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Everything posted by DevoidLight

  1. I loosely base my names of of Sci Fi games. Mass Effect mostly, a little bit of Halo as well.
  2. Unless you can point out where in the purchase agreement we were promised a weekly development blog your point is irrelevant. We paid for the game, and nothing so far has suggested it will not be delivered.
  3. It's still Tuesday in Mexico.
  4. [citation needed] [citation needed] [citation needed] [citation needed] [citation needed] [citation needed] [citation needed] [citation needed] Hmmm, that page might as well be a wishlist for all it tells us.
  5. How do you line up perfectly equatorial or polar orbits? For Kerbin equitorital I've been told to line it up with Mun, and that's worked out pretty well. Now I'm wondering about how to line up polar orbits, and equatorial orbits on other bodies.
  6. That would be really cool. It's immersive, and a reason to bring scientific instruments even after completing the tech tree.
  7. I'm not sure that photographs would fit well with the game's art style, but appropriately kerbalized substitutes, such as what Duna is for Mars, would be pretty cool.
  8. Relaying data by satelites is a great idea. As of now there is no real reason to maintain satelites and spacestations after the orbit experiments are complete.
  9. For an equatorial orbit sure, but for a polar orbit that's designed to observe as much ground as possible this would be great.
  10. Technically yes. What they actually do is keep the rocket pointing up, because they have a lower drag than the other parts. They will slow the rocket a little but they are definitely worth having or ships with a heavy take off stage.
  11. Squad intentionally made the tech tree easy to mod for a reason. Let people play haw they want.
  12. If you're looking for a science hit to help with a proper landing mission somewhere else, an Eve flyby should be a nice taste of interplanetary travel. It's got a huge gravity well so it's not too difficult to encounter. Do all the high and low orbit science. You could even parachute in a probe module with all the scientific instruments and a transmitter to grab the ground experiments. Although if you choose to land a kerbal there I wouldn't plan on getting them off again!
  13. Really? Awesome! I rage quit and stop playing for the day. I'll go cash that in now!
  14. Just did a trip to Minmus, and did all the high and low orbit experiments. Soft land in the water at 6m/s, and every single goo experiment and materials pod falls off.
  15. This. It's interesting learning to make do with what I have, rather than 'Orange tank, mainsail, asparagus' for everything.
  16. For manned missions in the Kerbin system battery power is more than enough. The first batteries you get are light enough that 8 or so won't noticeably affect your ship.
  17. I'll refrain from commenting on the difficulty of the system until we see how money factors into it. For all we know the excellent vessels the experienced players have breezed through the tree with may be to expensive to build at that point in the game.
  18. If you think of the early levels of the tech tree as a tutorial, it fixes itself. If you can breeze through the tutorial, you didn't need the tutorial in the first place. Also this.
  19. Good point. I think I might just start loading my boosters with parachutes as a habit.
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