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Everything posted by Tex_NL

  1. *sarcasm on* No really? *sarcasm off* Instead of calling out people must read your post might I suggest YOU read the forum before posting? Of course we know Kerbalstuff is down. It's been gone for over a week.
  2. Two things can cause parachutes to fail during ascent. Premature activation (as Optimist is assuming) and heat. Both types of failure can be easily identified by looking at the mission report [F3]. If your parachutes failed from aerodynamic forces you've activated them too soon. Like in real life your parachutes have been ripped off. If your parachutes failed from overheating they did exactly that, they got too hot. You're going WAY to fast!
  3. Possible, but then it should be completely 'dead' and not twitching like Souper says. But partial sleep paralysis is very real and very weird. Like it was yesterday I remember getting out of bed a few years ago immediately followed by a face-plant to the floor. My right leg was completely 'gone' It took about a minute before I could feel and move it again. Very weird. A true 'WTF-just-happened?' moment
  4. I live on an island. All I get is water.
  5. Don't know how long it has been in the game. It got mentioned on the forum a few months ago. At that time I felt exactly like you do now.
  6. Correct. It both stops timewarp as well as set throttle to 0.
  7. Probably because autogyro's aren't actually that weird Kerbal.
  8. It's not 'currently broken'. It has been broken ever since it was introduced. It never worked properly. For the rest I must agree; don't use the launcher.
  9. Have you tried removing the rover from the pylon instead of the removing the pylon from the rover? With the new update it is possible to add and remove multipart sections.
  10. Why moved instead of locked? All other suggestions like this got shot down within one or two posts.
  11. Nice detail: It is so huge the Wright Brothers first flight could have taken place inside the cargo area.
  12. Other! First finish the game, then add fancy features. Adding multiplayer now is a waste of time. Better spend precious resources where they matter most.
  13. Currently you can not. SQUAD is working on console versions but no definitive details about a release date or features have been given.
  14. Purely by chance (google cookies probably) I came across this clip and It fits this thread perfectly.
  15. Looks a lot like a simple graphics glitch. You could try adjusting your antialias settings to see if that helps.
  16. Since Max Verstappen joined last year things got a lot more interesting. My god that kid knows how to drive. He's bold, young and above all not afraid to take a risk or to fail. He didn't even own a drivers license since he was still too young. (By now he's old enough, not sure if he got a license yet.) If he gets a chance with one of the big teams (and I am sure he will in a few years) he may even get a shot at the title. Pretty sure he'll also get his first pole and medal this season or the next.
  17. Probably since 999 out of 1000 times either CPU of RAM are the limiting factors.
  18. One of the best Star Destroyers I've seen in a long time.
  19. Oh. I was told [Alt]+[F]. Just [F] would makes things even easier. I'll need to give that a try later today. Thanks.
  20. The stock game already has something nearly identical. Next time you use the translation or rotation tool toggle between 'local' and 'absolute' with [Alt]+[F]. I don't want to diss @Ser's mod, I trust it has its uses and took a good deal of effort to get to this point but I doubt you will need it any more after you see for yourself what [Alt]+[F] does.
  21. That's probably because once per month your mom cleans your room and instead of throwing it in the trash see simply throws the stupid rock out the window.
  22. As far as I know the dots have nothing to do with rep. They are related to post count.
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