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Everything posted by RuBisCO

  1. Well I searched for a duplicate .dll and there was not, so I'm guess I'm stuck trying clean to see what other mod is fing it up. I don't use steam for KSP so it is a lot easier making duplicates I got 11 KSP all the way back to .22, others with different mod sets. Anyways I tried it on a fresh installation with no other mods and a fresh copy of firespitter from the zip, and still the same problem! - I ran it in 32 bit and it works fine, I run it in 64 bit and the same problem. - I extracted a totally clean version straight from the ksp-win64-0-24-0.zip, no patcher updates, put in only the firespitter mod, SAME PROBLEM (no 32 bit to test though without the patcher) Added what it looks like when it works and when it does not:
  2. I tried the older .dll from 23.5 and it sort of works, the animations work, and the tail rotors work but the engine now has no thrust even though I can unfold it and start it up.
  3. I install the Firespitter.dll in the plugin folder both the one that comes with 634 and another one found on this forum (https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/blob/master/For%20release/Firespitter/Plugins/Firespitter.dll?raw=true) they appear to be identical, the result is identical, these propellers are not animated as well as have no thrust reverse or RCS thusting: I've checked and other engines don't spin either.
  4. The propeller animations are not working for me in x64. I don't believe it is properly loading the .dll, how do I fix that?
  5. Question: are there any new eastereggs in 0.24?
  6. Your going to want bigger spaceplane parts then stock. Try spaceplane plus for example.
  7. If your going to be moving just fuel your going to want an SSTO, like a spaceplane, doing circuits up and down to fill up your orbital fuel depo and minimizing fuel cost by using air-breathing engines.
  8. Game: KSP Cheat: Grow Beard on Kerbals HowTo: Launch Kerbal into space, go to at least 100 days later, Press simultaneously "Alt","H","A","I","R".
  9. Try SQUIDED wheels. I see what you did there... and I think it "reincarnated" my nostalgia gland.
  10. Is there a way to get this to work without toobar like the older version?
  11. She looks creepy. Can't the kerbals be an androgenous species that reproduce through budding? It would be wacky hilarious to see kerbal sprout from the head of another kerbal.
  12. All my rockets are reusable now, usually two stages, first stage goes up to 80 km, second stage finished to orbit, then switch back to the first stage before it hits the atmosphere, land it in the ocean with parachutes and engine breaking: >80% recovery. I can get ~40 tons of cargo with the first stage being 5 mainsails and 10 oranges, the second stage is 1 mainsail and 1 orange tank. The second stage I can land anytime I want (because it is in LKO) using mechjeb I can land it SpaceX style at 0°02'58''S 74°36'58''W right on the landing strip for 100% recovery. This configeration I us for most everything now, orbital fuel depo, etc, but I started out with the smaller rocket parts early in career mode. I do not use planes, I have and I would if they had a cargo bay big enough, but even B9 biggest bays are limited at 2.6 m wide.
  13. I can't seem to get it to work with Toolbar, I tell it to show the icon ("FB"") but nothing appears.
  14. Well I tested it and 2 stage recovery works in 0.24 (I don't think anyone was doubting it would not but just in case) as long as the first stage remains above ~69 km while the second stage makes it to orbit, you can go back to the first stage and land it in the ocean or even fly it back to the launch pad ala SpaceX. I disagree with making every part recoverable by just having parachutes on them: it takes some of the engineering joy, eer I means "challange", out of making parts that you can see actually survive landing, but if others want that I'm not stoping you: someone make a mod.
  15. Why thank you for informing me that the sky is blue, I'll take that into account and try to read wikipedia in english instead of hazetau. Anyways optimusjamie try WC Privateer: that olds space merchant sim also has a soft spot in my nostalgia gland. Yes google has just informed me you can get it on GOG for $6. I once tried to get my origional copy to work on WINXP years ago and failed miserable, so hopefully GOG version has been upgraded for modern OS. My version of D3 was linux and still works like a dream on that OS.
  16. Oh god here come the nostalgia flash backs! Descent was just plan awesome, I think I still have Descent 3 on my gaming drive... yep I do, I loaded it up a few years ago for the epic funs, not very many zero gee 1st person shooters but those are my personal fav.
  17. Just wait, be patient, jeez. In before the lock.
  18. I can easily do a 2-stage reusable rocket in 23.5, as long as the 1st stage gets out of the atmosphere long enough to get the 2nd stage to orbit I can go back to the 1st stage and land it and parachute it into the ocean, question is how much will the recovery cost be: supposedly the further it lands from the space port the lower the percentage of its cost is recovered. Will there also be a penalty for landing in water? What about launch claps will they recover 100%? Questions to test.
  19. How about and inflatable heatsheild cube sat... a reusable cube sat?
  20. I was hoping for another planet (with a ring!) in 0.24, looks like I'm going to be disappointed, so got to move that hope to 0.25 Improved aerodynamics are going to need to come with fairings, kerbal personality needs to come with more kerbals skins and types.. heck everything you guys are asking for means more parts and more code, but if it all goes 64 bit the sky is the limit on that: no worries on memory overload.
  21. I was thinking if we want to go beyond LEO we are going to have to piggyback on someone else that doing some exotic propulsion technology demonstrators. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=651178434927366&id=111800578865157 Fat chance their kooky propellant-less propulsion system will work but success or failure it's all good, is that not the kerbal moto? And if by some technological miracle it does work then Jeb, Bill and Bob could go around the Moon, Mars, Phobos and back!
  22. Question: what is a KSP cubesat going to do?
  23. Someday ram and harddrives will become one (after they get around to mass producing MRAM or something) but I really don't think we are going to hit the 64 bit memory addressing limit any time soon: it is over 4 million gigabytes!
  24. Just because we have violent instincts does not mean we can't override them, heck civlization its self has been a fight against nature, not simply external nature but internal nature as well, and extended lifespans and high standard of living have been the rewards of that fight.
  25. I'm not disagreeing with making such mods, its just what your proposing is a very diffrent game, do you disagree?
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