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thrashing mad

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Everything posted by thrashing mad

  1. Thanks. I've been using Cyberlink Powerdirector, and it involved hours of experimentation as there's no single 'retro look' effect or plugin.
  2. My space program is approaching kerbal equivalent of the 1970s, so I've been messing around with my video editing software to achieve proper retro look. Here's the result (from Mun gravity assist to Minmus impact probe mission). Also with proper, funky 1970s tune :
  3. Scott Manley and kurtjmac (whos series introduced me to KSP - great for newcomers).
  4. OK, I've done some testing. Launched same probe from Kerbin's orbit (using quickload) First up - direct transfer to Moho: Next - transfer to Eve first: Almost there - performed maneuver to bring Pe closer to the planet, and at the correct side of it: It appears that it lowered my new solar orbit with mere 100m/s delta V: One more smallish burn planned at Periapsis: Worked great - with tiny loss of fuel I have my orbit intersecting that of Moho: And after two solar orbits, and another minor maneuver, I have Moho encounter: So yeah - it seems to work. With direct transfer I had 79,9 fuel left, with gravity assist 91,8. Not a large amount of saved fuel, but I think that with more efficient maneuvering effects could be even better. Also, with larger lander/return missions this might be quite significant.
  5. I can perform Mun->Minmus gravity assist just fine, but is it possible/feasible to use this technique with Eve->Moho? Real life Mariner 10 probe, en route to Mercury, used Venus' gravity this way after all. Any clues? It doesn't have to be precise, first approach maneuver since Kerbin, Eve and Moho would have to be in a specific position relative to each other I think. I'm just wondering how to lower my solar orbit to Moho level, by using Eve flyby. Or in other words - how to get to Moho cheaper by using Eve flyby?
  6. Next program completed (equivalent of Apollo) 'Hermes' Program: 1 - Orbital randezvous with 'Eagle 2' satelite 2 - Orbital docking (after several explosive failures, LES saved crew each time) 3 - Flight to the orbit of Mun, mid-flight docking, reconnaissance of Munar surface ('strange object' spotted) 4 - Apollo style Munar landing, near damaged 'Pegasus 4' rover (which is repaired) 5 - Apollo style Munar landing with rover (crashed) 6 - Apollo style Munar landing with rover, pilots drive to investigate 'strange object'
  7. Some kind of hard to reach 'wormhole' on the edges of kerbol system, that leads to new, procedurally generated star system - that would be cool.
  8. How about using gravity assist from Eve to get to Moho cheaper, like Mariner 10 did with Venus and Mercury? Would this work under game's mechanics?
  9. You have to manually rebind wheel keyboard controls in options menu, by default it is WSAD.
  10. Rebind wheel controls, to IJKL for example. You can activate ASAS to prevent turning in low gravity even further.
  11. I'm following such progressive schedule for my YT series. So far it looks like this: 'Eagle' Program: 1. Suborbital flight 2. Satelite 3. Suborbital manned flight 4. Orbital manned flight and spacewalk 'Pegasus' Program 1. Munar impact 2. Munar satelite 3. Munar probe landing 4. Munar rover 5. Munar sample return mission 'Hawk' Program 1. Jet plane flight 2. Supersonic flight 3. Long range, north Pole and back flight 4. Space plane flight, X-15 style 'Hermes' Program 1. Manned orbital randezvous 2. Manned orbital docking 3. Manned flight to Mun orbit and back 4. Manned Apollo style Munar landing 5. Manned Apollo style Munar landing with rover What in the future? Space station, Minmus mission, some probes to nearby planets? I'm really trying to roughly follow our historical developments at this point.
  12. Musi też chyba upłynąć nieco czasu od rejestracji albo musisz mieć więcej postów by móc ustawić avatar/sygnaturę (przynajmniej ja tak miałem). Ja jak coś nagrywam 'let's play' w rodzimym języku (anglojęzycznych jest od groma ), a w niej progresywnie trudniejsze programy niczym w kampanii, planowanie misji przy tablicy, dbałość o realizm i roleplaying, propagandowe klipy rodem z zimnej wojny, i mocno edytowany materiał z wycinaniem dłużyzn i ręcznym doborem muzyki. Zainteresowanych zapraszam na kanał: http://www.youtube.com/user/ThrashingMadPL
  13. Other than one of my munar landers ending up below ground, after moving 0.19 save file, no problems.
  14. Thakns guys. More to come. Great that we got flags with 0.20, because my next program 'Hermes' is an Apollo program reenactment.
  15. You mean software? I'm using cyberlink power director - had to run footage through a lot of effects to achieve this kind of look.
  16. Thanks. However, keep in mind that my vids are made with Polish language.
  17. Planet/Moon with thick atmosphere that heavily obscures vision would be cool (challenging landings).
  18. Hello. I would like to present to you compilation of intros from my let's play series, made with retro/1950s/60s/70s style in mind. It's in Polish, but you get the idea . 'Eagle' Program: 1 - First rocket in space 2 - First artificial satelite 3 - First kerbal in space (failed re-entry) 4 - Successful manned suborbital flight 5 - Orbital flight and space-walk 'Pegasus' Program: 1 - Munar impact probe 2 - Munar satelite 3 - Clumsy, but succesful probe landing 4 - Munar rover 5 - Sample return mission 'Hawk' Program: 1 - Succesful flight of jet plane. 2 - Supersonic flight 3 - Long range, north-pole and back, flight 4 - Space plane flight, X-15 style 'Hermes' Program: 1 - Orbital randezvous with 'Eagle 2' satelite 2 - Orbital docking (after several explosive failures) 3 - Flight to the orbit of Mun, mid-flight docking, reconnaissance of Munar surface ('strange object' spotted) 4 - Apollo style Munar landing, near damaged 'Pegasus 4' rover (which is repaired) 5 - Apollo style Munar landing with rover (crashed) 5 - Apollo style Munar landing with rover, pilots drive to investigate 'strange object' 'Ulisses' Program: 1 - Minmus impact probe, via gravity assist from Mun 2 - Duna impact probe 3 - Moho impact probe, via gravity assist from Eve Hope you enjoyed it, more to come in the future. For Polish speakers interested in 'let's play' series in our native language, here's the link to my channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/ThrashingMadPL
  19. I use only Deadly Reentry mod for extra challenge.
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