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Everything posted by DevoidLight

  1. Kerbin's core is super magnetic, and kerbals and their craft are made of magnetic metals.
  2. If they somehow included a customizable favorites tab and this idea that would be amazing. I love them both.
  3. I will say that when I first heard about the tech tree concept I was half hoping for scattered alien technology you could stumble across and reverse engineer. Something like the Prothean tech on Mars that taught humanity about element zero and mass effect, for those of you who played Mass Effect.
  4. I really like the first idea of compiling all your collected data into an encyclopedia type thing. It could almost function as an achievement system letting you know where you have achieved orbit, landing, manned landing, ect. Also not sure if this is exactly what you meant but completing and retrieving experiments should also affect the information box you can open when you click on a planet in map view. Seeing information about soil composition, atmosphere, gravity and temperature that you gathered slowly build up would be extremely immersive.
  5. Last I checked, KSP doesn't even have a career mode yet. That post was obviously talking about the future.
  6. I was thinking about this earlier, and the idea I came up with was Emergency Funding. If your resources weren't enough to launch another mission to make more money, you could take this option, which would sell off/scrap all of your spacecraft, and your money would be set to just enough to launch a small mission to get yourself back on track. I thought that the cost of all your spacecraft would make this an absolute last resort option, and so you couldn't abuse it by buying another craft, taking funding, repeating a number of times, and then selling everything.
  7. As a newer player I'm looking forward to the career mode's R+D system. As I understand it will function somewhat like a tutorial, gradually introducing parts and their functions. Right now I really only have a grasp on liquid fuel rockets, and very basic Mun and Minmus landers.
  8. It's educational value far outweighs any explosions or very minor cuss words. I'd let my kids play it without a second thought.
  9. Good point. This is a great way to introduce a more natural and seamless tutorial. If you can breeze through it then you obviously didn't need it.
  10. What these hippies need to realize is that ethical science is boring. Science without cruelty is like a spaceship without fuel.
  11. My guess is that it will be scaled so we dont really have the money to build the science powerhouse ships that the experimental players have breezed through the tree with.
  12. Okay, thanks. I just wasn't sure if I should go to the planets themselves first or their moons.
  13. I hope that title wasn't intentionally misleading for more views.
  14. So after a number of disasters and quick saves I managed to land on Mun and Minmus, where would be an ideal next destination for a new player? And is there a list somewhere of a basic list of accomplishments new players should try for?
  15. Okay, I was thinking that players who were around for previous updates might know how it worked then, and maybe it would be the same.
  16. They aren't much, but they're mine. When I unlock the parts again I plan on reassembling and maybe slightly updating my spacestation if possible. If not, whatever, I'll live.
  17. 10 bucks says Scott Manley lands on another planet and returns with the first level parts.
  18. A time before maneuver nodes? As somebody who struggles even with them, this just boggles the mind.
  19. Because if so that would make building my space station a lot easier.
  20. I wonder if it will be possible to build a ship fast enough that it burns up before you even leave the atmosphere on take off?
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