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Everything posted by RuBisCO

  1. Has anyone tried to Ion glide lately: I think they fixed it so that it is grossly inefficient and weak. No it simply can't be done with stock parts, end of story. Propellers to 30 km could do it but there are not propellers in stock. They would need to be powered electrically. An air-breathing nuclear engine could do it, but that is certainly not stock. Balloons can do it, most definitely as a two stage IRL though, but the Hooligan mod parts work well in a single stage.
  2. Would certainly be nice on Eve. Is there a nuclear air-breathing engine mod?
  3. Yeah, No, that icon does not appear unless it is in the ThunderAerospace folder and toolbar is installed. Else it is just the "FB" button that does not work/appear with toolbar installed.
  4. What??? Where? --- Never mind I fixed it, no help from you though I figured out the problem by looking further back into this thread for someone that had the same problem: turns out TFB needs to be in "ThunderAerospace" folder to work with toolbar.
  5. Toolbar does not work with some of my mods, so it is either I play it one way or another way but not my way. Anyways it is not your fault, it is tacfuelbalancer's fault.
  6. And they needed the housing and screen for what reason? Technically cubesats already use OTS electronics anyways, so the purpose and reasoning is limited, gimmicky and even "wasteful" Or 2b) that was a lab error as well or 2c) a misinterpretation of the report its self, what was the thrust reported in negative control mode verse the experimental mode? In short there are many more explanations then just those two. Look, I agree it is unlikely this engine is real but I see no reason why further testing should not be done in a vacuum and even in space. It needs to prove and validate (or disprove this) beyond all doubt, for something like this they are going to need spaceflight to "prove" it, for the evidence needs to be extraordinary, like a cubesat doing several kilometer a second velocity change and still thrusting in stellar space, then and only then will most actually believe it.
  7. I just noticed the Kerbals helmets show stars... when on Eve or Duna, I wonder if that can be fixed?
  8. Yep it is impossible, with stock parts. You can try launching from the highest point on Eve, I tried 6500 m, still needed 8000 m/s of delta-v to make it. Without stock parts it can be done easy, and reusable with kethane. I can use balloons to float up to 30 km and then its needs only ~4500 m/s to get to 110 km circular orbit.
  9. I'm all for testing it in vacuum conditions first, how else are they going to prepare one for a cubesat: just slap one together without even testing it beforehand? And again "waste" and "interesting" are relative terms, for exactly how purposeful and useful is a cellphone in orbit? I guess it is interesting in that it is funny-stupid. The premise that there are more interesting and useful things to to with a cubesat is false: at 1-3 kg each there is plenty of room for per launch for dozens of cubesats doing all sorts of "interesting" and "purposeful" things like having a working cellphone in orbit.
  10. Not for a cubesat, heck they orbited a cellphone, why? because they can. So I don't see a reason why they can't launch an improbable propulsion system on a cubesat.
  11. I'm sure we are all skeptical, that why putting it on a cubesat and proving it in flight is the next phase.
  12. I think I one-up you on that: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86010-KSP-Community-CubeSat?p=1270596#post1270596 Anyways if this works and can only produce thrust ratios (under earth gravity) below 1:1 it will still make for awesome propulsion in space, depending on the power source there could be no limits to where we could go and speed attained, we would still need to land on worlds using conventional reaction engines though. If this can produce thrust greater then 1:1 though: screw rockets, screw planes, screw cars, say hello to the fly car that can literally fly you to the moon and beyond (assuming the power source is just a radical).
  13. Every planet/moon should have its own music that kicks in when landing or in orbit.
  14. Called it! : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86010-KSP-Community-CubeSat?p=1270596#post1270596
  15. Yep, that my whole point, the change in potential energy has to come out of something, might as well be the wormhole.
  16. I thought about the idea of a wormhole pump. Big problem is how the heck do wormholes deal with kinetic and potential energy, pumping gas from one planet to another, each planet is moving relative to the other at several km/s, so when the gas from one world is pumped out to another does it come out at that velocity diffrence? Assuming that problem is solved yes a wormhole pump would solve several problems at once, we could just pump hydrogen from the gas giants to venus, pump CO2 and nitrogen to mars from venus, pump water from europa or the ice moons of the out planets to both mars and venus. Either it will come spraying out at high velocity or the wormhole has to make up the energy diffrence somehow. We still have the rotation of venus problem to deal with. I don't think it is that bad, so venus will have a ~4 month long day, we could have a eco-system live on that, it would be kind of exotic to have season-day instead of a season-year. There is the magnetic field problem but if we can make wormhole pumps we could probably make a artifical magnetosphere for a planet easy.
  17. Yeah that gives you and idea of the material problems required in terraform Venus. We have 88 atmosphere of CO2 on a earth size world that needs to be converted to solid carbon and water, that is over 4*10^20 kg! To put in in other terms the atmosphere of Venus weighs as much as some plutiod! Terraforming mars on the other hand is many orders of magnitude easier, geoforming that is controlling the earths climate is practically child's play compared to Venus, on earth we have to deal with at most 600 billion tons of CO2 that is 6*10^14 kg or 1/800,000 that amount on venus. Anyways: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68857-Terraforming-Venus?p=989328&viewfull=1#post989328
  18. No that so Venus can have a hydrosphere for life, cooling the planet will require a solar shade, I discussed that before: a solar shade at Venus-Sun L1 would need to be over 4 times the diameter of Venus to shade the planet completely and likely needs to be beyond L1 a bit to counter solar pressure. Yes machines would be need to build that too.
  19. This was discussed in detail on a terraform Venus thread, I personally ran over the calculations. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68857-Terraforming-Venus -Venus's atmosphere 4.8*10^20 kg and is 96.5% CO2 (Wikipedia people!) -We would need 4.2*10^19 kg of hydrogen to convert all that into water and solid carbon. -that would require one thousands ships delivering 1 cubic kilometer of liquid hydrogen per ship (from say a gas giant I suppose), every year for 20,441 years. Yeah Self-replicating machine and AI smart enough to build, maintain and fly ships in outer-space would be a must to support such and endeavor. We could also smack Venus with Kepler belt bodies, millions of multiple kilometer wide comets or a few "dwarf planets", but later calculations on the heat produced from impacts show it would exceed solar heating of the planet and turn venus into a lava ball unless that mass is impact evenly over a few million years. So yeah thousands of comet moving ships over several million years could also do the job, again that would require a huge space industry and likely a fully automated industry aka Van Newman Machines.
  20. Yeah that did not fix it, though some of the new propellers animations work.
  21. I see no chance for anything beyond LEO for now, heck has there even been a cubesat sent beyond LEO? LOL, 5 internet points to you!
  22. I tried 0.24.2 and 0.24.0, I used v6.3.4, I have not tried 7.0, do you have a link? I have it working now (just not the folding props which are screwed up in a diffrent way now) by using a .dll from an older version of Firespitter that was for KSP 0.23.5. So I can't use my favorite props until I can figure out what is going on.
  23. How do these teleporters work, is it a little walk through wormhole or is it like startrek and your deconstructed and reconstructed some other place? I would think how it works would really effect the legality of the device.
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