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Everything posted by Tw1

  1. So many good Apollos. I wonder if someday in the future, people visit the landing site do this in real life. As there's a full moon out, I'm of to look at it. Same here (I read the thread after making my mission's post.)
  2. Welcome! I think thats the same as what pretty much everyone did. You'll be landing on the Mun soon enough.
  3. Welcome! And welcome to the Mun! Don't panic and moar boosters struts!
  4. It isn't a pure white on my screen either. Pure whites aren't always easy on the eyes.
  5. Perhaps the ship needed that fuel for itself, after all that happened at the station. Just wondering, what we're you going to to with the KAS cable, seeing as you were already docked?
  6. Not bad so far. Are you going to post a compressed version in the Apollo anniversary thread?
  7. If it's just ironcross, as long as the scrubbers are on and you have power, you should be ok. Speaking of which, Moon Goddess, in the other thread about this, you said something about how you'd modified the ironcross thing so that you have eight hours of EVA time, and Kerbals can draw this from the ship's oxygen. Is this done with a plug in you can share, or something that others can replicate? Though it almost killed your kerbals this time, that sounds like realism I'd love to have also.
  8. Well, you now have a thread, Collect ideas in your head. Spare an afternoon or two, Then show us what you can do! (I mean it about whole afternoons, writing, formatting and editing takes time.)
  9. This will be yes in the next update. Until then, it's a proven no, but a good thing to cover.
  10. I just remembered I had this album of all the pics. They're a little out of order, and there are a few that are here that got cut from the final story, but someone might like to see them.
  11. I suspect a lack of the probe ASAS being added is because they no longer are requiring separate ASAS parts to use that system, it's built into the cores and pods, apparently. And beacuase, if you think about it, it didn't make much sense. If balanced allowed, I'd often use the small ASAS on larger ships, and it was no different than the big one, apart from itw weight. They'll bee a few of those to take of for me when it comes to stripping of parts when transferring craft from 0.20 to 0.21.
  12. I kinda see it.. Doesn't quite look as shiny, or as varied in hight.. more of a more glacial version of Vall, imho.
  13. I quite like the look of Vall, but I only went to the north pole, and it was already quite rough there. And I think I speak for many when I ask for not every island on Laythe to be terribly volcanic (So you can look and pick one that looks less volcanic.)(But of course, you're the one making this game.) I like the sound of moonlets around Jool, and the idea of a fluffy moon. Would this be soft fluffy, or rocky fluffy?
  14. Here it is. My Apollo adventure, done only as kerbals can do it. It was based on one of the later ones, for extra interest, and includes the GIF that's been going 'round on the pictures thread. I am pleased to present: A Totally Apollo Adventure:
  15. It takes many explosions and practise. Is there a particular issue you're having? If you're just here to troll, well, we have ways of dealing with those...
  16. Happy Birthday! We'd bake a cake, but Jeb would put it into orbit...
  17. This amuses me. Maybe this could be the next trend before 0.21.. Funny enough, the dead guy showed up as the first mate on board the recovery ship. So it's all alright then. The whole mission is here
  18. We had a nasty accident with the ironing board rover. It was oddly stable like this, despite me mashing buttons trying to stop it. I attempted to get them off safely, as we didn't need the rover any more, and Camberry hit the ground and went like this. Then I hit F5 instead of F9... Donvey had to leave the Mun without him. First kerbal I've lost in space for a while. (Simulations at KSC don't count.)
  19. I'm happy to wait for a few more days for them to keep tweaking with the terrain, on the Mun and on Kerbin.
  20. Yes, it's the changes to the island that are the negative thing here.
  21. Tip: Break long escape burns up for efficiency, and to releve boredom. This is called the periapsis kicks technique. I described my method in another thread: Then, as long as you timed it well, and don't accidentally escape before you meant to, you can use a node to make a smaller burn out to your target.
  22. I hope they just keep adding cool stuff...
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