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Everything posted by Tex_NL

  1. Don't fool yourself. Making it a sticky is an exercise in futility. People do NOT read rules, FAQ's and/or stickies unless they are shoved into their faces.
  2. According to IMDB the first ep will air May 22. Ask again next week and somebody might be able to give you an answer.
  3. You're either playing the demo, an old version or simply haven't played long enough. What you're suggesting has been part of the stock game for quite a long time.
  4. Seen them all except The Invaders and Max Headroom. Both look very ... vintage. Cop shows aren't really my kind of show in general. Let's put Death Valley in the maybe pile. Defiance suffered from the same flaw as Jericho, Threshold, Firefly, Flash Forward, Revolution and many others. It got cancelled WAY too soon.
  5. Sorry but your image doesn't show. All I see is vbuf92okffi0egiynwa2.png It links to https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--GLlrN4rX--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/vbuf92okffi0egiynwa2.png but that gives an error.
  6. Loved Dark Matter and Killjoys. And awaiting their next season with anticipation. (Both are to return July 1st) Tried Continuum but wasn't me cup of tea.
  7. Seen it. Seen it. Seen it. Seen it. Seen it. To give you an idea what I've seen that's just anime. This is a list I have ready to re-watch whenever I want: http://tex.texel.com/anime/ (Some are absolutely horrible. Others are awesome.) And that 'little' list has not been updated several years.
  8. Agents of SHIELD got boring after a while just like The Flash. About Rick & Morty. It might very well be hilarious but it looks like crap. There is more artistic value in a Chimp flinging faeces at the wall. If I wanted to see that I'd go to the zoo. Despite its age Legend of Galactic Heroes got a pretty solid rating on ANN. Let's put that one in the 'maybe pile'.
  9. Dropped The Flash mid season 2, still following Arrow. Grimm is not really my kind of series. Ascension. Of course I've seen that one. Instant classic. Too bad it's so short. Farscape. Seen it years ago, cult classic. Person of Interest. Same as Grimm. I am not that into police/detective series. On the other hand; iZombie and Minority Report are pretty good to watch. Falling Skies. Started strong, ended VERY weak. In general a good solid sci-fi. Shanarra Chronicles. Never heard of it. Looks interesting. Might give Penny Dreadfull a try when I can't find anything else. Dropped Gotham like a stone during the first season. I like anime but Space Dandy? No. Rick & Morty? Hell no! No offence. But I'd rather gouge my eyes and replace them with putrid eggs before watching that. Archer. I've heard good things about it but there is something 'off' with that animation style. Sunny in Philadelphia is pretty far from what I am looking for.
  10. You call that a bomb? THIS is a bomb: MOAB: Mother Of All Bombs. (Official name: Massive Ordnance Air Blast) Biggest conventional bomb ever. Never dropped in anger yet. The mere presence on the battlefield was enough to scare Iraqi forces into surrender.
  11. Lately I've become extremely bored with what's been on offer these days when it comes to sci-fi/fantasy/action TV series. It's usually either the Nth re-run or complete and utter crap. Game of Thrones: Love it. The Expanse: Great but on a break. Firefly: Best ever. Why oh why did it got cancelled? I am looking for something new and refreshing. Or perhaps even an old classic I've never heard about. At this moment I am pretty much open for every suggestion. So if you know a good sci-fi, fantasy or action series please let me know. Just don't be offended if I reject your suggestion, I've seen and/or discarded a lot.
  12. You can already do that. Instead of a seat/ladder do the same with a KAS winch.
  13. There is a VERY easy solution to your problem. It might not exactly what you're looking for but the results are the same. Always have your Kerbal bring either a Pegasus I Mobility Enhancer or a EAS-1 External Command Seat. Attach this first near your construction site and have your Kerbal mount the ladder or seat. It won't interfere with KIS/KAS functionality but your Kerbal won't drift away. This is especially useful when working with big, heavy parts that require multiple Kerbals to be present. When done simply dismount and detach the ladder/seat for future use.
  14. Bug fixes? Memory optimization? Stability in general? Any of those ring a bell or should I name a few dozen more?
  15. Add more solar systems? NO! At least not yet. As I have said many times: (And probably will say for a long time.) First finish the game, then add fancy features. Should people read the WNTS? HELL YES!
  16. It's been a while since I've seen this bug. But every time I did see it it had something to do with part clipping.
  17. As with everything in games there has to be a delicate balance between realism and playability. I am sure it is possible to let buildings fail very realistic. But I am also sure this would put a huge strain on the physics engine making the game unplayable. During 'normal' missions buildings do not fail but the additional strain on the physics engine will always be there. Sure, it would be nice to see partly damaged or destroyed buildings. Craters, skid marks, burn marks. All very nice but they don't really add to the game. It's called Kerbal Space Program for a reason. Not Kerbal Destruction Program.
  18. You can search the ../GameData/Squad/Parts/ folder and delete them. Always a good idea to back-up those files in case you want them back. And it WILL delete all craft currently using those parts. (Not the craft saved but those currently flying/landed/whatever.)
  19. You only live twice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FTB8TgvgUk
  20. You are obviously not getting my point. I never said going to the moon or going to space wasn't worth it. It was. If the rewards are high enough people are wiling to pay for anything. If there are no rewards at all people won't. And Musk knows this. At the moment he's losing money by the bucket load. But he knows that in the end he will get his reward. Either scientifically or financially. If there was no reward in the end, he would not invest. The 1960's 1970's space race was indeed for a large part non-scientific. But that too had it's rewards: prestige and knowledge. If there was NOTHING to be gained by going to space. No prestige, no science, no resources, nothing. We would simply not have gone there. By nature man is a selfish creature. Nobody will do anything if there is no reward. That reward can be financial, physical, emotional, anything. The reward can even be the lack of a negative. If there is absolutely nothing to be gained people won't move. Deep down even the most altruistic person is an egoist. He will help others because it makes him feel better. To get back on topic: What do you think can be gained from bringing Hubble home? What can we learn from it? How much is it worth? And how much will it cost to bring Hubble home? Is it really worth that much?
  21. I am sorry you see it that way but in the end it IS all about money. Why was the shuttle program cancelled? Not because it didn't work. In fact it did an excellent job. Or that it was not safe. It only failed through human error, oversight and complacency. It became outdated and was too expensive to maintain. Whit more money we would have a permanent base on the moon at least one or two decades ago and would be visiting Mars regularly. It's not because we don't know how to do it, we have the technology. It's because people are not willing to spend the money to actually do it. As I said before. I am convinced we can bring Hubble home if we wanted to. And if somebody was willing to spend a crap load of money to do so. But there is no scientific or economic benefit. You will never earn back your investment. Space Shuttles and Gemini/Apollo capsules on display are great attractions. They generate a nice revenue as the draw in a lot of tourists. But all they had to do to display those was to recover them from the ocean or runway. Only a tiny fraction of the cost of safely de-orbiting something as large as Hubble.
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