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Everything posted by Nazari1382

  1. **(Beta 2)** * Experimental Docking Port Nosecone * Experimental Shuttle Tail * Mk3 Extended Fuel Tank * Mk3 Refit Cockpit (A non-Squad version that won't be affected by the 0.25 patch) * - Fixed smoothing and collision for Rear Tank. * - added texture changes by Lack (bulkhead doors & window tint) https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/188/The%20Mk3%20Refit%20Project
  2. This model replacement should fix the white ctrl surface: http://www./download/qjv91xxxk00c4pw/pteronwingright.mu
  3. try this: http://www./download/i8xctppaa1ouf02/DSSPTools.zip
  4. That's the old texture but the same nosecone (last pic only)
  5. Yea that's outdated. Try the new stuff out!
  6. Great pics. I've got a half length fuselage to be included soon. The CoM is at the current spot to allow standard engines to line up with it. You might want to try stacking another layer of wings. There's more stuff in the works. Planning on doing on IVA. Texture improvements and short fuel tank coming. I made a shuttle style tail too but I plan to keep this pack very focused on stuff necessary for mk3 extended.
  7. The rover delivery vehicle is meant to be brought to the mun by another lander. That said, I threw it together in a few minutes to give an example; didn't pull out delta-v charts or anything.
  8. Nice! I'd include those if youre interested.
  9. Nice pics, thanks for sharing them. I think I'll be adding a standard tank to fit in front of the engine mount. It wouldnt be hard to make an adapter with different nodes, but I'm not sure how many arrangements could fit in that space. What were you thinking of?
  10. Apart from an IVA, I'm going to stick to things that are in high demand for mk3 specifically (give feedback here :0) and can't be found in one of the popular shuttle/spaceplane packs.
  11. Yea. Use the other cockpit iva that's out there somewhere for now.
  12. Getting close. Only thing holding it back is "texturer's block"!
  13. No. The lack of a HotRockets KW cfg will give you the effects that come with KW Rocketry.
  14. It's tuned to get cargo to orbit around stock Kerbin. Since Kerbin is way smaller than earth, it won't work out of the box for RSS. Maybe if you put it on a much larger lift vehicle...
  15. - Removed KW config - Added a dedicated config to put launch smoke on all rocket engines. Remove launch_hotrockets.cfg if you don't want the effect. http://www./download/grj0jgvcvl66b4i/hotrockets_7.24_nazari_launchsmoke.zip
  16. Whenever I tested two emitters, it didn't work. I'd use multipe effects for an engine, and multiple transforms with the same name. That should be able to create the effect you want.
  17. No, like this: Note that I'm using MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST, from the Smokescreen mod, which might not even require unique names. Using unique names is what squad said to do in order to have multiple sets of particles or sounds under one effect. The problem was that using multiple effects with the stock system was breaking the game, and I'm not sure if any of those issues were fixed, because having Smokescreen's extra features is better.
  18. The stock large srb was being used as a testbed for smoke with collision and other settings turned on. you can remove that by copying another engine's part of the squad hotrockets config, and replacing the name with the large srb's name.
  19. Sent a VTS tank for Karbonite. For anyone who hasn't used VTS, its a small container mod configured for use with KAS features.
  20. Changes to stock made loading old craft files and existing craft throw out the FX errors people are mentioning. I believe it will need to be fixed by Squad. ".24 had a change in the module loading to fix a problem when the module are not in the same order in a part and in a saved ship. It seems that fix make things worse when the module count is not the same (aka old save since most part in .24 had module added to track contract). So when you load a KerbalX the module are messed up. You can see ii in your logs with those messages : Attempting to replace PartModule 'XXX' with 'YYY' " - Sarbian
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