet another one in a long line of tiny mods that deserve/should to be stock. The real question is however; If an amateur user can write a 37.5 kB mod to fix an ancient issue, why isn't this still not stock?
  11. It's not the number of mods, it's their size. B9 Aerospace for example is HUGE. You said you're using 3.7GB memory just after the game starts. That leaves only a tiny bit of room to deal with the game itself, the bugs and the memory leaks.
  12. And? If you don't want to tell then don't. If you do then spit it out!
  13. Am I missing something? What's so special about the description text?
  14. Pretty sure you're simply running out of memory. No matter the specs of your machine, no matter the amount of RAM you have installed. No 32bits program can ever use more than the classic 3.8GB barrier. That said you have a few options. Reduce the memory load. (for example delete some mods) Use the unstable, unsupported 64bit hacked version. Go LINUX to use the official 64bits version Wait for 1.1, unity 5 and a stable 64 bits version.
  15. As far as I know these are private. A visitor to your profile should not be able to see them. I for sure can´t find any on yours.
  16. Next time pay even closer attention to them. At times vehicles pass so close you couldn't fit a Kerbal whisker between them.
  17. I don't think an in-game (or stand alone) mod manager is necessary. It's easy enough to ad/remove mods manually. (And for the digitally challenged there is of course CKAN) But I totally agree with you missing parts should be handled differently. Currently you have no other option than continuing the load and accepting the 'corrupted' craft to be removed. There should be a cancel option, giving you the chance to reconsider and re-install the mod.
  18. An all black version would clash with many designs. However a version with heat shielding on the bottom would be awesome.
  19. Of course everybody is entitled to playing the game he or she wants. But it's like using cheat codes in a single player FPS campaign to give the best arms and armour and saunter through to the final showdown. If he wants to see other peoples designs to learn I'd say go right ahead. There are many great examples out there. If he just doesn't want to do it himself I'd say he's missing out on a lot.
  20. A large and important part of the game is designing and building craft. You're asking for craft for nearly every possible scenario. Do you REALLY want other people to do all the work for you? Do you REALLY want to rob yourself of the chance to figure things out yourself and learn how to do it on your own?
  21. We've been discussing and arguing for this feature for over a week now. We have yet to see a mod/admim reaction. We KNOW this is possible because other fora have this too. Why has this not been implemented yet? WHY? Either just do it or make a good statement why you won't. Currently you're just pissing on us without the courtesy of calling it rain.
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