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Everything posted by Tex_NL

  1. SSTO and rocket is easy. Very easy in fact. They ARE a match made in heaven. SSTO and 225 ton is just a matter of scaling it up. SSTO, 225 ton and rocket is starting to get Kerbal but still very much within the realm of possibility.
  2. I re-watched the OP video and found something that most likely explains all those near crash landings. In all excepts two or three landings it is not the regular U-2 Dragonlady. It is two seater trainer version with a second canopy. (Top left in the image below is the regular U-2. Below that is the two canopy trainer) Those pilots were most likely still inexperienced.
  3. Yes. Whacking you over the head with a non-stick pan.
  4. All parts in nodes on the tech-tree you have already unlocked should be unlocked. But the best course in pretty much all situation like this to simply back-up your save and try. If your save gets screwed you delete it and restore the back-up. Experiment, try, fail and eventually succeed. It really is not that hard. Just make sure you think before you act.
  5. Any kind of object category would suffice. Just as long as the runway and launchpad are targetable objects.
  6. Totally agree. If the console version is as bugged and unfinished as we have now I predict the life span will be short. Very short!
  7. You're not the only one. Anybody who has been a forum member as long as @TheCardinal could should know this gets suggested fairly regularly. I am pretty sure SQUAD is aware of this request but SQUAD being SQUAD they refuse to act on it.
  8. Based on the number and especially the type of questions you're asking I get the feeling you have very little experience playing the game. I will not be directly answering your questions here because it will be like trying to teach quantum mechanics to a preschooler. (No offence!) What I am going to advice you is to forget about assembling a (refuelling) station at this point. First just play the game. You do not need a refuelling station to go anywhere. But you do need a certain level of experience to build a station. Just play the game. Explore. Learn to land, mine, rendezvous and dock. And by the time you've learn all the necessary skills all your questions you have now will have answered themself. And most of all; do not be afraid to fail. Sooner or later EVERYBODY cocks-up big time! Failure is not an option, it's part of the process.
  9. In that case you should go back and actually READ what I said. I said any replacement mission would NOT be worth it.
  10. Next time please don't quote me if you want to reply to @cantab.
  11. These are the Stock chutes: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Parachute.If it's not on that page it's not stock
  12. So you're suggesting to send up an new telescope, everything except the mirror. And then place Hubble's mirror in that new telescope. Doing this you will indeed save weight and money by not launching the mirror. But you will need some very sophisticated equipment or a long EVA (most likely both) to move the mirror. The resources required for this will be more that the weight and money saved by not launching a mirror in the first place. It's not worth it.
  13. Next time instead of bringing an engineer to the problem bring the problem to the engineer. Edit the ship back to KSC, fix the problem and edit the ship back to Duna. Same amount of 'cheating', same results and no unforeseen side effects.
  14. Wrong. The UK contributed about 10% of the total, not 20. And those reorganisation talks were already planned regardless of the outcome. And even if the majority voted remain, the message is clear. There is something VERY wrong deep inside the EU. P.S. I predict this thread will be locked soon. 2.2 b Discussions of a political, ideological or religious nature; And NO, this is NOT 'backseat' moderation. It's just a prediction.
  15. Most important question of all: Has Remotetech been updated to 1.1.3 yet? Answer: No it has not! Conclusion: Draw your own. 1 + 1 ≠ 3. One can not expect mods to always work flawlessly after every update. Wait for Remotetech to be updated. If your 'bug' still remains then it's time to complain, not before.
  16. A deliberate quote and NOT a snip! You are absolutely correct by stating too many people want life to be spoon-fed to them. If people are offended by the truth that's their problem, not yours. You should NEVER apologise for telling the truth.
  17. More often than not in those cases the mod author will clearly state in the installation instructions to first delete previous instalments. If you do not know how to read or how to delete a folder you have no place on a computer. Removing a previous instalment when updating is pretty much ALWAYS the best option anyway. And if not your back-up will revert everything to how it was.
  18. kerbalmaps is too easy. I can't imagine anybody being dumb enough to not find a map like that. I guess @MrWalrus123 is looking for something like this: Slightly harder bit still incredibly easy to find with proper Google-Fu.
  19. If you can't make it. Fake it. Build a 'jumpgate' in Kerbin orbit and another one in Duna orbit. Now rendezvous with one of the 'jumpgates' and use hyperedit to jump to the other. Any mod that does what you're looking for does EXACTLY the same thing. The only difference is that in one instance the mod sets the rules. In the other you have to set the rules.
  20. That's an ancient bug. And it has an equally ancient solution.
  21. Yes and no. Through transpiration you will loose water AND electrolytes. Just replenishing water won't suffice. You will need to replenish the lost electrolytes as well. Without electrolytes your body will eventually shut down. But too many salt tablets will indeed dehydrate you. Just like drinking sea water. But if you must choose between drinking water without electrolytes and not drinking at all go for the water. You can go a lot longer low on electrolytes that you go low on water.
  22. CKAN is an unnecessary evil! It can be extremely useful in keeping installed mods up to date but there is nothing, and I do mean absolutely nothing, CKAN does that can not be done just as easy and just as quickly manually. KSP is extremely mod friendly. Installing or removing mods can not be any simpler. All you will need is the most basic knowledge of files structure. For people that grew up in the DOS or early Windows era these fundamentals are second nature. Sadly modern OS give the impression this has become obsolete. Nothing is farther from the truth. The basics are and always will be important. Do not rely on 'advanced' tools if you don't know the basics. I do not use CKAN. Not now, not ever! Anything CKAN does you can do better.
  23. How about the bug that placed the body lift vector too far in front of the fairings in 1.0.5? It is fixed now but it was so 'in your face' obvious that it should never have slipped though. The 'orbital decay'? How is it possible nobody picked this up during testing? All the landing gear issues? How can you justify releasing a system as broken as that? EVERYBODY involved in testing have seriously dropped the ball in those cases. A lot of people should be very ashamed!
  24. So many new bugs to look forward too. I wonder how many moronic bugs will slip through this time.
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