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Everything posted by MGUARN

  1. well no if I learned about cells organelles ,and virus when i was 2 grade.(books) The user below me has an muffin.
  2. dont worry the dev was doing things on the game. Btw my nation is doing well my market is free ,and growth at a stable 4%.
  3. 10/10 that is a amazing pic love the astronut.
  4. Floor 10:A giant cider machine oh the cider is amazing ,and free.go drink some.
  5. 9/10 loss one due to it creeping me out.
  6. Well now ties became cool ,and sudden change in mood so ya im happy.
  7. I use a paper clip when there is no spoons ,forks, or knifes around.(usually occurs at school)
  8. Granted ,but it is a endless pit filled with muffins. I wish for 42 muffins
  9. banned because that seems like a big sig if you ask me.
  10. 10/10 because the funniest quote i seen in days.
  11. [Mlp lrealted ,and the image may be disturbing to younger viewers.]This because of the tempo of rthym of this song is the basic way of life for me.
  12. Well this should go somewere.
  13. Partical uplink cannon since it is a cannon. A planetary sized ship vs a Starship the size of a moon.
  14. Kerbal interstellar space ship Vs. A human militarized interstellar ship
  15. Nope. Person below me got a Maker Camp Ad on youtube.
  16. Well a giant steampowered robot can almost do anything.
  17. 5.5/10 since it it it is text ,but mentions explosions ,and fire.
  18. 5/10 since it is really tiny ,and the only viable colors I see are white ,and black.
  19. managed to privatize ,and increase quality of life.So everything in the U.S.K is going well.
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