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Everything posted by Tw1

  1. No parachute? Or is there something in orbit? He looks happy, at least.
  2. Opps... At least he looks comfy. A witch! It can take of after a landing on Minmus. About 1300 vacuum Delta V, nice way to get around.
  3. There is a mission reports sub forum set up for this kind of thing. Also, that is a lot of images. I suggest culling them down to the best ones, or turning some of your landings into gifs via an online site
  4. Best explosion ever. This crash, which began a chain of events that led to a very fun rescue mission. Link in my sig. These, because of the look on the guys' faces. And this most recent one, which killed one of my kerbals, (who later came back life,) which deadweasel turned into this clip
  5. Not even cheating. This broomstick has a TWR of 2.65. Best pun wins a prize. (No clue what that will be.)
  6. Reminds me more of that kerbal engineer part. Modern computers need more spinny bits. That you can see.
  7. Tip: Put it on top of the rocket. You can make stuff, in the SPH, then move it to the VAB in the game's files, and you shouldn't even need to close the game. Opening up the craft file, you can change where it says SPH to VAB, for better results. I recommend either side thrusters, or skycrane to land bus like objects.
  8. Plannet geology improvements are the main thing. Aerodynamics, weather, and more science are the others. (Radiation, magnetism, new temperature model) Reentry heating, and the ability to re-texture parts to add heat shields (E.g., click a wing, and half of it gets tiles on it) would be awesome, as long as there are ways to shield things enough for aerocaptures. Girl kerbals and customization are also something I'm really hoping for. It's a pity they're all currently the same.
  9. Because hopefully, they're still fixing things. There's a group of youtubers who get special preview versions to promote the game. They'd rather limit it to a certain amount of specially trusted users, to prevent the chance of fuss. Because realistically, who wouldn't download the latest version, even if it was still needing tweaks.
  10. One way to do it in stock, is to put a three man pod on the runway, using the Space Plane Hanger, then walk them over, and hope your ladders are working. Edit Or build a bus, overlooked that... And I've even got a bus-like design in my files...
  11. Welcome! You should be able to collect all kinds of ideas here until 0.21 arrives.
  12. Any VTOL I've attempted can't be flown without ASAS. The most success I've had is with my starfighter, which only works in Munar gravity.
  13. We must be tougher than my Camberry Kerman. Or he didn't have as bad an accident. I could not control him at all. He just flopped about when I had the other guy bump into him.
  14. Make a boat! Make a plane! Make a boat plane! Make an SSTO boat plane! Make a rover! Make an aquatic, or flying rover! Make a ridiculously huge rover! (Then try to get that hunk of junk to space.) Make a space station! Make it shaped like something cool. Build a hitchhiker pod city on the Mun! The possibilities, are almost limitless, and if you need an extra part, that's what mods are for. I'm on a boat.
  15. There is one advantage to jet fuel, it's more efficient, as you don't need to bring oxidiser of your own. The disadvantage is they don't work outside the atmosphere. Jets also lag behind the throttle, while rockets change thrust instantly, as you've probably noticed. Another disadvantage is that there are far fewer stock jet engines in the game, so they can be less convenient than using rocket VTOL thrust. Perhaps you could try using jet engines on radial attachment points, or cubic struts with fuel provided via fuel lines, rather than putting them directly on the fuel tanks.
  16. The solution to the problem is simple, and complex. You need a better rocket. Moar Boosters! You must get into orbit with more fuel available. A munar transfer is pretty simple to do by hand. Set up a maneuver node, putting the apoapsis at 11,400 000 meters. Then drag the node about untill it's about 45 degrees ahead of Mun, and you should get an encounter. Or stick with MJ for now.
  17. The musical listed, Kevin MacLeod, I'm pretty sure he's the guy who wrote the music Danny the youtuber uses in his videos. No wonder they work so well.
  18. It's very similar.. It sounds the same! Now I'm wondering where my spaceship parts are..
  19. Nice Mun landing. Bit of an unusual approach, that auxiliary ship thing.
  20. In case you somehow miss those threads, I also completed a rather kerbal apollo mission. One of my astronauts died and came alive again. If you want something to look at/ read, it's here:http://imgur.com/a/vdR5f I also crashed the game trying to make spinny things.
  21. Ooo! I played a predecessor to that. It was also a birthday gift. It had a developer mode that I used to make a great big elaborate station, with tunnels, flyovers, and everything. I was making the rest of the rail way, and had other stations, yards, and a few awesome bridges. But then I had uni exams. Then I discovered kerbal space program.
  22. 11,400 Km. Plus it's a lot easier to not have to worry about damage from lunar dust, temperatures, etc.
  23. More or less true. Plus our Moon is not quite un a circular orbit, nor perfectly equatorial.
  24. 22/7 here. (Different format, And I'm one day head of you lot ) Does this mean I missed it? I'm happy for them to keep working on it until it's near perfect.
  25. Rather than writing up a separate story, I'm going to post my album, same as in the anniversary thread. I made it based it on a later mission to kill two birds with one stone. Enjoy. Points: - 3-man Mission +10 - 2-stage Lander (leave the decent-engine on the mün) +20 - Lander stored behind the CM during ascent +20 - Free return trajectory to the mün +10 - Flawless landing (no parts broke off, Neil Armstrong is watching you!) +10 - Got a Munar Roving Vehicle (MRV) on board? +15 - MM disposed by crashing it into the Mün (remove Kerbal first!) +5 - Plant flag on the Mün (no cumulative, i.e. two flags don't get you 6 points) +3 - Spashing down on Kerbin (land on water) +5 - Kerbal dies -20 Though I kinda got him back... - Deploy münar sub-satellite before returning to Kerbin +10 Points - Land within 1 km of NAM +10 Points - Are we there yet? + 15 points - Drive beyond 10km of the lander And looks like my "Science packages" didn't qualify. Oops.. BYOR, LOR, ✓ I did bring a few mod parts, like a mapsat dish and kerbal engineer and mechjeb packs, mainly for looks, but flying was manual, driving was manual*, landing and takeoffs were manual, and all engines and tanks were stock. (Apart from one KSPX part that's soon to be stock anyway.) Pretty much the only thing I used MJ for was to measure the distance from the memorial. Crewmanifest did the transfer between modules, which is more realistic than Eva'ing them. Could I still claim those points? +30? *does not include boat driving, which was outside the scope of the challenge. 128 points.
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