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Everything posted by LaydeeDem

  1. I don't get how rendezvous has gotten harder. It has to be one of the easiest things to do in the game.
  2. Yeah! I didn't know we were that far in development already!
  3. Hey, about the Venera, if you want it to be unmanned you can read my post here. To make it unmaned add this to the part.cfg:
  4. I am getting the feeling someone copy pasted my old signature.
  5. Please watch this to learn on how to put it into unity:
  6. You cannot convert .mu files. Some of them have the original .DAE files in there, but for the mark 3 fuselage you are best downloading the original part from when spaceplanes was a mod: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/1004-C7-Aerospace-Division-Part-3-(Experimental-Gear-plugin-in-first-post)
  7. A lone Kerbonaut inched down the ladder. His large eyes fixed to the Munar regolith below. The sun gloriously reflecting off his golden visor as he triumphantly pressed his foot into the soil. His name was Jeb. No back story. No full name It doesn't make him feel like a real character. He is Jebediah Kerman and he will stay that way.
  8. I look forward to Dawn reaching Ceres in 2015, Juno arriving at Jupiter in 2016, and New Horizons arriving at Pluto the same year.
  9. Looks like someone likes sharing their political views. Please don't derail threads with politics.
  10. After cleaning out my game, I went right to work on making an orbiter rocket Presenting: The Kerbis-A on it's maiden test flight! Liftoff! Booster Separation: Orbit reached. Hmm, extra fuel... Let's take this puppy to the Mun! Jeb getting some fresh air: Still almost a tank left, TO MINMUS! Low orbit around Minmus: Oh no Dammit Jeb I hope I have enough RCS fuel left... To be continued...
  11. Hey brashpr0mpt. Calm the hell down. Before you even START making parts, you need to watch a few tutorials. You don't even know what a material is. You aren't ready for mod making yet. Watch these before you go and have your little temper tantrums on the forums: http://cgcookie.com/blender/2011/01/21/intro_uvmapping/
  12. This is a bug caused by a texture update done a while back. Simply open in paint and save it. It should work.
  13. Yeah? The value is still the same. It's still worth 18 USD.
  14. It's 0.17, not 1.7, just letting you know.
  15. Why people pirate an 18 dollar game with even more possibilities than Minecraft is beyond me.
  16. Oh yes Romney's plan for space exploration. Somehow make NASA the best without raising the budget. I'm not saying Obama's doing any better either though. I think we need someone who is actually smart to get into office. Why don't we have engineer or scientist presidents?
  17. How isn't we haven't destroyed ourselves yet.
  18. First of all, what do you need Python for? Second of all, it isn't hard to google a basic modeling tutorial. Third of all, all the KSP modding tutorials are mostly out dated now, and I wouldn't recomend using them. Go on youtube and look up a basic modeling tutorial. Find out how to UV unwrap. Show me a model, then we can talk about getting it in to KSP.
  19. Please remove me from the list, the memory bug is getting worse and it has made KSP basically unplayable for me. I might sign back up in .17.1, but for now I can't make the flight.
  20. Holst's The Planets. 'Mars' is the perfect piece to listen to during a landing.
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