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Posts posted by Mokmo

  1. Assuming they're in the folders normally assigned to them CKAN will notice that something is already in the place it's trying to install to and won't overwrite to ensure it maintains consistency and doesn't ruin anything of yours. Basically you can't ask CKAN to install something that's already present in the place it wan't to install to no matter if it autodetects it or not.

    So it's expected behavior. Ok.

  2. Mokmo, the 2-moon flyby is reworked from scratch in the new version (will be released this week) so you can do the two moons in either order, and uses entirely different logic - it might work better for what you're doing. Also, with the docking one - that's one of the ways to "cheat" the docking contract. There were tradeoffs in how I set that one up, and when there is a choice I usually err on the side of letting the player cheat rather than take the chance the contract will become unresponsive if something happens slightly out of order. I plan at some point to re-visit the docking contract.

    Glad you're working on it :D In the end it did the docking contract with two identical ships, a very Gemini approach

  3. I'm glad Nightingale is helping out. The pack has a lot of potential and gives a lot more realistic set of steps to space exploration.

    I've tried about 10 times now, cancelling the contract & re-accepting.

    The 2 days orbit doesn't get completed.

    I tried transmitting something from space, made sure there were no other missions running, no other flights going on, made sure I landed the whole ship that got to orbit. nothing helps...

    After I landed the ship & recovered, it stills asks to return the orbiter home. (Am I supposed to land @ KSC to get the contract ?)

    Do you get the first completion done before heading back ?

    The only other thing that caught me once was the lack of a pilot astronaut aboard.

  4. Small issue with the MPR-5 Monoprop engine (haven't tested the others)

    In the engine module config there is the following:

    resourceFlowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH

    Which is the default flowmode for LFO, not Monoprop. Normal Monoprop Flowmode is STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW

    So right now i have my Gilly lander that i had to land with infinite fuel because it was using radial mono tanks...

    Then looking around, it seems all the monoprop engines are changed that way... So is it normal behavior?

  5. On Kerbin, the highest experience is awarded for Orbit.

    Flight = 1

    Fly By = 1.5

    Orbit = 2

    On bodies other than Kerbin, the highest exp return is for Flag Planting.

    Note that these are base values, a multiplier is applied depending on the body:

    Fly By = 1

    Orbit = 1.5

    Flight = 2

    Land = 2.3

    Plant Flag = 2.5

    It actually makes sense, my Jeb got 5XP on his return from planting a flag on the mun. Recap in astronaut complex shows Orbit Kerbin =1, Plant flag on Mun =5, just a bit short of his second star.

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