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    Does all his texturing in MS paint
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    Dank memes

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  1. @KonnorKron Here is a visual guide I made on how to edit KSP textures in Photoshop, it might help you get started. http://imgur.com/a/GdquJ
  2. I'm not on skype anymore. (they changed the ToS in a way that made me not wanna click that "I agree" button) I'm on discord now at RGBPeter#7078. In other news.... Did you know the B61 recently got an upgrade? It's called the B61-12 now and the upgrade includes a fancy new paint job:
  3. @Acea Love the textures in your pack! Though some of the textures feel a little bit "flat"... You could try adding a AO map. Without AO: With AO:
  4. New texture for the Davy Crockett Warhead: I also added some additional detailing to the launcher:
  5. Christmas is the time of giving... So I'm giving you a texture. It's for the R27 based on the R-27ERT variant. How it looks on the model (rendered in PS): And the texture:
  6. It works with all resolutions. Other ksp mods have used it in the past. It's lossless compression based on a combination of the LZ77 algorithm and Huffman coding. If a chunk of pixels are all 100% black it reduces the colour depth in that chunk (you don't need 32bits of colour info to define a black pixel). It also removes useless junk-bits found in the .PNG header:
  7. KerbalReusabilityExpansion\StageLegs\LegTextureBlack.dds That texture is quite large @ 20.8 MB. You might wanna reduce the resolution down from 4096x4096 to something like 2048x2048 or even 1024x1024. You could also go with the DTX1 format instead of DTX5. You aren't using an alpha channel on that texture. Storing it @ 4096x4096 in DTX1 results in a 10.6 MB file
  8. In: VanguardTechnologies-\GameData\VanguardTechnologies\Parts\parachute there file called "spannerMonkey.zip". I don't think that file needs to be in the release. I ran a fancy lossless compression algorithm over textures in your mod and managed to reduce the size by ~33%. It's called "OptiPNG", it's open source and you can get it here http://optipng.sourceforge.net/
  9. I was creating a FIM-92B colour scheme for the Stinger.... But my complete lack of Blender-fu combined with the fact the model has foldy-fins is causing issues for me when I try to generate an AO-map. When you have the time could you provide me with the AO-layer?
  10. Christmas is the time of miracles. I have risen from the dead and I come bearing gifts... the gift of textures! Srry for disappearing for about a year.... ^ thats the Mk77... Here is how it looks on the model (rendered in PS)
  11. First of all, thank for the constructive feedback. Don't worry, all the textures I do are based off real stuff. So there will still be a lot off "boring gray tube's" for you to hang under your wings . When a missile/rocket/bomb has multiple paint schemes in real life, I pick the one that, in harpwner's and my opinion, looks best. Most weapons don't have fancy colorful paint jobs, but the tomahawk had multiple. I based the tomahawk texture on the fist series of missiles flown by the U.S. Navy during the cold war. Here are some pictures: 1, 2, 3 Ow and if you have an idea/suggestion for a paint scheme for one of the part in this mod, please tell me. Suggestions and feedback are always appreciated
  12. I just realized that I haven't properly introduced myself in this tread, so... Hi! I'm RGBPeter and I'm revamping the textures in this mod. I started working with harpwner about 1 or 2 weeks ago. Texturing is always a slow processes and harpwner is a real modeling machine, supplying me with a new model to work on every few days. I'm not gonna tease any textures for the new parts. I want you guy's to know what to expect from the revamp, so here is a sneak-peak of the new texture for the Tomahawk.
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