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Everything posted by LaydeeDem

  1. Your intro was way too long and the video was just a slideshow.
  2. I've finished! It's taken a while, but I made it! Landing on Ike is actually much easier than landing on the Mun. Download: http://www./?qnnxsp8ttz187w1 K.A.S.A, you're up!
  3. I am going to bump this. I need this question answered.
  4. Don't post image macros, they're annoying. D_Killer, could you PM me and tell me what problem you are having? The link MartinVD posted is way outdated. It sounds like you want animation, so that tutorial is not going to help you at all.
  5. I hope you aren't trying to be funny.
  6. Landed on Duna once, and I have a probe orbiting Vall.
  7. Your signature fits my reaction perfectly:
  8. I tried adding landmasses to the planet but it didn't turn out so good.
  9. Sure we can brainstorm. I like the idea of the bowl of petunias. I am a huge fan of Douglas Adam's work. Just throwing out a suggestion of my own, can we have a Contact themed Easter egg? A giant dodecahedron encrusted in radio dishes floating out past Jool would make my day. EDIT: Also can a mod move this to suggestions? It's in the wrong section.
  10. I know right. I found this while orbiting Tylo: It's Carl Sagan!
  11. What about Contact? (Book and Movie)
  12. Hello Check out all the easter eggs here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/20962-0-17-Easter-eggs
  13. I just took my reliable Mun rocket from 0.16 and added a second pair of boosters to it.
  14. At the coordinates of the real moon landing: 0.647° N latitude, 23.505° E. longitude
  15. Not really 0.18 but: 0.17.1! I can finally go to Gilly! Good luck bug squashing devs!
  16. I really do not want docking, EVA actions, ect. Until they do an update mainly focused on fixing bugs and polishing the current features. The VAB needs organization, and there is memory bugs and Space Cthulhu. I love the new features, but it doesn't mean you have to forget about older features. Now can we please discuss 0.18 and stay on topic? Docking is not coming this update. Get over it.
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