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Everything posted by Tw1

  1. It's ok guys. It will all be over soon. Nicely set up photo!
  2. Even better, a repeat last part button. Though the alt trick will make life easier, as long as you have a good aim.
  3. Well done! Welcome to the forums. Would you consider creating a female variant? (drawing not mine)
  4. Time to break out the neuralyzer. Thanks to the mods for stamping on it quickly.
  5. I stood on the VAB roof, and surveyed the kingdom. Then I walked into the light. Or, what I what I was really doing -testing my Laythe lander. It is now approved for orbit, and demonstrated VTOL ability, great for fine tuning landing sites. However, the reentry needs work.
  6. But kerbin has two moons. Giving another to Duna would make the kerbal solar system more a copy of ours, and less interesting I think. I'm still hopeing for Discoverable planets, mission planning tools, life support to make time management important, and something to do, to make it worth spending time on planets. And that female kerbals arrive soon.
  7. No, but this sounds like a great idea to add with the Kerbal constructs mod.
  8. I think the structural intake is there to replace the radial intake, but I would've like to see one where you can actually see it open and close. Like one of those cars with pop up headlights: Le quick paint drawing
  9. Not entirely, it can modify the stock chutes. Though, perhaps it's going to be one of the IVA mods. Actually, this is a good point. Now, there's a number more I'm hoping it's not.
  10. I hope it's the porkchop plot maker, as a tool in mission control. Or KAS. Not another big part mod I hope, though there is great stuff out there, I'd rather have the memory space to customise. Unless it's lack's KSC+. That would be cool Scansat could be nice to, as long as it science works the way it does.
  11. I do like your ideas about multiple crews, but I disagree with the idea that the advantages of having lots of kerbals should decline. Bringing 100 kerbals to Jool, with life-support would be quite a feat. I like your idea of morale it's a good solution to many issues. But I think life support resource, where depletion eventually leads to a kerbal's death is important. Maybe that could last for so long after freezing? 0.5 to 2.0 times depending on difficulty settings?
  12. I had an concept for something like this in another thread, where discussion turned to mission planning features.
  13. I am hoping that it isn't that these things are crazy OP, but that they have big plans for science points in the future. Something beyond the tech tree.
  14. Not quite what you are looking for, but I made an album that compares the shapes of equivalent parts.
  15. That's quite some bug. Where you still able to click on parts that had dropped, as if they were part of the same ship, or did they properly fall off? I'm wondering if the camera wierdness in one of those videos is another bug that sometimes happens, or just the result of the COM not being inside the part of the craft that's flying. A quick way to show all your mods is to screenshot your gamedata folder, but I'm pretty sure those clever modder people can also work it out if you give them the output log (in KSP data).
  16. I agree, mission planning of some sort makes sense to be included eventually. I'm torn between wanting it in the Tracking Station, or in Mission Control. The Tracking Station makes sense, as the solar system map is already loaded. But as this is about planning your missions, it would be nice to have it in Mission Control. As well as the manoeuvre node planner, they could have other info- maybe a porkchop plot generator, based of alexmoon's one, and a little explanation how it works. If "We don't want to take the trial and error out by giving you a delta V counter" is still a thing, they could not give you a delta V value, and just have it show "most efficient", and "least efficient" Or at very least, a one dimensional version that shows no arrival date. It could have different features to the map view in Tracking station: The ability to time warp forwards and backwards, without changing the "real" world. A fast forward to date would be useful to. The ability to start a node from a point on the ground, or from any ship. Maybe a tally off all the manoeuvre nodes? Or list of all nodes, and their info, letting you select each? Perhaps allowing two strings of manoeuvre nodes at once, so you can plan arrivals of two ships, or use one as a target orbit for something that's not there yet. Manuver nodes that you planned here could be saved to the ship you planned them on, or transferred to a ship you've newly put on the Launchpad/Runway. As an alternative to the Porkchop plot thing proposed above, they could have something that shows the phase angle between the body you're near/ focused on, and your target. This could go from red to green as you reach the optimal angle. Though I prefer the other idea. I think it should be harder, if not not possible to load a ship from this mission planning screen, to reduce the chance of accidents. Perhaps switching to ships could be done like in the space centre scene. The main problems I see with not having it in the tracking station are- People could go to the tracking station by mistake. Or, they go there, then decide they want to test something first, and have to go back to the space centre, then to mission control. That's a lot more loading time than just switching a few features off. But maybe it's time they let us go straight from one building to another. If switching and finding asteroids can be done from there, it would make the Tracking Station redundant. The tracking station would need more tracking stuff features. I think we're fine without it, but it would be useful, for bigger missions and planing gravity assists. Plus, more planning tools fleshes it out more, and would be good for immersion. Less use of outside tools, and all this planning would feel more like you're running a space program. Also, since this is the what I'd like to see in 0.26 thread, I will repeat that we are overdue for female kerbals. Having all the in game jobs held by men kerbals = not a good message for KSP.
  17. I've used this techniques on all my shuttles so far. Kerbals just have stronger cargo bay doors. Mun, and Minmus, out my window. Those wings are normally level with the others. But I'm not sure fixing those wings in place would improve anything. Maybe. IDK. We're going to buzz the tower. But first, let me take a selfie. Uh.... No longer aiming towrds the tower, turns hard: No!
  18. Today, I installed NEAR, the simpler version of FAR, *suddenly breaks into a truly awesome recorder rectal of the titanic song* Also, , be cause it was time to get ISP right. Then it was time for Ssccience! The testing stuff kind, not the watered down careermode kind Got to know how engines work now. Warning. Our flight is now ending. You may experience sudden deceleration and then death. Thank you for flying R&D aerospace. Yeah, I forgot landing gear. I did get that rocket plane thing to orbit, where it ended up stuck. I sent Bob and Rohat to rescue them. The new navball makers made it easy to get home on RCS, even though I didn't put any pointing forward or backward. And came home to a safe landing. I've decided I really like these new parts, those two cockpits in particular.
  19. I am having a problem with some textures not loading also. This seems to be making some parts not load, or load with odd textures. Recreated in install with only stock, ATM, and a mod with the issue: Could this be an issue with the other mod's textures? Should I forward the issue to them?
  20. If you hate Mario, it is probably reasonable that you would hate Jeb as well. Personally, I like how characters have evolved from simple bobble headed faces in screens who have slight variations in what face they make when. But I also like to have my own kerbal characters. That's interesting. Most observe Bob to be the most screamy, (if that's a word it's a word now). How does this play a role in your characterisation of him? This is more how I see them, but I like to think of Bill as more an engineer type. He's a lot less worried than Bob as he better knows what's going on, but not as wildly enthusiastic as thrillmaster pilot Jeb.
  21. When you are helping run a lego robotics club, and you feel an instinct to replace the many little parts on a counterweight with larger, less complex parts. And when you help a kid disassemble a segment for modification, both of you forget how it went together in the first place, and you feel the urge for press Crtl+Z... But then again, that happens to me when using paper. I rote a review of Kerbal for a course I did on astronomy. It was like converting gameplay time into uni study time. I do something similar in tennis, but I always did that. I do the same thing with solar panels...
  22. One ship destroy them all, one ship to blast them. One ship to bring them down, and to debris reduce them.... I'm thinking the most practical stock way to do this would be a roving missle platform with SRBs times the number of targets. The hardest but potentially awesome would be the above mentioned cluster bomb of some sorts, set of above KSC. Somewhere in between would be a bomb dropping plane.
  23. I think we'd need a bigger aircraft carrier. Or maybe several lined up, then bolted together ensure a flat surface....
  24. Depends on your definition of pocket universe. Some explain the tardis that with ideas of bent space-time, making a little bag of space somehow.
  25. That would be an interesting thing to do, but once it's donel the game still wouldn't feel like you're managing a space program. It would again, be sanbbox with budget I am hoping career gets fleshed out a lot more, and that tech tree and contracts aren't the whole picture. As I posted earlier, managment would make it feel like a career of running a space program, not sandbox with some obstacles.
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