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Everything posted by Tw1

  1. Not having gimbaling is the point of the LV-T30. If you remove that property, you might as well remove the engine, or the LV-T45- as Jouni says, it will be just like the LV-T45.
  2. I don't mind that they're fairly generic. They aren't going to be around in game for forever.
  3. I agree, the rep needs some changes- surely that should be there to measure your program's success. The progression is looking good. Now they just need to flesh out some other aspects of career so there's gameplay to engage with after everything has been unlocked.
  4. Yes please. And female kerbals. Once the art team is finished fixing up the tier one, they'll be free to work on this, I hope.
  5. While I can see there being some situations where this could let you build things you couldn't just do with clever stage sequence design, there's only so many buttons on the keyboard. IDK if suddenly trying to hit Backspace+3 when your vessel starts to crumple is going to be that easy.
  6. Well, this is unfortunate for those of us who already have a single kerbal on a long term mission who needs to be able to fix stuff, and has a name that can't be changed for reasons. But, having reviewed the traits of the OoE/CoM cast, I'm reasonably happy. Plus, pilots can be made redundant by mechjeb. Engineers can be done without if you make sure that certain parts aren't going to break. Perhaps a mod will be able give multiple specialisations to kerbals in the near future.
  7. That is an intriguing, yet nicely done picture. I would like to hear that long story, if possible.
  8. Well, there's my ladderlift craft, which theoretically can get anywhere except Eve.... But I haven't gone very far yet because of the long 'burn' times. But maybe I can take some planning ideas from Ziv's incredibly awesome mission.
  9. And yet your flag matches the template exactly... There definitely is something up here. OK, now I'm looking for it, I notice the problem. StarVision is correct: This is something Squad needs to fix.
  10. Tw1

    Spoiler Free?

    Agreed. As long as KSP is still interesting for me, I'm sticking around. And will continue to argue for more science like science until squad, or a super skilled mod maker manages to develope something like that. That said, I can understand people who want to wait- interest in a game comes and goes. Might as well be fresh for a new update.
  11. With a quick test, I confirm what the OP said, flag not circular, not behaving as perspective changes would predict: Not having the right aspect ratio could do it. How does it look on kerbal planted flags? The solution might be to make a new flag file, using an existing one as a template, at least for image size. That's what I did for flags I've made, and I haven't run into this problem. Also, nice flag. Strange symbolism.
  12. It varies quite a bit. I tend to just built what I feel like, what I think looks good or will do the job. The things I make vary from rugged and sort of realistic: To random and crazy for the sake of it: With a few cases of imaginative, retro-futuristic.
  13. Did it look anything like this? 'Cause there is one bug I will be so happy to see die, but am waiting for 0.90 to go through the test half the mods at a time process. And hoping a new version might get rid of it.
  14. Well, that's one way to start a colony.
  15. I too have been thinking about more experiments with this sort of thing. Never got around to it. The ideal gun would have several S3 KS-25, each spaced so that the payload, (Kerbal) passes into the zone of thrust effect at the same time a physics calculation is made, to make most effective use of each engine. Mega cannons make for some great screenshots. But the phase-a-kerbal-through approach is more efficient
  16. I like draw and write, to bike ride, read, browse the internet (I read a lot of webcomics), and listen to radio. I also spend a little time helping out with church stuff, suffering through uni work (But yay for holidays!) plotting the downfall of my enemies, and occasionally do the odd chore... Also, sleeping and eating, as these are important for continued existence.
  17. Mine vary a little. But generally, it depends. If these options exist on a ship, I tend to follow these rules. 1. Main engines. 2. VTOL engines. 3. Main ladder/s (This one I basically never use for something else.) 4. Retro engines/Extend panels/antenna. 5.Extend panels/antenna. (Used for this more often than 4) 6. (Free for special feature. Or, intake toggle). 7. (Free for special feature). 8. Camera. 9. Camera. 0. Toggle rover back wheel steering. But these are not always locked in. For example, on my Eve Oceans Explorer, I have 1&2 controlling the bump taker wheels, 3,5,6, control various ladders, and I'm considering making 4 control the forward lights (only). Sometimes, a complex ship breaks parts of this pattern, as I need gaps for doing stuff when docked. For example, the crew module of my Jool mothership has its engines set to 4, so they can be toggled without interfering with the engines on the landers. I don't think this is something we'll be able to agree to standardise. As long as you know how a craft is supposed to fly/land/drive/whatever, it's not too hard to set them to your own action groups, and become a little more familiar with them in the process. I don't download craft much, as you just don't know them like something you made from the root part up.
  18. I too, spotted something. That is an interesting explanation for the Pol spires. I had wondered if they were related to the low gravity and a high spin in the past, but that was more wild guessing than careful consideration. That line on Bop is an interesting phenomenon. So sudden.
  19. It is true that some stuff just sinks into the depths, even if it's something you've worked on and are proud of. I used to get a bit competitive about new fan works threads, not posting in other cool threads if they would push mine down before a certain time. But I have my favorite threads in my sig now, where anyone interested can access whenever. Like many things, the key is balance, and checking motivation. Promoting stuff can be fun, making great stuff can bring good to others. It can be a great boost to the self esteem to get recognition. But it is possible to rely on it too much, or start to annoy, and look desperate and attention seeking in the eyes of others. I try to make it a rule: When making something for the internet, not for pay or earning an education, try not to go too far beyond what you would make just for yourself. I have folders full of things I've photoshopped or written, but never shared, (non kerbal stuff). I like how this thread has evolved into a discussion about reputation, and the issues around it. It seems completely appropriate.
  20. Some sort of map making, (along with detailed science that's actually like science.) Is something I've long wanted to see as part of the R & D building.
  21. And more than that guy who actually made the game that's the reason we came here in the first place... It just shows rep is more about the cool things you do on the forum, than anything else. I must have a go of that shuttle some time, though...
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