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Everything posted by jfull

  1. Will there eventually be a way to assemble the Endurance in orbit?
  2. Its certainly a bit warmer I've also heard that its atmosphere is actually not so thin that human (or kerbal) blood would start boiling like it would on Mars
  3. This is why we needed the Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter Its reactor would not only be able to power its ion engines, but also an ice-penetrating radar system, something you just can't do on solar or RTGs. We could get subsurface scans of both Europa and Ganymede.
  4. You sure about that? Everything I'm looking at says its not available until the 31st
  5. I didn't realize you had updated so much of your art. really really great work
  6. I reloaded my save to before the liftoff attempt, they're fine. Jeb went for a swim in the Methane lake
  7. I finally sent a manned mission to Tekto, but unfortunately I underestimated what it would take to reach orbit from Tekto, and my lander design just wasn't up to it. The lander was partially based on the the Rangers from Interstellar. I'm really happy with the design, and I may work on developing it further.
  8. Its aliens, I can tell from the pixels and from seeing a few monoliths in my time
  9. I'm gonna say that monkey's would be better adapted than any other large mammal we keep as pets. Cats may be agile, but they have a very specific response to being in freefall (when they twist themselves to re-orient), and I don't know if they could ever overcome that instinct. Monkey's with prehensile tails have essentially 5 limbs with which to secure themselves, and the biggest thing is that they are probably intelligent enough to realize that things work differently in space and adapt to the way objects move in zero-g
  10. Will Urlum get that icy moon with an atmosphere thinner than duna's? I know that idea was tossed around for a little bit
  11. I think he's going to do that later, after aerobraking at Sarnus
  12. everything you do looks rather... Soviet I actually like it a lot
  13. I'm not dead, but I'm not sure about how to continue this. For a while I've been busy with my job and other games, but I have been playing KSP occasionally I do owe anyone following this an apology, because I actually did fly an expedition to Vall and took screenshots with the expectation of posting it, but never got around to writing the story to go along with it. I could certainly keep going with this, but I've been waiting for near future electric to be updated to 0.90. Also, I've deleted every craft on my Kerbco save except the flags, so any continuation could be considered a sort of reboot. What I may do instead is just post individual missions, not necessarily connected.
  14. There are a lot of animals, including many fish and reptiles, that don't age the way mammals do because they never completely stop growing and the rate that their cells regenerate doesn't necessarily slow down. Because of this, their likelihood of living another year actually increases as they get older.
  15. Actually, from what it says on that site, its more like a hybrid of an aerospike and a VASMIR or any other sort of plasma thruster. The chemical stage can use atmospheric oxygen for combustion. In order to power the plasma engine stage, the Ranger would need a very compact power source though. Probably fusion, since that's what also powers the Endurance. Its actually kinda sad if you think about it, a bunch of world changing technologies like fusion reactors and AI are developed just as the Earth becomes unable to support us and humanity turns away from technology.
  16. I thought that patched conics in KSP couldn't handle a baricenter It would require a singularity at the baricenter
  17. I did a little bit of config editing myself and re-arranged Slate and Tekto I bumped Slate up a little bit to about 150 million meters, and I brought Tekto down all the way to roughly 80 million meters. I also changed inclinations slightly Honestly I feel like this is more consistent with how far apart Jool's moons are, plus it makes for a more interesting sky on Tekto and improves Tekto's visibility from the other moons
  18. Its pretty crazy that a star could have been less than a lightyear away from us at a time when early humans were around, but now be much further away than alpha centauri. Has anyone said how fast it's moving relative to us? This whole thing makes me wonder how much our stellar neighborhood has changed over the time that life has existed on earth.
  19. I wouldn't mind seeing some kind of colony management DLC like a somewhat more intuitive and streamlined MKS
  20. Odd decision to put Tekto beyond Slate, considering that there was a pretty considerable gap between Eeloo and Slate. very nice update though!
  21. Behold! "The Dorito" (because its just a triangle) Its Jebediah's personal, supercompact SSTO. Fully capable of making it to orbit and docking. I haven't remade it with the stock SP+ parts though
  22. It would probably be more feasible than solar at the that distance from the sun, and wouldn't decay like an rtg
  23. What picture? I've been looking through this thread and I can't find a pic of a moon except the one with Jeb on the surface of a very small one
  24. I think the only situation we'd ever build a ground-launched nuclear-pulse craft would be if we needed to get a WHOLE LOT of people off planet very quickly (preservation of mankind in a doomsday scenario) But the amount of payload you could launch would be mind-blowing. Plus I've seen a concept where the whole craft takes off from Earth, transfers to Mars, and lands (using its piston plate as a heat shield and giant landing foot no less) without staging. It would be the ultimate way to shoot a colony to mars, as the whole craft could be dissembled for building structures.
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