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Everything posted by Tex_NL

  1. Yesterday I was on a job training for work. As a result I only had mobile access to the forum. Everybody knows the regular forum is BAD. To my utter surprise the mobile forum is infinitely worse. It is horrible, an absolute and utter nightmare. I gave up hope on improvements on the regular forum long ago. But are there any plans in the foreseeable future to do something about the mobile forum?
  2. You might be interested in kerbalcomics.com. Last episode is already 2,5 years old but the characters are still pretty accurate.
  3. "What are you putting in your servicebays?" Nothing. I don't use them. Service bays are where the Kraken lives.
  4. In the Netherlands location is also a big factor in insurance cost (obviously age and experience are too). Fortunately I live is a mostly rural area. Lots of tourism and all benefits of a metropolitan area but for some reason insurance companies think it isn't.
  5. My first car was a '95 Ford Fiesta very similar to the one below. Pretty small but also light weight so it was cheap in taxes and insurance. For a first car a small and light weight used car is a good choice. If you do hit something, and you will, with a brand new car it's a pain and can get expensive very quick. In an old car it's 'just another scratch'.
  6. Do you know how to do that in a regular post? In a signature it's exactly the same. Use the 'link' button (the icon that looks like a small piece of chain). It's a rather common issue with the crappy WYSIWYG editor.
  7. Finally somebody who understands. A certain distance, volume or weight will always stay the same no matter what yardstick you use and can be calculated to the same accuracy. What matters... the ONLY thing that matters is the ease of conversion from one unit to another.
  8. Congratulations. Getting a drivers license is one of the major milestones in life. But now that you have your license don't think you now know how to drive. Yes, you know the basics. But real knowledge comes with experience.
  9. I hate to repeat myself but I am going to do it anyway:
  10. This video is exactly why licensing and restrictions are a good thing. Some of these crashes are pretty benign, others are rather violent but all are in a controlled area. You definitely do not want any old nut-job to fly and crash planes like that in your backyard or school playground. Can you imagine the carnage when one of those bigger planes hits a car, or god forbid a motorcycle at motorway speeds?
  11. I have to agree with @Sir_Robert moving a station can be hazardous. Not only will you most likely have to deal with an asymmetrical weight distribution, most stations are also a lot more flexible. And launching to 1000km compared to 100km won't take that much extra fuel. I'd go for the direct build at 1000km.
  12. Great to see KIS well maintained and updated. But I did spot a tiny flaw: Downloading from Curse gave me KIS_v1.3.4.zip instead of 1.2.4. Obviously the 3 is just a typo but it could lead to confusion.
  13. You still fail to see what does and does not matter in this discussion. A distance is a distance no matter what system you use to measure it. Both can be as accurate or as inaccurate as you want. Whatever you use is completely irrelevant. Why do I even bother responding?
  14. OK. Lets not use millimetres. Millimetres might have been a bit extreme, lets use kilometres and miles instead. You used 3.000 metres vs 10.000 feet, lets do 3,2 kilometres vs 2 miles. Suddenly metric gives you 120% 'more quanta to express any given value' Your analogy is completely flawed and brings nothing useful to this discussion.
  15. Why use 3.000 metres when you can use 3.000.000 millimetres? Now suddenly metric is more accurate. Sorry buddy but that balloon won't fly.
  16. Smells fishy. It's got a faint whiff of flat earth.
  17. I don't think I could have said it better myself.
  18. You say you use KSP 1.0.5 64bit? Sorry but there is no 64bit KSP in under windows. (Except for the unstable, unsupported hacked version.) Let me guess, KSP crashed on a scene change. I quickly went over your output log and confirmed my first suspicion: You're out of memory. Loose some mods, wait for the 64bits unity5 KSP 1.1 or bare with it. Not much else you can do about it.
  19. Depending on that 'exact phrasing' I might want to change my vote. Would that be an option too?
  20. That doesn't change imperial is a weird and illogical system. Answer quickly, which bigger: 7/16 or 4/9? Errrr??? What? Let me think for a minute. Answer quickly again, which is bigger: 0,4375 or 0,4444? 0,4444 obviously 7/16 = 0,4375 4/9 = 0,4444 Which of the two questions was easiest to answer?
  21. That's why I have decided to delete a long post I was writing. I am fed up butting heads with people with too thick a skull to see reason.
  22. Necessity is the mother of invention. Assumption is the mother of all mistakes
  23. That is something for your physician to decide. I (and most likely everybody else here) have no idea how strict the laws are in Poland. Ask your doctor, ask the police, ask those giving out licenses. They are the ones that know.
  24. Who said science is democracy? Nobody did! Science is truth. Imperial is not natural. It's a mush-mash of units that have little to no relation to one another.
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