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Everything posted by gooddog15

  1. if we could soak up radiation, nuclear waste wouldn't be unusable after all.
  2. I personally think SpaceX and SNC will win. why? Well SpaceX's is a well known, proven aerospace company, overly capable of developing its Dragon V2 by 2017. It's a good bet that they will make it. also their dragon has something that none of their competors have: the ability to carry unpressurized cargo. SNC on the other hand, has a space plane. It's more capable than the dragon/CST-100, landing wise. While the dragon/CST-100 lands randomly in the middle of a desert, the Dreamchaser can glide in and land on a runway, having it's crew/cargo safely secured faster. it has a airlock on it, enabling it to take over for EVA's on one part of the ISS, if that sections airlock failed. Also, it lacks a non-reusable Service module, making the spacecraft itself, completely reusable. Boeing's CST on my 3rd hand, however presents a capsule, with the same capabilities as it's competitors. Even if it seems bland, it's going to be built by a legendary aerospace company. that's all of pluses I could think about that capsule. I think boeing could care less if it lost, as they've got billions of dollars from other military contracts.
  3. America Flyer all the way!! still have my grandfathers set from the 50s!
  4. weirdly, I saved the file in object mode, and it's still not working. Edit: found out how to export .blend files as .FBX files. fixed my exporting issues, however, it says: "Unable to open Assets/New Folder/testcube.fbx: Check external application preferences". should I forget about it, or is this serious.
  5. So, I've been using blender for awhile for models & textures, and I want to export them into Unity so I can create collision meshes & more so I can finally put parts into the game. However, while I've been able to export .png textures, I haven't been able to export/convert .blend files into .FBX files. Every time I do, It says that blender has crashed, and that I need a version after 2.48, while I do have the latest version 2.70. I also have the latest version of unity. Would it be a Unity/Blender problem?, or am I running out of memory? the console states: Blender could not convert the .blend file to FBX file. You need to use Blender 2.45-2.49 or 2.58 and later versions for direct Blender import to work. UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility:_ProjectWindowDrag(HierarchyProperty, Boolean) UnityEditor.DockArea:OnGUI() modding is so confusing. Also, do you people know of existing non-dated tutorials on how to use the part tools? If you know some, could you possibly put up a link? *note* the comment below fixed my part tools installation problem and not my exporting problems above
  6. those will have to wait, due to weird issues from attempting to export my models into Unity. edit: fixed, commencing the learning of Unity!
  7. I might now make it have monopropellant to help aid RCS reserves on upperstages. It could also be filled with silly string. Jeb likes silly string. might make similar radial vernier engines like that. also, that is a absolute crap ton of wires and fuel lines. Thank you! on another note, Just downloaded the indie version of Unity!
  8. I can do those engines in a heartbeat. Also, I'm probably going to model pump-fed rocket engines, as pressure-fed engines are sort of bland. Also, also, I actually now have the ability to now model the astris, however the truss section would take some time to create. gooda. Update: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ After looking at fruitless tutorials, and performing experiments, I think I know how to somewhat make UV's and textures, however I might be doing it all wrong. In the meantime: Introducing the boxodyne: It's a 1m cube shaped probe core related to the Probodobodyne QBE. It's to be used alongside "the Box" and the ME-1E monopropellant engine as a spacecraft bus. also I've experimented with putting two little propellant tanks inspired from the Astris on the tank butt of the J1. * note: this was put on the old J2 model for experimental purposes.* When I recommence work on the J1, these will be added. I haven't decided if it will make the engine have a little LFO or not due to this.
  9. wow. I would love to make that now but, that level of grebalness (the truss section) is out of my range. I'll see if I can put some elements from that into this engine after the break. once I get to that level of skill, I'll create it for a Europa 1 look-alike
  10. your welcome! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ I'm planning on temporary halting progress on the J1 for the next 3-4 days or less in order to learn a lot more about blender. Hopefully I can learn how to create collision mesh's, adding fine details, UV mapping/unwrapping, texturing, getting CFG's in order,successfully getting objects in game, ect so I don't have to fudge my way through development. in the process, I'm going to make a awesome square shaped fuel tank, which I dubbed "The box" After that temporary pause, I'm going to fine tune the J1 for Woopert (if he still wants to) so he can unwrap it. Once the J1 is ready, I'll put out a early alpha with it and the box. Then, work will commence on a tankbutt-less J1, 3m RCS tank, and the ME-1E monopropellant engine for a potential 2nd alpha release (possibly later this month). A 3rd alpha release would most likely contain a slim 2-3 adaptor, a 3m separator (easy), a powerful .5m separtron for huge stages , and a few other parts. That release would likely come in mid-late October. hopefully I won't have to get help and I'll be self-sufficient by when that time comes around. the timeline above may become unofficial because I have just started school, and some unexpected things may come up (my laptop might suddenly go out of commission to get it's broken power cord jack and crappy battery replaced. Worst case scenario is that it takes too weeks to get new parts). also, I'm thinking of a new name for this mod. I'm currently thinking about something like "Technical Dynamics". Maybe some of you can suggest names as time passes by. edit: also, also, I just came up with a weird, but cool coincidences. the J1 Gilligan, is just like the stock skipper engine. both act as medium (ish) engines. both share a name with 2 characters from Gilligans Island. And the skipper is older, and the J1 is younger, like both characters from that show. dun dun dun
  11. sure. I'll just make a new version without the tankbutt. However that will have to wait until the regular J1 is done.
  12. Thank you! However, I'll have redo the model, as the top of the engine bell somehow got screwed up (the bit you see at the top of the engine is actually the inside of it being extended up inside of the part as a quick fix). I should be able to get the new model finished soon edit: finished new baseline model, now adding detail
  13. I've had a wild vandamonte suddenly appear. It made me paranoid for awhile
  14. the ariane 6 looks kind of like the Carrack with the 2 strap on boosters from Eyes Turned Skywards: edit: also just realized that this thread was created a year ago....
  15. wow, that is impressive. the xbox 360 port of portal 2 takes 14+ hours easily to download through my crappy internet.
  16. well, they are starting to test Hypersonic missiles as part of a delivery system for nuclear weapons, which they are planning to use as a deterrence against the U.S.'s ICBM's and Anti ICBM systems. the U.S. is also doing the same thing.
  17. then we fall into a ditch and drunkenly yell 'MERICA!
  18. so, cinema sins released a Every Thing Wrong with video for Armageddon: and some people here at the forum saw it, and were disappointed with it because it was : so, on behalf of those user's, let's make Michael Bay cry. without high explosives, of course.
  19. sounds like Apollo 18.... but at the moon, and the spacecraft that saved a astronaut was a LK
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