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    Kerbonaut since 2011
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  1. It's really not, everything with gravity is on rails, so the game knows exactly when and how it will happen (Though it doesn't simulate all future orbits) due to that fixed model. Except it's never the Kerbals who mess up, only you, the player. Something that's fully automized and idle shouldn't need constant watching and upkeep, since that defeats the whole purpose of it. If you've done a big ksp1 campaign with lots of miners, tankers, bases, stations, etc you know the tedium of doing all that, even with help from stuff like MechJeb. (Though as I said before, some kind of lifespan limit would be fun, but not randomness) I was assuming landing on a fixed location, like a base, that would stay the same. It would time itself to whatever target it has in orbit, so the launch, approach, docking, etc would all be the same repeating pattern. Changing difficulty shouldn't make your mistakes cost more, but actually make the game more challenging, something a lot of games fail at. As a veteran KSP player (I remember using winglets as landing legs...) I've done just about everything more than once, and other than the few decent contracts there's only external challenges that really test me. And as I said before, it's gotta be predictable.
  2. Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 Home 64-bit | CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 4700G | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti | RAM: 16GB The collision detection for the Communotron DTS-M1 appears to be locked in the extended position, despite the antenna not having been deployed, causing fairings that should fit outside it to be deleted when completed. Doesn't happen with any other antenna or extendable/deployable part as far as I can tell.
  3. The game would of course keep track of all objects and their possible collisions, and if one were imminent it could then load the proper physics for just that interaction. But with the game warning you when a controllable craft is on an impact trajectory, and the "traditional" way of simply deleting uncontrolled crafts/debris when the simplified on-rails model would be destroyed, you really don't need fancy simulations or physics. Even if we get selfcontrolled crafts that can dock and land by themselves they won't need detailed simulating, just the simple one part model. Docking doesn't need much either, just match the speed and position, add the masses together, and then consider them docked. You don't even need to add the masses if it's landing on a base. And assuming it's a repeating task you'd only need to properly simulate the active (when the craft isn't just on rails, like landing, liftoff, etc) part once and then just play it back. If that feels too deterministic just think of it as the craft adapting to different circumstances to achieve the same outcome. A any object can be simplified as relatively few values, even when active, all the components don't need to be individually simulated until it's being rendered for the player. If the craft has something like solar panels, that can be affected by the orientation, you could just simulate it as alwats being in the ideal orientation for gathering power, so that the output is only affected by the position relative to Kerbol (though if you're using ion engines you would need more proper simulations) KSP isn't trying to be hyperrealistic, but just realistic enough so that it's challenging and fun, without the instability and randomness real space brings. (Though I wouldn't mind the option of some more realistic difficulties, like orbits degrading and parts wearing out, giving everything a limited lifespan unless maintained, sorta like what we see with the nuclear generators)
  4. Seems to only happen when what you're clicking on is in front of the atmosphere. The craft description also jumps between the craft and the planet if you have it open when clicking:
  5. Have you been able to do that before? Cuz it's always been like that, and while it'd be nice to do I don't think it's a bug
  6. Guessing it has to do with the node labels sticking together, you can see it jump/skip/fuse when they get close. Very annoying when trying to match orbits for docking
  7. Imgur is a pretty simple way to add images to posts, a bit more work but ends up looking great. Even lets you hide them in a spoiler (the eye symbol) like this: The instructions are as you say the most important part, and they are great, well done! Needing to warp twice explains my issues with replicating it despite having experienced it several times. Have you tried switching between the crafts between the timewarps? I.e. stage separation, retrograde burn, warp, switch to station, then warp again.
  8. Thanks @Anth12! thought I looked thoroughly enough for other reports but clearly not
  9. Reported Version: v0.1.3.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 Home 64-bit | CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 4700G | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti | RAM: 16GB Strange lines and flickering/flashing lights "island runway" island, not affected by graphic settings (though the lines are softer with anti aliasing on). More prominent on low altitude/viewing angle. Green flashes are bigger, purple smaller. Seen on other terrain too but not to this extent. Maybe something with the sunlight shining on/through the island during sunrise? They of course disappear the closer you get to the island. The lines move as the camera moves up which seems to me to result in some sort of interference pattern which makes me suspect it's a texture issue. Pics: Vid:
  10. Reported Version: v0.1.3.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 Home 64-bit | CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 4700G | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti | RAM: 16GB Deploying landing gear caused it to break/fall off the fuselage, and made some of the engines break/fall off the wings. Trying the same thing again with a slightly changed craft, and this time it destroyed all of the main fuselage, and resulted in a strange explosion in front of the craft. (The three "stages" might be a sign of something moving very quickly? Main culprit would be an LY-99 as only 3 of 4 are seen immediately after the RUD) Perhaps an issue with clipping too many parts together, as the wheel assembly was a bit overbuilt. Landing gear attached to fuselage with aerodynamic tanks and nosecones around it. Doesn't explain the engines though, as those were mounted directly to the wings, yet broke simultaneously.
  11. In an earlier version a plane I built ended up with similar wings after a circumnavigation at 4x timewarp, I assumed it was connected to the part misalignment since that also happened. Is it just a visual bug or does it affect the aerodynamics too? It gave mine a slight roll, but that could be the general misalignment and not the wingshape.
  12. This doesn't happen when they're in line with the COM since they then won't affect the roll in any way, so they work fine for most rockets, but very annoying for planes...
  13. @Anth12 you're welcome! I've got a few more to post too, gonna see if others found them first tho
  14. Reported Version: v0.1.3 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 Home 64-bit | CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 4700G | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti | RAM: 16GB (16384MB) SpaceX style recoverable/landable launcher fell over on landing and broke the probe core. Opened Tracking Center through esc menu and exited by pressing M. The fallen over launcher immediately started shaking and moving over the terrain and soon took flight. I eventually pressed fast forward and it vanished completely. (Along with the orbiting craft it launched, see previous report) It used the "new" airbrakes and reversed control surfaces (so that they went through the air in the right direction when landing) Two of the airbrakes were destroyed when it fell over, and the other two were destroyed immediately after leaving map view. My only theory is that the control surfaces generated lift as the craft was shaking, but no clue how the shaking started. Attaching closest savefile, a quicksave before the launcher and orbiter were separated, after which the launcher was landed, took about 14 in game minutes from separation to touchdown Included Attachments: KerbalSpaceProgram22023-06-2517-30-36.mp4 quicksave_160.json
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