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Everything posted by 256

  1. It's an honour just to be nominated! But seriously, all of the winners are super deserving. So much good content here!
  2. Is your vessel set to type "Probe" in the Tracking Center, rather than type "Rover" or "Relay"? Having the wrong type set has been the source of 100% of my problems with the PBC missions. That said, if new development ever happens on this, I would love to see the "Probe" type requirement simply changed to using crew-capacity=0.
  3. So I'm doing a no-revert no-quicksave hard mode career using Probes Before Crew, and I just wanted to say that it's been delightful. I've got my science slider and my funds slider both set to 60% and, while both science and funds have been tight, I haven't found it to be oppressive at all. The above is a video explaining all the mods I'm using, and the below is a link to my first successful Mun mission in this career.
  4. So I'm in the middle of a Let's Play series using MKS and I just made a video explaining all the mods I'm using and why. Thought it might be of some interest to a few people. Jump to 11:10 for the discussion of MKS
  5. By far my most requested video. The mods I'm using and why...
  6. Back to the Mun, with an intrepid little rover....
  7. I've been working on a video to explain some of the mods that I'm using in my modded hardcore career and I ended up deciding that I needed to record some footage of a sample resupply mission to demonstrate the fundamentals of USI Kolonization and Life Support. Which, in turn, resulted in me building and launching a space station in sandbox mode for the sole purpose of pretending to resupply it. Anyway, I'm pretty happy with how the footage came out. And I'm always impressed with how good SSPXr stations end up looking even when you just slap a few parts together at random.
  8. Dude, my Minmus base in my previous save was one giant rover, with three deployable special purpose mini-rovers. Safe to say, I like roving around.
  9. And today we're actually flying that ship we built yesterday!
  10. Finally an episode where we don't even leave KSC...
  11. So, in my no-revert career, I found myself in the position of having just four thousand kerbucks left a full slate of contracts. The only contract I could hope to complete was the one to investigate the crashed vessel in the arctic (from Anomaly Surveyor) and so I built a tiny plane to take me to the north pole. But, I made a couple of design errors, and the plane could barely stay aloft. Knowing that I couldn't afford to abort the mission, I toughed it out, and this is the result.
  12. The financial difficulties continue and things take a turn for the comically worse...
  13. If you're all caught up, I just posted Episode 17 today. In which I do my best to achieve a career mode "game over"
  14. New episode. In which we learn the perils of new money....
  15. So, I've been doing a career Let's Play with hard difficulty settings, no quicksaves and no reverts, Probes Before Crew, and USI Kolonization and Life Support. This is my first foray into gameplay recording and video editing, so the first few episodes were kinda rough. But, five weeks in, I've really hit my stride. So I've made a 5 minute recap and highlight video to make it easy for people to get up to speed without having to watch the less-well-done videos. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.
  16. I've been working on this modded hardcore career for a while. I'm at that point where my eyes are turning to the Mun. But... thanks to Probes Before Crew and reduced science rewards, I haven't yet unlocked even the Mk1 Command Pod. So, it's time to test out that orbital relay network I just built and see if I can send an autonomous drone all the way to the surface of the Mun....
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