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Everything posted by DaveofDefeat

  1. But ksp can only use 4gb of that memory no matter how much you have, and considering that it loads the entire game at boot up it would still crash.
  2. Does virtual memory overcome the 4gb limit though?
  3. You can export 3ds max objects into unity yes.
  4. Autodesk 3ds max is what I use. plus you can get it for free. Maya as far as I have heard is supposed to be better, but I think it only better in that it has more support for animation. Zbrush is amazing but requires monies and a touch pad stylist thingy. Mudbox is the poor mans zbrush. zbrush, mudbox is generally for soft modeling. maya 3ds max is more used for hard models. Idk bout memory but 3ds max is only a gig and a half. Photoshop is also nice to have for textures.
  5. Probly when there fist reached the speed of sounds would it start to hurt everybody else
  6. I'm going to test your theory. -after some testing the craft in completely unaffected by the atmosphere, however! you can move it around, change its orbit, etc.
  7. Ive made a 10 kilometer part before, its pretty funny.
  8. Everything looks obvious in hindsight. One concern out of thousands of concerns that occurs. The only problem is only one thing needs to go wrong.
  9. At least 3 kerbals? PSHHH.... my ultra heavy colony class lander can carry 120 kerbals! massing at 207,000 kg it is truly a sight to behold. Includes 3,998 m/s of delta V http://www./?v7bb0rtel62qekr
  10. Or put on kerbal enginner with the payload you want to lift and make sure it has enough thrust and delta-v
  11. 268 Once I slap some code together so I don't have to input those values manually I plan to have it stretch all the way to space!
  12. Tomorrow I'm going to write a bit of code and make a 80km long space elevator out of girders, wish me luck.
  13. Alright I used this http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/ubioweldingltd/ mod and how should I say...tweaked it a little.
  14. 268 jumbo fuel tanks 2 kilometers high fuel 771840 ox 943360 ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?
  15. By my calculations that's 320 jumbo fuel tanks. I wonder what would happen.
  16. Just a little example of the power of welding this craft is 176 parts I repeat 176 parts TEH SHIP http://www./?6889kbg8vd5w771 The modded part, put in gamedata or something. http://www./download/0ihx2a0wx0wszhs/part.cfg -EDIT I forgot to change the correct fuel and weight amounts, fixing it will mess up the entire craft so take this as demonstration only lol.
  17. Solid rocket fuel would be a lot easier.
  18. I can only get 500 tons up stock at the present, but im looking into this "welding" parts thing to see if I cant build some more.
  19. It takes 4500 m/s of delta v to reach orbit. slap kerbal engineer on your lifter with payload and see how much it gets.
  20. The biggest problem facing humanity is humans.
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