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Everything posted by Tex_NL

  1. TweakScale can rescale pretty much anything.
  2. No idea, I am no xenobiologist. I am just an everyday schmuck with an above average IQ. But if life on earth has proven one thing is that it is extremely resilient and adaptable as long as the changes to its environment are slow and gradual. Transplanting surface life from earth to an alien planet under a brown dwarf would probably kill it. But if you take the deep sea life that is currently thriving near geothermal vents without any sunlight it should probably be OK as long as the chemistry is similar.
  3. You do not need photosynthesis for life. Chemosynthesis will do just fine. And tidal friction is an excellent energy source. There are plenty of examples how life can flourish near geothermal vents in complete darkness. So is life possible around brown dwarfs? Absolutely! It might not be life as we know it but it IS possible.
  4. NL? A picture from my window would be pretty boring; just a few parked cars and the neighbours across the street. Plenty of nice things to see out here but not from my home.
  5. So you found Scott Manley's air race video. But did you watch it? He explains in detail how to install it.
  6. I feel one HELL of a face palm coming from purpleivan. This is exactly why the part in question should be shown with the contract in mission control!
  7. This is the misplaced body lift on the fairings all over again. So many people involved with testing and STILL an obvious in-your-face bug slips through the cracks. What have all those people been doing all that time besides showing off? Wasn't the pre-release supposed to root out bugs like this?
  8. Nice slip-of-the-tongue. But the funniest part is that based on the applause the crowd understood what he was saying. They knew what a Kerbal was.
  9. @Pawel1503 Next time you might want to leave the brakes OFF. Yes, you still moved but that's because of what @Vermil already explained. By clicking the brake icon you turned all brakes on. As soon as your plane started wobbling the brakes only made it worse. And secondly you should tweak the controls a bit. The vertical stabilizer should only have yaw active, the tail only pitch and the ailerons only roll. If the effect the generate is still to large you can turn that down a bit as well.
  10. Anybody that has the audacity to ask you "why we fund space research when people are starving on earth?" Should first answer a similar question first: Why waste even more money on senseless wars over petty fairy tails like religion when people are starving on earth?
  11. Everything CKAN can do, you can do by hand. Not everything you can do by hand can be done with CKAN. For me CKAN belongs in the same category as STEAM: no way, not now, not ever!
  12. Absolutely NO mod required! It is so incredibly simple and easy I am stunned nobody has mentioned this yet. Simply place a manoeuvre node in the desired location and pull the retro marker (do not touch any other markers) until the orbit flips. The 'size' of the node will be equal to the speed you will have at that location.
  13. Who cares about the source? The so called reply is 100% fake! There is no reply and nearly guaranteed there won't ever be one. The original signal was send as a binary sequence. At the same time the same sequence was given to various scientists and mathematicians without further instructions. NONE of them even came close to deciphering it. And besides the unlikelihood of any extraterrestrial intelligence being able to decode the message it was send at the M13 star cluster, probably the least favourable target as it is 25000 light years away. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arecibo_message
  14. I would really want to disagree with you but I can not. You are 100% correct! It seems people are getting dumber by the minute.
  15. EPL is a great suggestion for this. I used it in the past and it works great. Instead of recycling 'debris' into resources there is another option. With KIS/KAS you can (dis)assemble ships in orbit. A debris lab (left over from a rescue contract) for example can be captured with a claw and brought to a space station. Once there an engineer can attach it and make it a permanent and functional part of your station.
  16. NOT asking your question would be stupidity. The ONLY stupid question is the one you do not ask.
  17. Go and read the FAQ I posted. I am NOT going to repeat the same answer over and over and over again.
  18. Exactly. There are plenty large gas giants that dwarf Jupiter. A larger gas giant should have more than enough gravity to create or capture an Earth/Mars sized moon/planet.
  19. No, that's not a phantom force. It's a bug. To be more precise; it is a well known bug in the fairings. The body lift vector is exactly as big as it should be but it is placed too far forward. Claws Stock Bug Fix will put it back where it should be.
  20. Well. Than that must be an error on your side because that IS how the forum works. Just to be sure I checked this thread on my phone (my phone never accessed this thread or those images before) and the show just fine.
  21. You'll also be amazed how far the can slide on low gravity worlds.
  22. Why would I use a crappy feature like that if I can directly paste either the URL or image directly?
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