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Everything posted by Tex_NL

  1. Several versions ago I tried OpenGL without much luck. Game performance went down about as much as memory usage. Totally unplayable. Today I decided to give it another try and to my surprise it actually worked this time. However I lost all anti-aliasing and all shadows. Any ideas (apart from not using OpenGL) on how to get those back.
  2. Nothing. Werewolves 'turn' only at a full moon. Solar eclipses can only ever happen at a new moon.
  3. If you're going to use KAC why not simply use KAC's transfer window calculator? It might not have a porkchop plot but it is one less mod to worry about.
  4. Do you have a memory leak? Yes! And I didn't even take a look at your log file. KSP has several memory issues. Leaks are just one of them.
  5. Inventive 'solution' but there are a few issues that will remain. (pun intended) Many microbes can survive vacuum or extreme cold. Especially when they are only exposed for a limited time. Freeze-drying might get rid of liquid contaminants but what about the non-liquids? Salts and other solubles will remain. For long duration missions you would eventually want some sort of artificial gravity like a centrifuge. It makes life for the crew a lot easier and will prevent muscle and bone loss. A lightweight stock washing machine will be just as mandatory as a shower and a toilet bowl.
  6. It is safe to assume Manley runs his games on a top-end machine. But he too is limited by what KSP can and can not do. His game lags just as bad as yours and mine. The reason why you rarely see it is that it is either sped up or edited out.
  7. Has anybody actually bothered to look at the game itself before trying to mod it? When starting a new game take a look at 'Difficulty Options'. Among many other things starting Funds/Science/Reputation can all be changed. As can rewards and penalties. Why add a mod when the stock game can already do exactly what you're looking for?
  8. Indeed. Cargo bays do not affect the CoL in the VAB/SPH but they do generate body lift. Of course you can get craft with cargo bays to orbit. The forum is overflowing with examples. This very thread shows several examples. I prefer to BRAKE instead of BREAK at 35km. .
  9. Indeed they are. Another reason why threads should not be auto deleted: You ask a question that gets several extremely useful answers. Due to whatever reason it takes you just over 48 hours to get back to the forum. Too bad your question was auto deleted after 48 hours.
  10. If nobody replies within 48 hours you won't have to worry about littering the forum. By that time it has already started to sink to the deep dark depths of the forum. And if people would stop necro-posting, it would stay there for eternity.
  11. To get a good understanding of the Borg you should watch some Star Trek: The Next Generation: season 3 episode 26: The Best of Both Worlds Part I The Next Generation: season 4 episode 01: The Best of Both Worlds Part II Star Trek: First Contact Voyager: season 3 episode 26: Scorpion Part I Voyager: season 4 episode 01: Scorpion Part II These are without a doubt the best Borg episodes ever made. (There are several other great Borg episodes in Voyager but Scorpion I/II is the best.)
  12. Don't be afraid to make mistakes and fail miserably! I did, everybody did and so will you. Everybody cocks-up big time sooner or later. The important things is to notice WHY you failed. To understand what went wrong and learn from your mistakes. You and only YOU decides how you should play your game. Do what and how YOU want!
  13. I agree atmospheric flight is often tricky and re-entry can be dangerous but keeping the nose that close to prograde is NO GUARANTEE for a safe flight. Staying at prograde will generate the least amount of drag and won't slow you down quickly, exposing the craft to a lot of potentially deadly heat. I prefer to keep a high angle of attack with the nose sometimes 30 to 45 degrees above prograde to slow down as quickly as possible. How to gets the best results comes down to how a craft is designed and a lot of experimentation.
  14. First of all I'd like to suggest two great mods: TweakScale, which lets you resize existing parts. And KerbalJointReenforcement which strengthens the connections between parts, making everything much stronger and rigid. No longer will you be flying a wet noodle or fall apart without warning. Secondly it's all about design and how you launch it. You can build true monsters if you want to. It is heavily TweakScaled but this beast lifted 90tons of cargo safely to 100*100km orbit. To give you an idea of scale, the cockpit, tail fins and Rhino engines have not been TweakScaled. And neither have those 5 fully loaded large ore containers. Click to see how it was launched.
  15. Are they really gone or are they simply not showing on the map? To check go the the top centre of the screen and open the pull down menu. Make sure the probe icon is highlighted. Categories that are greyed-out will not show on the map.
  16. I have no idea what you mean. I'd suggest you browse through http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50701-community-mods-and-plugins-library/ or one of the many screenshot threads and look if anything looks familiar. Once you found a screenshot with what you're looking for I am convinced somebody will be able to identify it for you.
  17. Nearly all the rescued pilots get discharged as soon as they return to KSC. I already have plenty 3 star pilots. Rescued engineers get discharged or trained based on my current needs. All bases or stations house at least one or more engineers. Scientists all get trained to a minimum of level 3. I need them all to research the crap out of all the data coming in for off world missions. And more science means more funds and more reputation.
  18. This could be of some use to you: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Electric_charge#Solar_panels It was actually remarkably easy to find. I just did a search on the wiki for the word "solar".
  19. Capturing hydrogen from solar wind on Mercury makes even less sense. Although Mercury barely has an atmosphere to speak of it is 22% hydrogen. Instead of capturing the solar wind it's easier to simply suck this up. And as an added bonus there is also 42% oxygen. Hydrogen and oxygen. Now things start getting interesting. Now we have rocket fuel.
  20. It is indeed extremely easy to swap out craft and savefiles but make sure you always keep a copy. When you move a modded game into an unmodded install all craft that contain modded parts will be deleted without warning. And once they are deleted they are gone for good. Apart from loading an unaffected back-up or quicksave they can not be recovered!
  21. Within one and the same install the answer would be no. But ... (there's always a but) ... what's keeping you from making a second install of KSP? One with mods, one without. There's nothing keeping you from making as many KSP installs as you like.
  22. I doubt the yield will be high enough to make it a viable option. Simply using solar energy to split water into H2 and O2 would probably be quicker, cheaper and easier. But for the sake of argument lets assume the yield is relatively high. What would you want to do with all that H2? Apart from using it as propellant in a NERVA or ion engine, without an oxidizer like O2 it's pretty useless.
  23. Exactly. Accept multiple contracts. Launch with enough dV and equipment to reach all targets. After completing one contract change orbit to match another. Rinse and repeat until fuel and/or contracts run out.
  24. You can when you first accept multiple contracts and only then launch.
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