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Posts posted by Mokmo

  1. Well, Valentina isn't going to be the only female kerbal - the randomly generated kerbals will be both male and female, so I just don't see where the argument or complain may be

    My initial complaint was that she was the lone female in orange. No scientist no engineer...

  2. Basically, fewer missions that cover many others yet still give out rewards like the smaller missions did. The missions window can't have many missions, but when we're ready to explore Duna, the Eve contract shows up, or we'd like the Laythe contract to be there as we reach for Jool, but only Bop and Pol are offered...


    Explore Mun and Explore Minmus become "Explore the moons of Kerbin" and have objectives and sub-objectives that are the same of both missions. Added goodness: another reward for finishing it

    Combining Inner planets, Outer Planets, the joolian system still keeps them all at a manageable size.

    Another one would be the "reach an altitude record of x" because we've all missed a step or two on our way up to space.

  3. However, this may just be an edge case that I'm unable to support.

    I'm not expecting this to be fixed for that exact reason. Just let people know it's there.

    Pretty much what i thought. I attempted the mission in 2 ways:

    1- Just recover a crew report from the station with a ship made to quickly get there and back. The crew report having yielded 0 SciPoints, i thought it was becauseof the zero that the mission didn't finish.

    2- Bringing a Goo canister that still had a few (4) science points left in the recover category. Docked, ran the goo, undocked, landed, recovered, nothing.

  4. Ok it's probably pushing the "unexpected behavior" barrier...

    Since i have cleared the tech tree, i used one of the policies that turns science into money to 100% commitment.

    When doing the science mission to the station, since the science gain isn't counted, the mission will not complete. It's obviously a very specific case. I made it complete with the debug console.

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