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Everything posted by Tw1

  1. If there are no other requirements due to the design, I go diagonally. Just because.
  2. That would be a really good way of doing flight engineers. Though I beleive engineering skill may be needed to fix some parts, but I want to see them provide stats now. Less trained ones would only be able to give figures to the nearest 100, or 10, etc.
  3. Looked good when I saw it in the sheds, (assisted with photography) but you'll have to check with Gregrox, or whoever's serving as guard, (if we have one). It looked like only the senior moderators had carriages with working emergency brakes. Train brakes usually fail on, so ironically, the system must be in top condition.
  4. Ustream is doing a replay now, looks like
  5. Same! Was just about to sleep. I'll have to watch the video in the morning.
  6. I have similar thoughts about the science mechanic. It doesn't inspire, it doesn't feel like doing real science. The split the tree thing does make sense, IDk if you could still make it so you get all the parts you need to operate different vessels in a logical order. But that really comes down to the details of how it's balanced, and set out. My own thoughts were more derived around how science doesn't really encourage you to run a space program with any complexity, doesn't make surface exploration fun, and stuff like that.The tech tree, I'm not fussed about. I had a similar concept of Knowledge, but separated that from points, those became tech points: Research Levels, where you deploy probes, stations, bases, etc, to do on going experiments. This would be a point scoring system, but rather than a tally, these would be levels which rise and fall. Getting, and then keeping Research Levels high would be a boost to Reputation, (and through that, a boost to your budget, and available contracts). These Levels would be dependant on how much your space program is currently contributing to science through on going experiments, on going monitoring (think solar wind measuring satellites, etc,), as well as the more instantaneous Data collection. Ongoing Experiments would be done in a science lab. These would not go forever- some would have limited lives, or need resupplying. Different ones would be available, and cost money to run. The cost would offset one advantage- the penalty for having multiple experiments in the one place would be less steep, letting you build big research complexes. It is possible having certain science parts on your ship would be required to do some experiments though. Monitoring equipment would be cameras, magnetometers, the thermometer, that sort of thing. These could break down, or need to be upgraded (technically, this would just be a replacement-upgrade would be the in-game reason for why the equipment is no longer contributing as much research) Having multiple monitoring systems on the same ship generally, would not be useful. To get more research happening, they should be in different biomes/orbits. Research will be higher when you first arrive at a new planet, and fall with time, but never become insignificant. Monitoring would happen in the background, all the player needs to is activate them, land them, or put them on the right trajectory, leave them. The parts used for the scientific Monitoring and Data collection would overlap where logical. Research Levels could be subdivided into different types- Physics, Chemistry, Biology, etc, as well as the solar system Knowledge. However, unlike the others, the Knowledge one wouldn't rise and fall, only rise-providing a permanent boost. Getting these to their full levels should be hard. Admin building strategies could be used to boost them. Lastly- Experiment Contracts- Much the same as we have now, but also including contracts for experiments that aren't possible under the other systems. E.g- transmitting a radio signal while on the other side of the Sun to Kerbin to test Albert kermanstine's theory of relativity- Where appropriate, the results from these would contribute to Knowledge, and temporarily boost the appropriate Research Level. How would the tech tree fit into this? The current science point thing works fine for unlocking that tree. It could stay the same, but the points renamed "Tech Points" or something like that. They'd only be shown in relevant places. What about asteroids? Contribute to knowledge until you've found all types. Grabbing and capture could give boosts to Research Level. Something that might be useful for a contract. TL,DR version: I'd break science into three things, Knowledge- building up a picture of the solar system. Research- Ongoing testing and monitoring. Experiment contracts- for other, special experiments. Giving you something to complete, something to ongoingly work on, and tasks you can follow. That would offer a much greater experience than the current, superficial system. Tech points would be earnt as a separate thing, similar to Science points now. After all, a fun experience is all a computer game can offer. *It is true this is rectified to an extent by contracts, but they still don't offer much of a science experience, plus there's the odd discrepancy of being asked for data that is apparently not valuable... Something with ideas in the original post of this thread, and the quoted section just above, could be a really awesome game.
  7. One thing that would be good, wrapped in with the other editor changes, is the abilty to press Esc, and have the part you were about to move stop being moved. It would be less lag than having to use Ctrl Z.
  8. Sorry, that was my mistake. Hit submit post instead of preview while working on Ch 2, Prt 5. deleted it fast, as it wasn't done. Should be out in a few days. That part of Eve does look interesting. For a story called Oceans of Eve, so far, there hasn't been that much ocean. Chapter three is going to set this right. Also, have a teaser image ... I forgot to turn of star reflections for one scene. Please ignore them.
  9. Watched guardians of the Galaxy. Saw a spaceship tumble as it fell, then regain stability, and fly straight back up when the throttle was pulled. Literally my first thought was he must be using gimbaling engines for control authority. You should learn to Rollerblade. Get close enough to a column, grab it with your arm, then you can change trajectory.
  10. I sincerely hope there is some plan for science post tech tree. And not just as a currency that can be traded. I think the current system is flawed, as you point out, it doesn't inspire you to set up any of those more complex things. I have an idea for an alternate system in my forum blog if you're interested. To me, the science and tech tree parts of the game are far too integrated. A better type of science would encourage you to explore, and build things on your own initiative. Contracts are fine, but if it's only them, the game becomes a list to tick off, not exploration to experience.
  11. Of course, if you get bored of that, or don't feel like fitting in, there's always the customise option.
  12. Moho eh? Not bad. Moho makes me think of the Goron music from Zelda, or it would have if they had kept the idea of it having lava on it all all that.
  13. Nope. Surprise! Now to vanish into the ether, and never post in the thread again.
  14. Lately, in my KSP: I loaded up my main save, and found vessels which were supposed to be in LKO, flying out into interplanetary space. Lucky, it wasn't impossible to fix, thanks to hyperedit. Today, I found none of my saves were loading. Mucked about with the tutorials, while working out the problem. I don't think Jeb is listening to Gene's ladder instructions. Solved the problem, one of my saves had been truncated- restored it from a backup. And last, but not least, I finished the images for the next installment of OoE/CoM! Coming soon to the fanworks forum near you! *Hides from Calculuswarrior* Seriously though, The Kold War is also definitely worth the read. I expect to have the writing done later this week.
  15. Nope, the model is from kerbalizer. I just altered the face in GIMP, mainly the hairline and jaw bone areas. It's a lot easier to do this with a kerbal, when attempting the same with a human you also have eyebrows, the nose, forehead, cheekbones, and lots of other stuff to deal with. Then you've got to be precise enough to avoid the uncanny valley, but kerbals are already cartoonish enough to avoid this.
  16. My go. Not really a modder, but anyway... Question 1: Are you an active user of modifications in KSP? Yes. Question 2: Do you create modifications to KSP? If so, what are your motivations for developing modifications to Kerbal? Do you develop for your own personal use or for other users? Are you looking to showcase your skills for commercial companies or simply for your own enjoyment? If not, what are your reasons for not creating modifications? I attempted to once, but was thwarted by a mod mine would've depended on to work as needed, and lack of skills needed to correct those issues. As you can guess from that, I'm not looking to showcase anything. Question 3: Why did you choose KSP as your platform for creating modifications? Do you develop in other games as well? If so, which? What does Kerbal offer you that other games do not? I chose it because it is a game I play, I felt there was something to be added. I have not attempted to mod any other games to date. Kerbal is very moddable, and the tools to make a simple mod, like unity, have versions available for free. Question 4: Which types mods do you create and/or use in KSP and why? I generally use mods which provide useful tools, or add to the experience. (Technically, all mods could probably fall into this description though...) Things like KAS, which makes kerbals a lot more useful, camera and first person camera mods, mechjeb, hyperedit, visual improvement mods, and a few part packs which open up opportunities not available with only stock, like LLL for base construction. Question 8: Do you contribute to the KSP community in other ways beside creating modifications? I make fanworks, art, stories. Question 9: Do you have any other comments or issues you want to address regarding KSP? KSP is an awesome game, does not seem to be living up to its full potential as a fun space experience. But different players want different things. Mods help make game a more full, and awesome experience.
  17. Bring the target to me? Sounds good. Putting a body significantly below the synchronous hight makes for some interesting flying. But yeah, hyperedit is more of a tool, for testing (The planet editor's copy to Kerbin feature is great.), crazy experiments, it's also incredibly useful for setting up things for videos, or other complex fanworks.
  18. A WIP, I 'shopped myself a female kerbal, and was quite happy how she turned out. She's not going to be so prominent in the final image, so I'm putting this here.
  19. I like the look of the new parts, I look forward to having them. The upgrade to the Mk3 cockpit was something I wasn't sure about for a while, but the new one should work well, even for my less conventional use of it as a rover cab.
  20. Sea Sickness Cure was one that did it, though it is no longer needed nowdays. Though it would be nice to have it in space. I could re-build the station with a 'balcony' I had back in '0.18 This would be an awesome mod. With a different model, you could have ice skates. Magnetic boots would be nice to, but there are a number of (not insurmountable) issues. Velcro would be better, for most situations.
  21. Welcome aboard! We look forward to seeing your thing take shape.
  22. Nice ships. Nicely documented as well.
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