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Everything posted by jfull

  1. I had this idea that the best way to study life on Europa (if we discover any) without any cross contamination would be to set up a manned outpost on another one of Jupiter's moons. If the outpost could refine local materials, they could start designing and sending their own robotic missions to Europa. Instead of taking years to reach its destination (which would be awful if the vehicle failed), vehicles launched from the outpost would reach Europa in just a few days, allowing scientists to study the lifeforms at a much more rapid pace. 3d printing would be a necessity for producing components without dozens of pieces of specialized equipment.
  2. I can't see that making much sense...
  3. I feel like a 2.5 meter RAPIER and air intake would complement this nicely other than that, the hype is strong with this...
  4. This ended up being longer than I intended, but here we go. I think they're anatomy is fairly similar to Earth vertebrates, with the exception that their skin contains a layer of symbiotic algae cells. These cells supply Kerbals with some of the calories they need and also synthesize some vital nutrients for them. Kerbals still need to eat fairly regularly, though their food doesn't need to be very nutritious. I like to think that the algae makes Kerbals quite toxic and foul-tasting to predatory creatures, allowing them to survive up until their modern era without any other natural defenses and little in the way of physical strength (although, to be honest, most predators on Kerbin would probably be pretty tame in comparison to those on Earth). The algae layer also has one more benefit that only became apparent once Kerbals began their first nuclear physics experiments. The layer will absorb a portion of the radiation that a Kerbal is exposed to, reducing the amount that reaches the Kerbal's organs. This means that they can live in space with less of a concern about exposure, and perhaps even spend time close to a live NTR without as many health issues as a human. As for Kerbal reproduction, I do NOT believe that they reproduce by spores upon death. I think that Kerbal females do exist, and aren't very different from males.
  5. Well, something is very broken if you managed to do that. are you using any mods?
  6. Been a while since we've seen a two-person capsule design. That's certainly a way to keep the weight, and therefore cost, down.
  7. I'm a little confused about what this has to do with Dark Matter Almost all theories about Dark Matter hold that its some kind of subatomic particle that has mass but doesn't interact with normal matter
  8. He's talking about how the capsule lands when it returns to earth
  9. Minor gripe here, but it does kinda bother me when people "kerbalize" a name by just adding a K to the beginning. Sometimes it works but other times it doesn't sound very good. There are lots ways to make craft sound like a Kerbal creation, like calling a Hubble look-alike the Bubble Space Telescope (instead of the Kubble). Doing some clever wordplay and adding a silly element makes things way more Kerbal than adding a K does.
  10. Maybe you could get the Snacks logo that Porkjet uses, and make a bag of Snacks?
  11. I got bored while building planes, and decided to try something unorthodox Its slow, but it handles surprisingly well. It also lands quite gently
  12. Wow... They're a beautiful solution to a problem I didn't even know I had Thank you so much!
  13. Okay, I have a screenshot This is what it looks like for me And this is what its supposed to look like
  14. I'm not seeing clipping, but your screenshots of the SPP pit show the screens completely covered by RPM props and no longer visible. When I look at them in game I can see the edges of a few of them. I can get a screenshot later.
  15. I'm having a little issue where I'm getting all of the wonderful RPM monitors and ALCOR props in the SP+ cockpit, but they're placed on top of the default fake screens
  16. I do wonder if might be intended to capture and recover foreign satellites. I don't see any other reason for a recoverable mini-spaceplane with a payload bay.
  17. I know pluggins generally need to be recompiled to make absolutely sure they're bugfree in the latest version of KSP, but does the 0.24.2 version work at all in 0.25?
  18. that's true I suppose. But I still feel like the nose and the leading edges should be a little bit... sharper
  19. That's a very... pudgy looking shuttle shuttle design. I dunno if people are gonna like the look of it, compared to the B9 stuff
  20. I think I understand what you're getting at, but would you kindly explain what that data is supposed to mean rather than just declaring it disproves global warming?
  21. Hooooold on, he said to "expect" them, not that they are 100% confirmed. They may encounter unexpected problems, nobody knows yet. I think that's part of the reason Squad isn't as transparent as they once were.
  22. Me (after seeing a screenshot of a friend's Mun probe): "Why do you have parachutes?" Friend: "for landing" Me: "on... the Mun?" Friend: "Yeah... wait a minute..."
  23. I wonder how this will work with the destructible space center buildings coming in .25... This sort of thing might cause a lot of damage, though I know that some people have made kerbtown launch sites specifically for craft using pulsed-nuclear propulsion
  24. I'm planning on starting a lot of base-building and light colonization once 0.25 comes out, and I will definitely be using this
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