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Everything posted by Tw1

  1. Jeb is excited to see you! And maybe a little weird...
  2. Two months after Bob and Bill, Jeb and crew made it home. The two week out correction burn didn't put them as close to the planet as expected, then I warped past periapsis, but fortunately the vessel had more than enough to Delta V achieve powered capture, and re-orbit itself after dropping the capsule on a trajectory for KSC. The abort system separations finally got their moment, and were used to get closer to the space center. ♪this is my moment, my moment... And they got home after 473 days in space. I also played around a bit, trying to use extraplanetary launchpads.. And discovered a beach. This was in attempting to turn my shuttle's orbiter into an SSTO, which made more of a one-way long distance plane. Can't really do much when half the engines fall of during landings..
  3. Ah, a good excuse why they aren't aligned with the COM. One less sci-fi design that's ruined by playing KSP.
  4. Another map to add to the references! Nice. What did you base the maximum plane change calculations on?
  5. Hopefully the tweeks Bac9 is makeing, mentioned in the news thing, include some landscaping.
  6. Did you take screen shots? Maybe you could post it in the Apollo thread as an Apollo 13 recreation BTW, that is a big chunk of text. I suggest putting it into paragraphs next time for easy reading.
  7. Welcome! (It's morning here too, technically.) The ribbons system is on spaceport, and I'm pretty sure you have to edit them into your sig manually. Good luck with using an airbag landing, sounds tricky.
  8. Explore the new space center, and check out the dirt runway island in hope that they've fixed it, since what was in the preview videos there didn't look good. Probably finish thinking up the rest of my story about the changes to the space center, but I may need to wait for a bit, incase a mod I need gets broken. I will also make my traditional run to the Mun, with any new parts stuck on wherever. Gotta get to know them somehow.
  9. Maybe, once that thing has a few punctures in it..
  10. Lots of new players coming? Get your How To and This Post Needs To Go There answers ready people!
  11. Minmus still remains a scientific mystery, unless we find something?
  12. Oo, you may be on to something there.. (Was going to post a clip from red dwarf where they "play pool" with planets, but I haven't found it..)
  13. Australia. In my info thing below my name. Also, I was meaning when the news thing comes out, but it's almost wednesday here now, anyway.
  14. The effort to return the Moho explorer "Mojo" back to Kerbin continued. Mechjeb's aerobraking telemetry was off, and It wasn't enough to even capture. I had to burn the remaining fuel, (which wasn't much) and all the remaining RCS to prevent Bob and crew going straight back into interplanetary space. Then I finished the Job with the capsule's abort system thrusters. Good thing they were still around. Farewell, rescue module. It would be more than a day before they would be close to Kerbin again, as their orbit went almost out to Minmus. But it was a definite re-entry and landing this time. Soon enough.. So basically... I got my Mojo back!
  15. And I found what the Mun is as well.... Obviously the devs changed these a bit, but still
  16. Around mid-morning Wednesday here in Aus. Because we live in the future, and all that.
  17. Bumping is bad etiquette. I think they were picked specially. But that doesn't mean you can't make and share videos if your own!
  18. That top one looks kinda shocked by something.
  19. This makes part of me want to do some photoshoping, but the other part of me is too lazy to go and scan the image I'd want to edit..
  20. The abandoned hanger isn't gone but they'd mucked up the terrain a fair bit, hopefully they fix it. The old parts easter egg that was with it seemed gone. But this was only in the preview version. I hope they fix both of these.
  21. In the spirit of those origin of the kerbals threads that pop up every so often... I found the origin of Jool! Totally 100% correct. *derp*
  22. This is awesome! I'm going to try that someday. I tried that a while back! Awesome fun. I found that if you get them to let go once the rocket is out of fuel, they can clear the atmosphere. More here.
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