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Rosco P. Coltrane

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Everything posted by Rosco P. Coltrane

  1. Wait wait, so is really joke and it won't happen?
  2. What?! I started reading thinking it was some kind of joke... as it turned out, it IS a joke, a very bad joke. You seriously want me to buy the privilege of using smilies? Seriously?! I'm sorry, but WHAT THE .... ARE YOU THINKING!
  3. Unfortunately, nothing stops EA from doing what they did with Maxis and the others: buying them and running them to the ground. PD: You say that now because you got a girlfriend. Otherwise one of your wishes would be different. j/k
  4. FYI, delta-V map updated. There are a couple of values missing but I'll have to call it a day and come back tomorrow because... well, because life.
  5. Actually there's an episode of Mythbusters where they try a number of high-end devices... It was very silly really, at the end, all they needed was a finger print, some enhancement picture (even just a black marker to have a cleaner print)... They built fake finger and all and even got the machine to accept the print on a piece of paper! In any case, the problem with fingerprints is that you leave them everywhere all the time, you don't leave your password in everything you touch... No matter how good a device is or can be, it's like having a supper dupper lock and leaving a copy of the keys everywhere you go for anybody to make a copy.
  6. Those of us over certain age have probably tons of these rejection events under our belt. So basically what I have to say, as others have: 1) Get used to it, it's highly unlikely the last time you get to be rejected as it's normal to all people, it happens to everybody... expect Brad Pitt maybe. 2) Let it go, stop thinking about it and go live your life. It's easy to go into thinking something is one heck of a big deal when it really isn't. If you're in your early 20s, then it isn't. Guaranteed. You might feel like crap right now, but 10 years from now you'll have to think hard to remember the name of the girl.
  7. In my case, it adds burden and limitations without adding anything I need or want. The only time I was unable to play a game I bough, it was because Steam was belly up. There's no reason for that, a single player game shouldn't need an Internet connection (or a client you can setup to be in offline mode). Period. Cards? Library? What the hell is that and why would I care about it?! I want to play the game, not exchange cards or whatever you do with them. I spent 20 years gaming with out a library of games in the cloud, I certainly don't need one now. Anyways, the fact remains that the game looks cool and I can wait 5 years until it goes on sale at gog.com for 9.95. I have plenty of other games.
  8. Does anybody know if this is going to be one of those Steam-only games? The pre-order page seems to suggest that... It does look cool, sorta SimCity 5 done well really, which I like, but no way in hell I'm gonna buy if it is Steam only, sorry.
  9. BTW, just wanted to add something. Keep in mind that these are point masses. So if you want to know the speed you will have at 80 km above Duna in your orbit, you don't plug 80000 as a value for r into the calculations, you plug 80000 + Duna's radius. At least when you're close to it, if you are very far away from the body you can get away with ignoring it because the error introduced will me small.
  10. All for efficiency and simplicity here. The only time when consider the looks is when I can choose where to place a part. Say I can place it at 90º to make it look better but I was going to place the part anyways. But if for some reason I can't place it at 90, then I really don't care. Also solar panels I usually place in pairs. The rest of the time, whatever works, works, ugly or not, if it takes me to where I want to go, and allows me to do what I want to do, it's fine by me.
  11. Ah, integrals... my nemesis. A young boy headed for college. TV put many crazy ideas on his head, ideas of fun times, learn a couple of life lessons maybe, and then the very first day, Monday 8 am, he got his brain all messed up in this class called Mathematical Analysis I... Worst part, it's "I", which means there's gonna be a II and III and who knows! But, it's interesting how something you just hated when you had to do it under obligation can be fun when you're doing it just because.
  12. Some OS? I have no idea how it works for .craft files, but text files (which .craft files ultimately are) are saved differently in different OSs (different line ending chars). Maybe you altered the file with an editor before moving it?
  13. Oh man, this would be so nice. Specially for the new player that has never been there and seen the planet (hence, should be stock). When I started playing I tried my best not to look at them before I got there. Worked at the beginning but once I learned how to properly do transfers I just wanted/needed to look at them closer so I could get a better intercept, so the last planets I visited was a so-so experience I think.
  14. Welcome! I just have a batch file with this inside and run the game from there instead of ksp.exe: @echo off set backupname=%date%_%time% set backupname=%backupname:/=% set backupname=%backupname::=% set backupname=%backupname:,=% xcopy saves back\saves_%backupname%\ /E call ksp.exe Lazy-ass solution, but it works.
  15. Yeah, we need more speed sometimes. Specially with mods like Outer Planets, when there's an 80 years travel time. But, at the same time, since those distances come with a mod, the solution may be another mod? And there's one: Time Control, but it doesn't work with 0.90 I believe. But what bothers me the most is not the max, but the altitude based max. Don't know the technical reasons for such a thing, but I think it needs some re-thinking.
  16. Well, my exact problem right now is like this: I'm working on a dV map for the Outer Planets Mod, which adds new planets to KSP. Now listed on that map, along with the dV you need to go there, dV to capture, circularize, take off, etc. there's the dV you need to do the inclination change for the transfer from Kerbin to the other planet. Now, you (or at least I) would do the inc. change at the An/Dn, but where exactly that An/Dn is, differers from window to window. Because you don't always launch at the very best window possible, you launch at the next one. Planets in this mod also are very far away so waiting for a window takes a long time, so the first acceptable phase angle you get, you launch. As a result, different launches will end up with An/Dn in very different places, sometimes they are close to Kerbin, sometimes they are farther away. What I've done is use dV = 2*v*sin(ang/2) to calculate said dV. v here being the velocity I have when I do the change and "ang" the angle I'm aiming for. The problem is of course picking a place to do the maneuver, hence v. Also I'm not too what value should I pick for the angle. But in any case, my head hurts.
  17. Searched but didn't find anything. Lately I'm missing a lot of notification emails from thread I'm subscribed. You know, the email you get when there's a new post or even PM. I get them most of the time, but sometimes I just don't. I was wondering if it's just me or this happens to everybody?
  18. I actually have pretty much everything covered. The only thing I don't really have is the dV for the inclination change, precisely because the point where you perform it will vary on a case-by-case basis. So my "theoretical situation" approach goes out the window. I can tell you how much dV you'll need to go from X altitude to Y altitude with a decent approximation, but inclination... nope. I could go the route of "the best/worst place to do it is A, you'll need B m/s at that point"... but still.
  19. Ha, I told you it was going to be something stupid. Thanks a lot, andrewas.
  20. Hello. So I'm missing something here and don't what what it is, but I'm sure is something stupid. What I'd like to do is calculate the dV needed to go from one orbit to another around the same body. Using the Vis-Viva equation I know the speeds I'll have at different altitudes in my (circular) orbit. So my guts tell me there must be some way of calculating the dV that would take me from one velocity to the other, hence from one orbit to the other... but how exactly does one go about calculating that? So for instance I'm in circular orbit some 2.6 Gm above this planet Sarnus, (yes, Gm), both the Vis-Viva and the navball say I'm traveling at 176 m/s. If I where to lower my orbit to 315 km, then per the equation the speed would be some 3800 m/s. So how much dv would I need to do it? Performing the maneuver myself gives me some 162 at Ap and 1564 at Pe burns to completely circularize at 315 km, so 1726 m/s of dV spent. I just don't know how to get to that number mathematically. Any help? Thanks.
  21. Are we sure we want little Whackjobs running around the earth? This one got into KSP, but the offspring might go for something more real... j/k Congrats mr. Whackjob, hope it goes well for you. And if not, at least you get some fun times in the process.
  22. Disassembly, water (preferably distilled) with some little detergent, a big bucket, a one hour bath, let it dry over night (or 2 if you soaked the electronics too). If the electronics didn't get damaged then that's all it takes to fix it. If it doesn't come to life after that then you better start looking for something else. PD: If you are unsure if you can remove the electronics without breaking them, just leave them there, nothing bad *should* happen to them. EDIT: BTW, cantab, you can wash your mechanicals. It's what I do to one of mine that is in a very dusty place and once in a while you just have to wash it because half the keys don't work anymore. Not the best thing to do, I agree, but still doable.
  23. Well, different people will have different preferences. The thing that makes KSP fun for me, is that 1% of the time when I complete whatever mission I set out to do. And that's because I was involved since its inception, from planning, to building, to flying. And when I finally make it, it feels sooo nice. All my ideas, that decoupler I decided to put there, that engine I tested before using it on the ship's last stage, those struts, that RCS I put there thinking on that maneuver I planned to do when arriving at X point "6 years into the future", all of that falls into place for a "hell yeah" moment. In other words, it makes you feel smart even when what you did is mediocre at best.
  24. Funny, I was thinking about this since 20 minutes ago when the Airwolf theme song popped into my head and never left. Also, I've been sining the electronic/dance/techno version of Mortal Kombat's theme for the past 2 weeks ('cos I bough an arcade).
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