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Everything posted by Tex_NL

  1. Sorry to burst your bubble of denial but it IS a bug. If you had bothered to check the aerodynamics vector overlay you would have known the body lift vector on the stock fairings is placed too far in front. It is so far to the front in fact that is is outside the fairing itself. Next time please check the facts or don't bother to weigh-in at all.
  2. Please ask that question again after 1.1 is actually released. Only then can anybody give you a solid answer. And no, we do not know when 1.1 will be released. So please do not ask.
  3. You could take a look at Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager
  4. Confirmed, kerbalstuff is up. But as usual it's as slow as crap through a colander.
  5. @kurja The flaw is not in your satellite positioning but rather a bug in the contract system. I've experienced this problem myself and have seen several others struggle with it just like you. For some reason the system does not properly recognize 'line-of-sight' and fails to complete the contract. But leaving the satellite and returning to it at a later moment reloads the scene and usually triggers all requirements like it should have done all along.
  6. Getting an excellent ping from kerbastuff.com. The server looks KO but the website won't respond.
  7. And that question is probably the answer why there isn't such a structure on the ISS yet. But keep in mind the wrist connectors on EVA suits are also rotating bearings. Those too are air tight. Scaling those up might be possible but tolerances will have to be extremely small.
  8. All those lame replies that will come will be punishing.
  9. Yes, and no. Only two objects in exactly the same orbit will not drift apart. Having a relative speed of 0m/s at one point does only very rarely mean the orbits are exactly identical. If one object has only a tiny bit more altitude than the other its orbital period will be ever so slightly longer and over time it will drift away.
  10. Old, but still works like a charm: MapShowNavBall. No longer will the NavBall be closed by default.
  11. Orbital altitude doesn't really matter just as long as you're above the atmosphere or highest surface feature. Lower altitude stations are cheaper to get to as it requires less dV. But it's always wise to leave some distance between the atmosphere and your station for easier rendezvous. Altitude and orbital velocity have absolutely no influence on the speed at which objects will float since both sides of the decoupler are moving at exactly the same velocity before decoupling. Any difference in speed is relative and exists only between those two parts. Decoupling force and mass are what determines at what speed the parts move away from each other.
  12. I didn't add this yet since it is mainly a forum issue and not exactly game related. But I must admit you've been correct since this was asked for the Nth time just a few hours ago. I will add it soon.
  13. @Warzouz Don't use the tracking station to take your planet pictures. Use the map screen instead. Just double click the body of your choice to put it into focus. Easier, quicker and a much better result.
  14. MechJeb allows you to switch between all modes at will. You still won't see more than one at a time but at least you can switch to the one best suited for your current situation.
  15. I have been wondering; what is their (the flat earthers) position on aliens and UFOs? It wouldn't surprise me one bit if they are strong believers. If that's indeed the case how do those aliens and UFOs get here if space flight is impossible and the 100km firmament can not be breached?
  16. Using the pull down menu top centre of the map screen you can hide all but planetary orbit lines. But those should disappear once you zoom in close enough. Instead of removing the skybox what about changing it to an all black texture with TextureReplacer?
  17. Once again it proofs what I've said in the past: "Never argue with an idiot. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."
  18. Paramecium most definitely did post his comment. I've seen and read it but it is gone now. Very soon after his comment another comment was posted in an attempt to explain the basics of orbital dynamics. That too is MIA. I get the distinct feeling any comment that does not fit into the flat-earth doctrine is removed.
  19. Next time you see a contract like this look at it a bit closer. Several details are given about the piece that needs to be recovered. Most notably it's size.
  20. IIRC the stock game draws only 3 segments of patched conics. Barely enough to plan multiple gravity assists. Go to your KSP folder and look for the file settings.cfg. Make a back-up from this file, just in case. Open settings.cfg and look for the line that says CONIC_PATCH_LIMIT = 3. Change the 3 to something like 6. Safe and exit. Now your game will draw 6 segments instead of 3. Later segments are somewhat inaccurate and will twitch but it will give you a pretty good idea where you'll be heading.
  21. As far as it comes to the game there are NO DIFFERENCES between the KSP store and Steam. Steam keeps track of what games you bought and lets you download when required. But so does the KSP store. Simply log in and download again. If I was in your situation I'd go for the KSP store for a very simple reason. I won't even touch Steam with a 10 foot pole. But that's a purely personal reason. There are no other reasons to choose one over the other. Edit: Now that I think of it there is one significant reason. Playing through Steam can auto-update your game when a new version is released. However this can be seen as both a curse as a blessing. It will always keep your game up to date but since KSP is still a game in development new updates may not be compatible. (Don't let the 1.x designation fool you, KSP is still very much beta.) And once a save-game is broken it is nearly impossible to restore.
  22. And as it has been said in nearly every other thread the body lift vector on the fairings is placed too far forward. Claw's StockBugFix puts it back where it belongs.
  23. Fortunately I don't know any flatearthers personally. I can tolerate uneducated people. And even people who simply lack the IQ to understand. But idiots like this ... ?
  24. Doesn't surprise me one bit. We've been playing 1.0.5 for quite some time now. If this really was an egg people would have noticed (and reported) it a lot sooner.
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