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Everything posted by Torham234

  1. Yes, it seems you can even transmit a surface sample collected with a Kerbal, but it gets degraded massively. I guess they just describe how it looks over the radio and perform some simple tests and throw it out. To get most out of it you have to land somewhere on Kerbin and recover the craft. The fully automated tests like the goo container or the CS- 9001 sample module can be repeatedly observed and data transmitted. Sure you loose some of the data in the transmission, but you can keep repeating the experiment and resending the data. That is if you already have solar collectors. As mentioned, data transmitting is rather power consuming. You also get a big "FIRST!" bonus when you do something that you haven't done before, and repeating the same experiment ( be it goo observation in a particular position or an EVA in the same region of space) will give diminishing returns.
  2. I may be wrong but I think the mechanics that are already ingame differ from these. I think that the first time you record something, it gives you 100% science when transmitted or recovered. The more you repeat the experiment, the more the value of the data degrades, and I have seen values as low as 20%. having a science lab as you describe would first of all invalidate the mechanics already in place and secondly not make much sense. There is only so many times you can repeat the same experiment and learn something new all the time. I think diminishing returns are perfectly fine, it pushes you to do new things. That said I get repeatedly good return from my automatic lab on Minmus. Its just the SC -9001 + 2 mystery goo containers, with a probe and solar recharged power supply. Even though it has been sitting on the same spot transmitting data for quite a while, I can still get around 30+ science points from the full experiment + transmit home procedure.
  3. Except when pricing, maintenance and wear and tear mechanics are implemented. If you have to shell out 15 000 rent and maintenance each month for your space center, time warp will be your enemy.
  4. My hero! I was just about to pick up my pen and calculator again. Its weird having to guestimate TWR and deltaV.
  5. I love the new career mode. It will be even better when the finances are implemented. Than you will have to REALLY think how to squeeze the most out of every mission! Good work SQUAD!
  6. I voted no. There is no need to confirm release dates on experimental builds. But looks like the opinion is very balanced on this one!
  7. The name of that part instantly reminded me of the movie: "The Blob" from 1988. Now we finally know it was just a kerbal science pod that crashed on earth that night
  8. As far as I am concerned the timewarp rotation kill is a unintended bug and an exploit, and I use it as much as I use other exploits like no clipping or infinite fuel - never.
  9. False, just because I can... The user below me is on lunch break.
  10. Skyline Aliens vs Independence Day Aliens. - lets assume that no one thought of bringing a laptop loaded with a computer virus, otherwise the latter have no chance in hell
  11. True. I speak Slovak, English and Czech fluently, and I also understand German very well. The user below me found this thread by accident.
  12. I am a huge DF fan and I donate to Toady at least once a year. For me, the the other games (Gnomoria, Towns, GOF) are just pale shadows compared to DF. DF offers so much more complexity in every aspect of gameplay, and thus has got a great potential for emergent narrative. Because the world and the inhabitants are described in minute detail, you end up making up stories and narrative as you play. Since I grew up with the ASCII games, I do not mind the text based graphics. The one snag of DF for some people is the learning curve... I loved every minute of it
  13. This thread is full of nostalgia... NEEDS MOAR! There are a lot of my favourite games that have already been mentioned, but I could not find Alien Legacy. Despite having never actually finished the game, I absolutely love it. Alien legacy on Abandonia
  14. ...aaand I knew someone would say this as I was writing that sentence.
  15. Except I can backup the non steam version on a DVD or a backup HDD. I cannot do that with most of the games I bought on Steam. I can create backups, but they will only run if steam is running as well. Do not get me wrong I love steam, and I have plenty of games on it, but if there is an option to cut out an Intermediary, I will go for that option. Yes, that would be a point to consider, but whether you buy from store or Steam, It all goes through Paypal anyway.
  16. I always buy a hard copy if its available, and if its not I try and buy a version that is independent of anything else. Steam is a great platform, I am just not sure if it will still be around in 10 - 20 years time. I have plenty of old games that still work on my modern hardware, but I also have few witch I am unable to run because they sported an online verification DRM and the companies have now closed down...
  17. No, I have the same thing. The first thing I have to do after any major update is remap the A to D and D to A controls. After that its much more intuitive for me. You could also flip the W/S control for the same effect.
  18. Oh good old freelancer. I love that game, and just the other day I thought of reinstall with some amazing mods I saw. I agree that they had very cool sounding engines, except I didn't much care for the Rheinlander ships. I always ended up skipping that tier of ships and using bounty hunter ones, until I got to the corsair ships (pirate ships, they are arguably the best in game). On topic, after ignoring the Stuttering sound problem that I had since the first install, there are some engines that sound a bit odd to me, to the point of excluding them from some of my designs (namely rockomax 24-77). So yes, sound scape is fairly important to me, if its present( I have no problem playing Dwarf Fortress, since there is no sound at all, so I can listen to music instead).
  19. pitch & roll on the stick and yaw on the top buttons on the stick. I almost never use yaw on planes, and I fly the rockets with the keyboard.
  20. -Unzip the archive - copy the GameData folder onto KSP_win/ folder (this means that in your KSP_win/gamedata, you should now have 2 new items: one is the Ferramairospaceresearch folder and the other is the Modulemanager.dll) - optionally, if you want some pre-designed planes that work with FAR, copy the Ships folder into the KSP_win folder. BTW, I am not having any of the issues some people are reporting, and my COL is fine, even with procedural wings. It does point a little backwards on few of the designs, but I just assumed that the computation logic was updated. And for very floaty planes, I have installed a few air brakes form the Firespitter pack and they do amazing job at slowing your craft down enough for landing.
  21. Awesome, the engineer us updated. And with moar SRB's!! Thank you so much for this!
  22. that was my first thought, but no, since the turbo jet works fine on the same plane. It looks to be by design, I just had a look in the cfg file. The basic jet engine is set to loose all thrust at the speed of 350m/s, and at 300 m/s its already operating only at 0.2 thrust. Compared to the turbo jet that looses thrust at 1800 (and at 1400 m/s it still operates at 0.8 thrust) this seems a bit underpowered, but I am sure the real world data support this setup.
  23. I am not sure what is happening, but my simple jet engines seem to loose most of the thrust shortly after the take off. the sound goes up in pitch, the red glow starts up, and then quickly dissapates and the sound also goes down, like I am throttling down, even though I am at full throttle. This is across all of my plane designs, even at very low altitudes (1500 m). If I take off the simple jet engine and put on the turbo jet, the engine is fine and running at full throttle, no problems.
  24. Have you guys seen the new recruitment trialer for 0.21?? Do you know how hard it is to simply find a Kerbal that is mentally CAPABLE of planting a flag? Be glad that every time you try and plant the flag the poor kerbal doesn't impale himself or destroys vital piece of equipment .
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