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Everything posted by rpayne88

  1. I've heard that it can be used as a remedy to a "mucousy" throat. I've gargled with the kind you can buy at CVS with no problem (and it still cleared my throat.)
  2. Not for me. I have no problem with snakes. Anyway, I had on of those dreams last night (this morning, I didn't got to bed till 3AM.) I launched a mission to some gas giant and dropped probes into it in such a way that I rendezvous with them with no outside intervention. The next thing I know, I attending some elementary school again (and I'm a freshman in college.) Then I left and felt a snake climbing up my leg (no joke, I actually saw one.) Just one though. I then went back to my "gas giant mission" and woke up a few hours latter at 11AM (schools were closed due to winter weather.) That is the best I can describe it to you. Is my subconscious mind completely f---ed up or something?
  3. This was on the front page of a chemistry test: Johny was a chemist's son But Johny is no more For what Johny thought was H2O Was H2SO4
  4. [*]Also I am planning to make them possible to shield parts inside from aerodynamics in FAR, but I don't know how to do that yet. (awaiting message from Ferram) I'm not Ferram, but I ran into the same issue with Novapunch fairings. IIRC, you need to have the words payload fairing in the title line for the part.
  5. I'm assuming you mean 10000m. 10000ft is approx. 3300ft. Nice work. Did you use FAR or any other plugins to make it more difficult?
  6. Not quite. If you control how much Titanium enters the market and how fast it enters, you can keep the price high. Its the same thing with diamonds. They are expensive because De Beers practically controls the market and controls how many diamonds can enter the market at any time. Getting it back to Earth, though, is expensive no matter what you do with the market.
  7. When you see this picture and think for a second that there is a giant F-16 flying around Jool.
  8. Does it have to be a conventional runway landing with landing gear? Or can it be a "kirrus ballistic parachute" landing? Also, what defines a successful landing? What are the survivability requirements for the craft and can parts be dropped?
  9. I've had that problem a lot. I use the proper launch window and left over 1km/s dv extra (after the plane change) to get to Dres. When I got there, I didn't even have enough to make orbit. Fortunately, it was a probe.
  10. So they are launching to the west. It makes sense. They don't want anything falling on land. I wasn't expecting to see it here any way. Anyone found a live stream yet?
  11. Genocide? Maybe I'm not remembering my history, but I thought apartheid was pretty much segregation like what we had here in the states, only much worse. In other words, I guess his "long walk to freedom" has finally ended.
  12. I think launching the Kracken into space is a violation of international law by "weaponizing" space. Edit: I doubt it, but will I be able to see it where I live in Maryland?
  13. *snip* If you plug in the numbers and use 0.05 rpm (minimum!) you get at least 0.25 newtons of force which is a lot. *snip* How is 0.25N a lot of force? F=ma. Assuming sea level gravity of 9.8m/s^2 (32fps^2) you can divide the 0.25N of force by 9.8m/s^2 to get 0.02551kg. In other words pulling themselves up the rope would have added a mere 25g of "weight" they had to move. I am not by any means in the best shape of my life, but I can do a pull up with more than that weight. I mean, my shoes probably weigh more than that. And that is assuming you are using sea level gravity. I haven't taken a college level physics class yet, but 25N of force doesn't seem like that much force.
  14. In other words: Make it so they are cheaper than humans, then claim they were being "humane." Glad I took A.P. Econ in high school.
  15. Just about everyone here knows that the external tank was the only major expendable component on the shuttle. What other components, such as thermal tiles and SRB nosecones and parachutes, were expended/ discarded after flight?
  16. Get some sleep. That habit has to be broken now if you don't want serious medical side effects. My suggestion, turn off the computer approx. 1 hour before going to bed. Then read/ study/ take a shower before going to bed. If you still can't fall asleep and your mind is still active, try counting backwards from 300 by threes. If that doesn't work, learn how to count to 300 in another language and count back from 300 by threes in the language of your choosing. This should calm your mind down if not put you to sleep all together. If that still doesn't work, talk to a doctor. He/ she will likely either tell you to use melatonin (do NOT use it without talking to one, I am NOT a doctor) or write you a prescription.
  17. You can download Kerbal Joint reinforcement. That may increase the structural strength between your lander and your decoupler.
  18. My manned rockets are extremely redundant for the crew. There are four different ways for the crew to escape (burn the SM, fire the escape tower, eject, and bail out) from any given rocket. On long duration missions, they have twice the space needs, and twice the space available. I also give them at least 25% more supplies (I use TAC life support) and at least 15% extra dv.
  19. This make you wonder whether or not an extraterrestrial intelligence, if there is such a thing, could decipher the record on Voyager I should they come across it.
  20. Can someone please send an email with a link to this thread to both the president and the speaker of the house. Maybe we can get a second space race.
  21. I'm not trying to get credit outside of class.
  22. Any one know of any good language learning programs. I really should learn a second language to make myself a better candidate for employment after college. I don't have the money or time for immersion. Also, I don't want to take any formal classes in school and farther damage my already fragile GPA (I'm borderline failing in one class, the others are fine.)
  23. This should be moved to gameplay questions. Don't worry about the angle you come in at. Just get into a low orbit (I used 100x100) and drop your perispsis down to about 25km. Then just hold retrograde until chute deployment. I know there are some people who have come straight in from the Mun, though I haven't done that yet.
  24. Is this even a question? Just slap a few cameras and solar panels and put it in a useless orbit so it doesn't hit anything.
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