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Everything posted by stratochief66

  1. For anybody interested, there is a new RO forum page, since the forum ate our old one. Thanks to @Theysen for putting it together again. @democedes, sounds like a bug where the biome map is being used instead of the concentration map. Probably a feature nobody has ever tested too deeply, since nobody has every really focused on RSS ISRU support. /me waves vaguely, ignorantly, and apologetically at the RSS configs for resources. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem/tree/master/GameData/RealSolarSystem/ResourceConfigs
  2. For anybody interested, there is a new RO forum page, since the forum ate our old one. Thanks to @Theysen for putting it together again.
  3. @sDaZe I agree, looks brilliant. Any interest in sharing your changes, either by Github PR, or just by pastebin? I understand a hesitancy to post them generally, since that always results in requests for support. If you were to past them to a pastebin say, @Phineas Freak and others of us who work on RSSVE could see what we could learn from them and make sure support requests don't fall on you.
  4. @Ninadragonborn glad you were able to figure it out. Installing mods one by one is the best way to figure out which mod -exactly- is giving you the problem, but it isn't usually my first route, because as you say, that would take a really long time. And even then, if you don't know what to look for, you might end up nowhere. What I usually do is start 'building an install up', a few mods at a time, starting from the minimum. For example, Here I'd start with Kopernicus, RSS, and maybe ROMini (with Module Manager) or just Procedural Parts, so I could actually get something into space (HyperEdit is good for that too, so you can test for problems with the minimum number of mods installed) Here, I'm fairly certain the issue is that you don't have RealHeat installed. RealHeat makes the atmosphere behave more realistically. Even that may not be enough. Mod parts are made assuming they will face the speeds you see in stock, with things hitting the atmosphere around 3 or 4 km/s at most. This is why RealismOverhaul exists, to configure parts so that they will perform up the requirements brought by the Real Solar System. Realism Overhaul isn't updated for KSP 1.2+ yet, and an unfortunate forum accident ate the forum page for it as well. Here is a copy of that page, so you can see the list of mods that RO suggests/requires. https://web.archive.org/web/20160522190749/http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/140070-112-realism-overhaul-v1101-may-18/ And I read elsewhere about your trouble with getting airplanes to work. I personally have never been able to build airplanes effectively, but FAR (Ferram Aerospace Research) is a great mod that makes the air behave more realistically, so that planes that look like real planes should fly like real planes.
  5. Your appreciation is appreciated. That said, RO is a -very- community driven mod, and so distributing any donations wouldn't exactly be easy. Who gets paid? What fraction to each? How frequently are those fractions reviewed as people enter and leave the project, or step up and down their committed time? And -who- makes those choices? Hopefully you see the challenges there. @NathanKell has a donation button on the RSS page, so I could point you that way. He is one of the founding originators of RSS, RO and RP-0 after all, even if he has been taking it easy the past little while. @raidernick has contributed time, parts, configs, everything longer than I've been around. @Phineas Freak and @rsparkyc and plenty of others have contributed lots of time and effort to the project, particularly recently. There are too many contributors to RO to list them all, let along divvy up whatever donations might come in fairly. And RO itself rests of the shoulders of many other mods and mod makers.
  6. @Jebs_SY I tested out your changes, I ran into some problems that you might have some insight into. https://github.com/KSP-RO/FASA-RO/issues/9 In particular, issues B, C, and D. I'll try to apply my own brain power to figuring them out when I have a chance, but I thought it was worth mentioning where you can see in case you can help.
  7. Thanks! I get the same 50/50ish feeling about the issue. If one is less work and both are roughly equal, I always lean for the one that is less work There is always time pressure to release FASA, but it can definitely wait. Ideally, I'd hope that your changes (current and possibly future ones) would make it to github by about a week from now, because it would be nice to have a FASA for 1.2 (even if another update to it comes shortly after) around when RO gets its release, which could be around that time. All the pre-reqs for RO are either released or have candidate testing releases, so we're not far off now.
  8. I see a lot of great fixes in your changelog, and I'll see if I can find the time to test things. But please(!) don't change the names of parts unnecessarily, even to fix a typo. As you said, that will break any craft using those parts (a big problem best avoided with any mod update) and it will also require the renaming of all RO configs, the rebuilding of all the craft files RO has constructed for FASA, etc. If fixing those typos was a universally positive thing, trust me, it would have been done looong ago. Also, any chance that you could submit your changes to the Github for FASA? https://github.com/KSP-RO/FASA-RO One of us could probably do that for you if you are uncomfortable/unfamiliar with Github. Part of the reason for the originator of a fix to submit the PR themselves is so that they get full credit for their work. Think of it this way, if I copy your changes and submit them to Github, I'm submitting a copy of your work under my Git credentials, making it appear on many levels as if it were my work. Anyway, thanks so much @Jebs_SY for identifying and fixing so many problems with FASA. I have been providing a lot of support and fixes for FASA things on the RO side and ensuring they end up correct for a few years now. It is very nice to see other people interested in keeping FASA configs functioning so long after new FASA development has stopped.
  9. @hypervelocity, @Sardaukar if you identify issues and fixes for those issues in RealISRU, please submit those fixes to the Github as Pull Requests (PRs) so they end up truly fixed.
  10. I know CobaltWolf has asked his fans to make RO configs before, I was just providing information to let them know how easy it is to get started and that the RO community is available and happy to help/provide guidance. Also, RO configs get rolled into the RO repo, not included with the distributed mods. That -might- work, but then the configs would generally not get updated and quickly fall out of date or sync with other RO patches, or at least that is my observation of mods that have tried to go that way. Cheers
  11. A forum thread isn't really important from a mod development side, all the content and real discussion is on Github or the RO IRC. Anybody could get a pretty much complete RO install going now, we keep track of our mod prereq's and they are all either done or in beta/testing states. That is the way we actually go about identifying and fixing problems with updating RO itself through KSP & prereq updates. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/issues/1436
  12. None of y'all fans going to step up and start baking RO configs? You can 'steal' the majority of the necessary config from existing RO configs for the same parts, which is why RO is handy. Module Manager isn't nearly as hard to learn and deal with as actually making all these awesome parts.
  13. or I don't believe RF currently supports the new upgrades system. I'm not sure if doing that would require changes to RF itself, I'll try to remember ask about that next time I see NK or another competent coder. There are some examples of engines in RO with multiple engines, generally when we wanted a vernier for roll control. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/blob/master/GameData/RealismOverhaul/RO_SuggestedMods/FASA/RO_FASA_Titan.cfg#L658 I believe giving it a unique thrustVectorTransformName is the secret sauce to get that working. It may not look like that part has two engines, but most parts in RO now use global engine configs that get added in by magic/MM later. (using engineType = LR91 in that case)
  14. You might need better insulated tanks and/or bigger radiators. I haven't had good luck cooling cryofuels with rads, but others have. https://github.com/NathanKell/ModularFuelSystem/blob/master/RealFuels/Resources/RealTankTypes.cfg#L39 If you find your local version of this file, each tank type (Default, Cryogenic, etc) has specs for the fuels it can contain, including the temperature at which it boils. Modify the values for the fuels you don't want to boil in the section for the tank type you intend to use. Set it to above whatever temperature your craft seems to sit at. Making fuels only boil above room temperature would probably do the trick
  15. Yeah, I see oddities during the ~120-165km transition phase. The cities really stick out as the PQS/SS transition fades through, and the clouds sort of disappear for a bit. That said, it all looks very good. I'll take a closer look after RO is available and I can experiment. I won't complain without something useful to suggest in a PR
  16. @Dr. Jet I just found out/remembered that I have merge powers on that repo, so I reviewed your forgotten PR. Thanks!
  17. http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20150009466.pdf See FIgure 6, 'Butterfly Orbit" I saw something like the above with more detail in a printed book that chronicled past Mars missions and contained a bunch of documentation from studied crewed Mars missions, but I can't link that obviously.
  18. Your text says 'Yes', but your avatar makes me question that.
  19. I had similar problems with docking, although I only ever tried with the FASA Apollo / LEM. I asked NathanKell to attempt to reproduce my issue (of not being able to get them to dock) but I'm not sure if he got around to it? It could very well be caused by us changing all/most docking ports to be 'gendered' where they should be, and insufficient testing to confirmm that worked alright afterwards. @NathanKell ?
  20. TweakScale doesn't play well with many of the Real<> mods, for various complex reasons. The only thing I'm aware of in the Real<> group of mods that works well with tweakscale are air intakes and structural bits.
  21. Which craft were you trying? KSP 1.0.5 or 1.1.? ? Which version of RO? Many details (and more!) needed, as everything is a in a state of flux and now more than ever it isn't safe to assume others know the specs of your setup.
  22. Are you playing in the stock solar system, or in the Real Solar System (RSS); with or without Realism Overhaul (RO) installed?
  23. Yes. memory leaks occur at every scene change. With my fanciest 1.0.5 install (highest starting memory usage) I can play through 2-4 flights before needing a restart (or earning a crash). Make your install start using less memory, and you have more overhead before the leaks eat your remaining memory.
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