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Everything posted by Tex_NL

  1. NOTHING in the OP images shows a PS4 is actually running KSP. All I see in that image is a screen displaying KSP and a PS controller. I'll take your word for it that it is indeed as you say but the image itself is not proof.
  2. Of course they CAN do it. The real question is; WHY would they?
  3. No apologies needed. It's just that this is one of those things the game really could use and therefore gets suggested several times per year. I too made this very same suggestion a few years ago and I am still convinced it does not need to take that much memory or CPU cycles. In the mid '90's (20 years ago) the game TIE Fighter could replay entire missions from various different view points. The demands from KSP are of course a lot higher but so are the abilities of moder computers.
  4. Don't worry being a Trek heretic. I've seen absolutely every Trek episode and movie (everything except the fan made 'crap') and I still don't get the 'joke'. And let me tell you there is no relation between the Borg and V-ger at all. Yes, I've heard/read those speculations too but it's nothing but fan lore. The Borg were not known at the time of The Motion Picture and V-Ger was never mentioned since. Within official lore there is no link.
  5. Search the forums. You'll find at least a dozen threads with almost exactly this very same suggestion.
  6. What's wrong with an alarm clock? Just set it to the time you want to quit playing and ignore it till 'wakes you up'. Any department store, mall or electronics store should have a wide selection for a reasonable price. Or simply use your smartphone. Why do people always search for the difficult option when the easy and obvious answer is right under their nose?
  7. It's an older, somewhat dated thread but it still contains a lot of useful links: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50701-community-mods-and-plugins-library/
  8. OK, in Star Trek: The motion picture Voyager 6 returns to earth under the name V-ger. First of all Voyager 6 is purely fictional. There has never been any Voyager 6 beyond that movie. And secondly Voyager is not Rosetta. Not by a long shot. There are a few decades between them, they are of completely different design and have a totally different mission. What you're doing has less to do with joking than it has with trolling.
  9. Yes, this has indeed been suggested before. All the way up to insanity and at least two very good mods. Action Group Manager : Very small and easy to use. But it does take some getting used to. Action Groups Extended : Does not only allow in-flight editing but also adds over 200 extra groups.
  10. I never have and never will apologise for telling the truth. To cheat would be to gain an unfair advantage over another. In a single player game changing whatever game parameter can not ever be cheating since there is no other player. PERIOD! Unless of course when you ARE competing with another player through challenges, high scores, achievements or whatever.
  11. It still amazes me that this ever got through. Somebody really dropped the ball during the 1.0.5 testing phase. But why stop playing when there is an excellent bug fix for this? Claw's Stock Bug Fix puts the body lift back where it belongs.
  12. Lol i know i played for years but just curious. By definition it is not possible to cheat in a single player game. The ONLY person you can possible cheat out of enjoying the game is yourself.
  13. Image location does indeed say Rosetta (blogs.esa.int/rosetta/files/2015/01/GIADA-onboard-Rosetta.jpg). But I too fail to see the connection with Voyager.
  14. Have you tried Infernal Robotics yet? It can't access KIS containers but in combination with KAS it can do pretty much everything else you asked for.
  15. That link works just fine. If the craft still work that's a whole other matter indeed.
  16. To summarize and simplify what @cubinator said for those that still have trouble understanding this tricky subject: The faster you move, the slower time will pass. The deeper you are inside a strong gravity well, the faster time will progress.
  17. KSP and especially the forum have been far back on the back burner for the last several weeks. I will update the FAQ within the next few days. Mods and CKAN: Answering a question with a mod is very cheap. You do not need CKAN to install mods. Besides that I don't think this is the correct place to advertise mods or discourage them. I will mention CKAN but not as a singular solution. The barn: I've been thinking about adding this myself. Wheel alignment: Never heard about this 'absolute snap' before. But it would make a nice addition to the answers. Edit: FAQ updated.
  18. If you've already modded your game chances are you already have (almost) all you need to make this happen. All you need is: Firespitter.dll The latest ModuleManager.X.X.X.dll A custom .cfg file (I called it InfoDrive.cfg) with the following text: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]] { MODULE { name = FSinfoPopup textHeading = Craft Information textBody1 = 1 - textBody2 = 2 - textBody3 = 3 - textBody4 = 4 - textBody5 = 5 - textBody6 = 6 - textBody7 = 7 - textBody8 = 8 - textBody9 = 9 - textBody10 = 0 - textBody11 = Press [ o ] to toggle this window. showAtFlightStart = false hideAfterCountdown = true showOnEachFlightStart = false countDownDuration = 30 toggleKey = o } } Now all command nodes, both manned and unmanned, will have the feature of addition information storage.
  19. Flying to the island. Sailing to the island. All fine and dandy but I DROVE to the island. It took close to an hour but it withheld the crushing pressure at over 1000m deep. Still quite a long way to go. They final climb. Lost a few ballast tanks back on dry land. (Forgot I was still in 2x physics warp.)
  20. Fairings are very resilient when it comes to temperature. Anyone tried a fairing nose cone yet?
  21. No need for a new feature in MechJeb. Mechjeb already has an advance transfer planner to go from one planet to another. Going from moon to moon is EXACTLY the same and can be done with the same advanced transfer planner.
  22. Have YOU been frozen in carbonite since 1983? Did you never see Return of the Jedi? My only true disappointment was Rens appearance. For decades we've been told the darkside corrupts physically. Ren looks completely normal.
  23. Still 4316m/s short of the target. Keep pushing!
  24. Reaching the end of yet another epic journey. I wonder if anyone can identify the location.
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