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That guy who builds stuff

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Everything posted by That guy who builds stuff

  1. Center of mass, trust, lift and drag and how it changes as you burn fuel/decouple parts: definitely needs to be discussed if you're getting into planes and should be touched upon even if all you're doing is rockets. rendezvous and docking and should definitely be discussed, though i'm guessing that's what you mean by orbital assembly. Going over the features of some of the staple mods would also be nice.
  2. It becomes very useful when you need to time a return in which the orientation or position of Kerbin is important.
  3. The tech tree has always been messed up. The updates just highlight the problems by getting rid of others.
  4. definitely landing on the moon in the demo
  5. It does. If that's the problem then it can be solved by setting autostage to stop at stage 1
  6. The most efficient thing to do is perform an aerobrake, use the atmosphere to slow down and get into a low eccentricity orbit. Aerobraking is tricky though. Too low and you wont be able to get back out without burning fuel, which defeats the purpose; too high and you'll still be in a hyperbolic orbit. I think it's a mod
  7. If you think of rockets and planes from the pilots point of view roll pitch and yaw has not changed, it only appears so because you're looking from third person view that's fixed to the horizon. But if you really need to; some controllers have mode switch buttons that allow you to change what axises are assigned to a control. You could set it to switch roll and yaw. btw setting up a stick is a big pain as a lot of the axis need to be inverted and you need to redo it every time there's an update that's not backward compatible..
  8. that would take even more room the using the same unit for everything.
  9. It need to be pretty tough to withstand all the impacts, maybe tungsten?
  10. One thing I'd really like is spectrometers and radiation detection equipment. I've asked a few staff that question before, none seem to be sure what was meant by "no aliens" though they didn't make the decision so that's expected. I'm not sure who did make the decision. I agree that finding some form of life would be really cool though.
  11. Well he can control the engines and fire the rcs so I don't think that's it. I notice you have sas and rcs control. could it be that you're out of power and without sas helping the rcs can't produce any noticeable rotation?
  12. Yeah but we don't want kerbals going to ike and punting stuff into orbit... Never mind; Do it!
  13. That's what I'm thinking, mechjeb will fly assuming whatever you're controlling from is facing away from the direction of thrust. So if your control part is backwards it will try to spin the ship around to face the right way. It seems that mechjeb is the default control part when it's installed so switching to the control module or probe body would fix it. As always it's hard to diagnose without a picture
  14. Select destination Figure out what real life planet/moon it is an analogy of Use Greek version of whatever roman deity it's named for Follow that by function like lander, rover ect and a number reflecting how many redesigns it went through. So my Jool probe was named Jove Atmo Probe 1 while my Duna Rover was Ares Rover 7 Satellites, fuel tugs and stations are named things like comsat1 or fuel station alpha as they are unimportant or used in multiple mission. The only exception to the rule is the grand tour ship Celestia
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