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Everything posted by Tw1

  1. A yearly budget in addition to contracts, which you earn based on how much you achieved this year, and exploration mechanics that let you do a detailed and involved examination of where you've landed. Also, something similar to station science mod to give a purpose to building and managing stations and bases.
  2. Fascinating concept. Will you be limiting this to the existing traits kerbals have, or adding extra ones? For example, compared to most kerbals, an extraverted kerbal might loose sanity faster on their own, but much slower in big groups. For introverted ones, the opposite is true. Maybe these could be less common than 'regular' kerbals, I can imagine introverted ones would be very useful for long term postings. Those recreational parts sound like they'll be important. Will adding more room with regular stock parks will also reduce sanity loss? Maybe while landed on a planet, it also depletes slower? Sounds interesting, will keep an eye on it.
  3. This message brought to you by the Dres Tourism Association. Also, I've totes been there. It has cool bumps all over the place. No lie...
  4. Ten sales http://i.ytimg.com/vi/grtXUgwyFaw/hqdefault.jpg
  5. The techniques I described above can be used in urban areas too. It is true rail lines can become a barrier to traffic and pedestrians. But no more than a bunch of private buildings can be. A rail line must be planned carefully. Some's being cheap if level crossings are being used in an entirely new heavy rail line in a modern, first world city. As for that infrastructure cost. To build from scratch? Many, many billions, that's an extensive system. The trick is return on investment- building infrastructure that will pay for itself over time, (or provide other benefits deemed worth the cost.) It's not quite so that new freight infrastructure is not worth it. Here in NSW (State in Australia) I know of a few proposed, and ongoing freight rail projects. Rail is great for hauling large amounts of stuff from depot to depot. Here, trains play an important role in getting coal and grain to port. Most long distance rail traffic here is freight movements, and I believe the same is true in Argentina. No solution is the be all and end all of transportation. Unless we discover cheap teleportation.
  6. And this is the #1 flaw in career. mode. By only giving the player a set of finite set of gaols, they've given a save a much shorter period of maximum engagement. Had they thought things through and made it more about keeping a productive space program going, saves could last for ages.
  7. I have to agree. There will be cool stuff here, but really it's just another update.
  8. I'd like to point out that you don't necessarily need to cut roads to run rail. That's a matter of design and planning. Where a line must cross a road, it can be designed so one will pass over the other. Where you can't use terrain to your advantage, an underpass or overpass can be constructed. Usually it's simpler get most of the clearance by adjusting the road, as it can be made a lot steeper than rail. Especially if allowing for freight trains, you need to keep the track's grade as low as possible. *Quick and nasty paint diagram* Sometimes it's not practical to modify the road. In these cases the rail can be elevated or constructed in tunnels. If neither of these options are suitable, then perhaps the route needs to be rethought. Sure, there will be some temporary construction disturbance. But that's temporary In the end, the best freight option will vary from situation to situation.
  9. I have to agree with both. This is why I would've prefered them to take a quite different approach to career mode. One where the player leads, rather than being nagged. One where you feel like a space program director, and space explorer, not just a rocket maker/pilot with a task list, and stuff to buy, I've been thinking about this for a while now, and have come with a system which I think irons out most of the issues with time based budget, and gives incentives to do various space exploration things that the current game doesn't really represent well. In my ideal game mode, most of your funds would come from a yearly* payment from "sponsors". *Kerbin years These payments would come with a little pop up thing reviewing how the year went. How much gets paid would be determined by several factors: Historic achievements, new achievements, exploration, knowledge, research, and reputation. What these terms mean: Historic Achievements: A hidden stat based on milestones you've completed in the game. Achieving orbit, achieving a docking, rendezvous, reaching orbit with a vessel of x mass, planets you've flown past/orbited/landed on, etc. It would work a lot like kerbal experience. New Achievements: Basically, the same as above, but only ones from the current year. Exploration: How much planetary surface you've been to, taken samples of, taken photos** of, etc, in the past year. Areas not previously visited/sampled, etc in the past few years are worth more. Areas you've never been to, even more. There'd need to be a system that records area visited, I imagine it working something like how the overlay of cells in kethane worked, but perhaps with smaller cells, to encourage roving. We could this overlay invisible to the player, increasing immersion, and giving incentive to mark places with flags. Or, it could visible, highlighting places you've been, as well as places you've been recently. Knowledge: How much you've discovered about each planet. Collected sort of like the current science is. Research: Determined by how many science experiments you've done, their valuedetermined similar to the current system, and how much research you've done. Research would be a special sort of contract. It would be run from a crewed lab, which would need a number of specific science parts, a number of kerbals, and take a considerable amount of time to complete. This idea assumes the addition of life support, making re-supply runs necessary. Reputation: Basically what it is now. Gain it for completing contracts, achieving milestones, etc, loose it for killing or firing kerbals. Especially, veteran ones. Reputation, Achievements and Knowledge would act like multipliers, but if you haven't made any New Achievements, or done any exploration or research that year, you won't be getting any payment from your sponsors. Contracts would still be there, but would play more of a secondary thing, letting you earn a few funds on the side. It's not unreasonable that others might ask things of your program, and it could be a good mechanism to implement more things, like multi probe experiments and space tourism. Also, related: my ideal science system:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/1767-Science-is-pretty-shallow-Could-it-be-shaken-up-a-bit **Photos are something I want to talk about in a future suggestion. TL, DR, Basically, it would reward you for doing space program type things with your space program. I'd love to see something more like this added in a future expansion.
  10. We had one out to take some photos a while ago, but IDK. Gregrox! You might be needed!
  11. Not sure what you mean, most of my vessels have been ok there. Well, some of them.
  12. Technically, the lightest thing you can make to get of Eve with only stock parts and physics would be about 0.13 tones.... Here's another one, which can land on Eve and get off it too. Can't remember how much mass this one had.
  13. Non windows user I guess? Windows comes with it by default. MS paint is associated with bad drawing because of it's basic nature when compared to other image editors, and the fact it it's so common, anyone can use it, no matter ability*. But I guess it's the thought that counts. *Though if you're patient and skilled, MS paint can be used to make awesome things.
  14. I think I captured the manic look my avatar kerbal has. Yep, the hat is poking through the helmet.
  15. Someone should make a version of it that does this next.
  16. I agree it's pretty odd. If it's supposed to simulate how as you payroll grows, you'll be spending on wages, does that mean a kerbal are only gets paid when another gets hired? I'm not sure it's the best choice, as currently you can do a fair bit by focusing on a few well-trained kerbals. This also acts as a disincentive to setting up crewed bases and stations, no point having costly kerbals just sit around if they aren't doing much good. That does sort of make sense. It makes your options Rescue, (costing funds and adding risk), Abandon (making it harder to get new kerbals), or "Terminate" (costing you reputation. Though adding a life support system would also bring penalties for abandoning kerbals. Not necessarily. Having wages as a cost per time would start to give time meaning as a resource. You already use time when time warping between places, until launch windows, etc. I do completely agree it's silly that 'you can just timewarp' is given as a reason why the time something takes shouldn't be a factor. There'd be things to gain, and things to lose if you timewarp, it's up to the player to manage their space program well. The game would be rewarding good management, more than ability to wait. True, but I don't think this is an all bad thing. It's more of a ballance, and player strategy issue. If kerbals don't cost to much, you have enough saved up, and your mission is well planed, you could still come out ahead. If it doesn't make sense to hold on to a kerbal, and they are costing you more than they gain, it might be time to consider laying of that kerbal. I think an incentive to do a few missions at the same time would be quite good. It would give you a reason to hire and train more than the bare minimum of kerbals, if having more than you need for one mission at a time provides a benefit. It could make the game more about running the space program, not just flying and building things for it. Though I can see it meaning a lot more grinding with test contracts. This is partially why I'd've rather seen career mode take a large focus on time management from the beginning. In my ideal game mode, most of your funds would come from a yearly payment from "sponsors". determined by several factors: achievements, exploration, knowledge, research, and reputation. Achievements: A hidden stat based on milestones you've completed in the game. Achieving orbit, achieving a docking, rendezvous, planets you've orbited/flew past/landed on, etc. Like kerbal experience points. Exploration: How much planetary surface you've been to, taken samples of, taken photos of, etc, in the past year. Area not previously visited is worth more. Knowledge: How much you've discovered about each planet. Collected sort of like the current science is. Research: Determined by how many science experiments you've done, their valuedetermined similar to the current system, and how much research you've done. Research would be a special sort of contract. It would be run from a crewed lab, which would need a number of specific science parts, a number of kerbals, and take a considerable amount of time to complete. This idea assumes the addition of life support, making re-supply runs necessary. Reputation: Basically what it is now. Gain it for completing contracts, achieving milestones, etc, loose it for killing or firing kerbals. Especially, veteran ones. Basically, it would reward you for doing space program type things with your space program. Reputation, achievements and knowledge would act like multipliers, but if you haven't made any new achievements, or done any exploration or research that year, you won't be getting any payment from your sponsors. Contracts would still be there, but would play more of a secondary, letting you earn a few funds on the side
  17. Blog posts are for whatever you want them to be used for. People use them for all sorts of things. A downside is they are much less likely to be seen than threads. There is a section where new blogs appear, but it doesn't seem to be visited as much. This might be advantageous to some people, you might be less likely to be accused of necroposting when it's a blog, not a thread being bumped. It's a different format to threads, with a lot more focus on the first post. I've used it as a place to put stuff I might link or quote in threads.
  18. I'm seeing a mix of fonts, so it's not everyone. Plus, it's not that hard to check. We're all moderators!
  19. Sometimes, it's nice to just go for a stroll in non-Earth gravity. Or poke around outside a spaceship.
  20. Infiniglide was pretty fun, if you managed to master it. My favourite would've been a close call between that and ladderdrive, but as infiniglide will be gone with the corrected aerodynamics model, ladderdrive wins.
  21. Perhaps an option could be to have a third slider thing in the middle of the two, which when moved, controls both, and takes them to the same level. le quick and dodgy mspaint diagram:
  22. Tw1

    First Thread?

    Mine was a question over if it was possible to Save file edit a ship in space back into the VAB. My first post (on this post Great Forum Glitch account) was
  23. I find it's good on toast. Also, useful for gassing my enemies.
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