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Everything posted by Tw1

  1. Basically, using the ground to stop yourself. Typically, violent lithobraking events are unintentional. But It can be used cleverly, to remove excess parts. I tried firing cables at the ground the other day, to slow me down, but it didn't work so well. A survivable version of lithobraking is shown in this video, the Opportunity landing. Though there have also been things that performed a "Hard landing" deliberately. That's the kind of landing you do not walk away from.
  2. You'd have to time it absolutely perfectly, so that your sub-obital craft's docking ports meat the other's at exactly apoapsis.
  3. I thought the green was just they hadn't rendered it properly for the preview version. Perhaps its the same with the terrain, and something mucked it up, and they didn't go an flatten it in time. It would be nice to get some confirmation for this.
  4. Sounds logical to me. Though the alternate type of logic is to send a tiny probe there first, practice landing at take of and what not, but I didn't do that either.
  5. It may be easier to escape from Ike's low gravity, if everything is lined up right. Let's wait for a mathemagician to turn up and give some numbers.
  6. It also varies on your design. Some things are fine at 30m/s, some things tip with a slight turn at 10, with the same gravity.
  7. True, but boats and amphibious vehicles are still something many of us do. And there's still the option to recover a landing that didn't go so well by landing beside the runway, if the ground is a lot flatter. It seems odd to remove usefulness. Plus it's less interesting to change it from beach like, to plain old Kerbin grass.
  8. P.S., use [ and ] for tags here, . I can sort of understand what they're doing. And TBH, who would be able to resist downloading even a test version?
  9. I was completing my Apollo mission when my Mun buggy decided to become a break dancer. As I no longer needed it, I just decided to save my kerbals, rather than quick load and save the rover. Sadly, one of them ended up dead. Then I hit F5 instead of F9. *Massive facepalm*
  10. Damn it! I'm pretty shure that didn't happen in the real thing. He then went "Poof" and the only way to save him would be to cheat and save file edit.
  11. Agreed about the island terrain changes, I hope they aren't in the final version. I started a thread about that. I agree the mountains look a little steep, but I think they can get away with that, for game play purposes, as they're right near the space center.
  12. I killed him Went pop on reload. There goes my Apollo recreation.
  13. I saw the changes to the Dirt Runway Island in the preview videos, and it was pretty much the first time I was disappointed with an update. If you haven't seen it, it's in this video here. With the runway being narrow, and far of the ground, most of my landings are made on the flat space around it to ensure safety. Plus, it's a nice place for people testing boats (stock and jet powered, or otherwise) intended for Laythe or Eve to make a run to. The new, cliff edged site does not look very boat friendly. The old one had a nice, beachy island kind of feel. It had wide ocean views. From the preview, it looks like any other place on Kerbin. I say it is worth reconsidering the changes to that island for the released version, or if it is too late, reverting it for the version after that. For the record, this is the only disappointing thing, so that's probably a good sign.
  14. I don't like the changes to the island much, that big new cliff makes it harder for boat operations. It's lost its beach like feel, I liked having debris scattered in the sand. So that's disappointing, don't quite see what benefit it has. Looks like I'll have to land on the other side of the runway now, I could never stay on that thing... Still, quite disappointed with that change.
  15. I'd save fuel, unless it's very important. Like you've got something else happening at that time that you don't want to miss. Better to save it in case, problems.
  16. Currently, the only way is to move to another SOI or return to space center. Warning, anything floating in the air will be deleted when you go back to space center.
  17. That's a pity. I hope they make a return some day.
  18. My KSC is normally littered with stuff, so it doesn't take much to find it. I saw a really cool thread a while though where someone had made a huge spot light that lit everything up like crazy. My own enhancements are a lot tamer.
  19. Unless doing an aeroassist. Which may not work in KSP.
  20. I do too. My first missions to other planets were all manned, each carrying three satellites, and four probe-rovers. Though how these were delivered, and the levels of success all varied. My first Jool mission was no flyby. I sent an elaborate probe that would place rovers on all the moons. The third version if it is actually succeeding. If you've got the budget, (which is currently no issue in kerbal) it makes sense to do it this way, and get the most of of each launch window.
  21. I've been meaning to plot delta V verses thrust with fuel tanks for every engine, for craft design purposes. Anyone done that yet? If not, must be my go.
  22. True, but there's still a higher delta V cost, and it's almost a year to get there, compared to two months.
  23. Why not both? Limited time maybe. Duna is easier too get to, and has less gravity and atmosphere. It's also closer to the sun. It's cold, and has none-to minimal in situe oxygen and water. It may have dust storms, and lack magnetic fields, if it is like Mars. It seems to be geologically dead, lacking techtonics or active volcanoes. But we never know. Laythe is harder to get to, more atmosphere and about twice the gravity. It's a little less cold, (from. Memory), and has oxygen in the atmosphere, and water is likely present in its oceans. It is likely to be volcanicaly active, so chose your location on an island that doesn't look like a recent volcano. It also looks like it could have techonic activity, a slight risk. Magnetic field levels are unknown, but it is within Jool's radiation belt which could pose a risk. Laythe has resources on site that could help sustain the base, Duna does not. But Duna is a lot more convenient to get to. Both have radiation risks, but it'd still be safer than being in space for the same amount of time. Laythe has more gravity to fight on the way up, but the oxygen allows jets to be used, and you can land easily with parachutes. Longer term, higher gravity may be more healthy. I reckon both have pretty cool scenery. You can jump higher on Duna, but on Laythe you can go swimming in your space suit. Pretty well matched in my view.
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