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Everything posted by Tw1

  1. Christmas? Did I time warp for too long? Well, damn. (Psst, no second 'i' in Minmus. Don't worry we all did that at some point.) Welcome to the forums!
  2. I was going to make a Zelda reference too, but looks like I've been beaten too it... *plays ocarina and warps back to the space craft* Oh, and welcome to the KSP forums!
  3. A day. I managed to crash into the Mun, then I knew it was time.
  4. I'd also add that without separatrons on your boosters, the second pair will crash into the core stage, should you forget to spin. I'd also add a grey tank below each of the orange ones, to reduce the chance of overheating. The lopsided parachute placement on your landers is not going to help if you want them to land straight, but it should be survivable. A lack of ladders may be inconvenient. Still testing, but it looks like you have the delta v to get to laythe. I'm just going to do a Mun and Munmus tour with it though.
  5. I say you need a better computer. Flying it now.
  6. Milly looks just a little too happy about this...
  7. Agreed for sure.. A fascinating thing that comes from the fact that EVA kerbals are parts. You can sit a kerbal on an external seat, and then transfer him to a pod with crewmanifest, but the EVA kerbal part is still there. You just can't do anything with it as technically, it doesn't have any crew in it. You can then transfer another kerbal into that kerbal's un-used body. Creepy.
  8. Ideally, a great big, bike wheel like thing, centred on the CoM would be best. The distance between the edge of the wheel and the centre of rotation is more important than distance from the centre of mass. This is why I tend to put two rings on my stations, otherwise, IRL, they'd spin in the opposite direction to the ring, if there weren't some other counterweights rotating the other way. Also, with multiple rotation wheels that aren't lined up I imagine you'd get gyroscopic effects like those that prevent a dual rotor helicopter from spinning.
  9. Actually, it would be the opposite, because the ship turns on the axis of the reaction wheel IRL. Placing it away would lead to uneven rotation.
  10. From the look of C7's video from a while back, torque is still there. Skip to half way. Pods and cores must have wheels, or a multi-axis gyro inside them. But it is a little unrealistic the way they let you turn it from anywhere. It should turn where the torque source is, not the centre of mass. You would have to add reaction wheels to all craft, like you do with RCS, putting them right over the centre of mass for effectiveness. But in that dev build at least, they aren't doing that. Perhaps they thought it'd be too annoying.
  11. Eeloo rover on Eeloo. Laythe rover on Laythe Does this count as a rover? It has wheels. Carries one kerbal.
  12. Impressive. Is that a kerbal in there? Must have good grabbing ability. I hope you have enough action groups for your robot...
  13. I don't delete them. I obliterate them with whack-a-kerbal, or fry them with lasers. Most of this is from testing around the space centre or landing planes. I try not to leave debris in orbit, but I'm not always successful.
  14. They are part of the rover body, it's the old cart mod. I imagine they are supposed to be containing coolant or something. Laythe is awesome It's good to finally go there.
  15. When things go wrong, I like to rescue the kerbal/s with an improved version of the craft that got them stuck there. For Munar rescue missions, external seats are your friend. Also, welcome to the forums!
  16. Was this a powered capture? (As in, you performed an orbital insertion burn.) I tried that on my first Duna visit, didn't go so well. An aerocapture saves you a lot of delta V. Even if you forget to make corrections, and end up in a polar orbit, you could still intercept Ike. Then, you could try a gravity assist to change inclination. Note that this was for a landing at the pole. Then get to Ike. Better luck next time! Then it's time for part two. The rescue, and Ike landing. I hope Milhot and friend have enough to do, with all that time on their hands.
  17. Today, the 'Joolius Xena' deployed its third sub probe, after a year orbiting Laythe. Here they are hanging out together, before it is time.. For my first Laythe landing! Spent quite a while watching Laythe, to choose a good spot for the landing. I no longer have to flick over other people's images of Laythe, as I've experienced it for myself now! More or less. I plan to circumnavigate the lake, then go check out the coast, next time I visit this rover-probe.
  18. If this is going to be a thing, it needs one thread so as not to annoy non steam users. (Like me.) So... All steam users, do your trading on this thread!
  19. It's hard to make a comparison. It hits with force proportional to its mass, (Which can be set pretty high)and its speed relative to the object it's whacking. Put a probe on a tank, take that to the launch pad, then take a few shots to see what you can do. Pretty sure the mass is in tons, btw.
  20. Welcome to the KSP Forums! I've just been learning to land shuttles, so if these are things you're making yourself, try to keep the centre of mass in front of the center of lift by a little bit. My adivce is that the further behind the COM you put the COL, the more stable it is, yet it is harder to manoeuvre. The further in front it is, the more manoeuvrable it is, but it won't stay on course as easy. I landed this with a keyboard, but I imagine using a joystick does give smother control.
  21. (Another necro.) Same! I wanted to offer names for that big crater on the Mun that always faces Kerbin. (Great Crater) and the island in the middle of Kerbin's impact crater. (Krakentoa) Maybe we could still do some discussion, then voting? I prefer discussion to simple polls.
  22. Currently, SAS modules don't actually add torque, but they will in the next update. Untill then, you want probe cores. Lots of probe cores. They do add torque. Also, welcome to the forums!
  23. Welcome to the KSP forums! Also, I recommend parachutes for Duna landings. Lots of parachutes...
  24. Looks like you need more between tanks. Strut them together with this kind of pattern. Constructing a ring of struts between the tanks should hold it. Also, you may want to add grey tanks below the orange ones, that reduces the overheating.
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