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Everything posted by Eskandare

  1. Very nice! I have a highway system that I was working on creating for the old Kerbin City and Kerbal Constructs mods, but due to the nature of complexity I have held out to wait for the full x64 edition of KSP. Nonetheless this would be a great addon for Kerbin Side (I made the Aircraft Carrier which is under slow revision.) Also would be great for the Cities of Kerbin mod I'm working on (also under slow revision). 'Slow Revision' = real life stuff interfering with modding time. Edit: Now looking it some more, it looks like a Matchbox Motorway play set.
  2. http://i.imgur.com/BzSHe9G.png http://i.imgur.com/gIyPk0E.png Very, very nice! Could I possibly have the craft file? I'd love to include with the other example craft I'm including in my next release, of course credited to you. I use kerbal stuff because it is more centralized, but I'll look into it. A couple of mods already have such an intake, MK II Expansion and OPT. Neat stuff! I may look into making this engine a low tech or perhaps mid-tech version, it seems more like having an early RAPIER.
  3. One thing is needed is to allow added kerbals saved from orbit to the roster, they do not show up anymore. Edit: Also when a new game is created Jeb, Bill, Bob, and Val are gone.
  4. Soon. I'm still adjusting weight and performance values.
  5. Another question, and I can only guess the answer is no, but can the legacy animation still be used?
  6. 0.1.42a Fix! 0.1.42a: Accidentally broke the Masamune and Kunai engines, fixed now.
  7. 0.1.42 RELEASED Updated all plugins for 1.04 (licenses included) Corrected animation for Short-M engine Minor fixes
  8. There should be a huge list of resource and tutorial links pinned to the dev thread; I know there is a tutorial on wheels. I agree though they are frustrating.
  9. I double checked unity and my node orientation, so far no discrepancies. Everything is zeroed out on the correct axis. I haven't had any trouble in my testing either, so I'm not sure what you are experiencing.
  10. Is it a Lol-ex car? Looks like fun but too silly for my serious game play. I'd love to see a scaled-to-kerbal version with classic style wheels. Nice model and textures
  11. You can make one too! I don't have a monopoly on nuclear turbine engines. A few other modders have done the same thing; FreeThinker, Porkjet and Suicidalinsanity have made simmilar engines.
  12. Curious, will this work on the 64 bit work around? I'm doing some tinkering on a separate install.
  13. OMG! I was actually planning to do this after my nuclear engine mod. I had plans all the way to batroid. Nice that you have GERWALK going. (for those who don't know, GERWALK is an acronym for Ground Effective Reinforced Winged Armament with Locomotive Knee-joint.) For batroid you'll need to animate the cockpit somehow and add another screen by sliding it from the rear once the cockpit tilts back and the canopy shield comes down. If you are using IR the sequencer mod is needed for mode switching. I had come up with two ways to do the mode switching. One was a complex animation rigging and BD animation for walking, the other was IR and sequencer. My thermal nuclear mod is a precursor to having the reaction engines for the Valkyrie. If you plan to add FAST packs (Fuel And Sensor Tactical) you need to adjust the COM on the parts so the center of thrust lines up with the center of mass. Like I said I planned it all out, from VF-1 Valkyrie to VF-30 Chronos. I'm an expert on the Shoji Kawamori's designs, if you need help or get stuck feel free to ask. Edit: Looking at your pictures, I must add, using adjustable landing gear would be best for the craft, and the ruddevators need to be 45 degrees not 90. I own a load of the Kawamori approved valk toys. Edit2: I also figured out that the VF-25 is easier with complex animation rigging then with IR. Edit3: You'd have to somehow change the position of the craft orientation in batroid mode so that the top of the cockpit is facing forward, the seat tilts back in the cockpit, a screen comes out in front of the pilot so the pilot could see outside using RPM and the camera in the head.
  14. I tried it with the patch but 1.04 really didn't like it. Edit: To be more specific, it spammed the "Kethane.dll is not compatable with 1.04," at program start.
  15. Awe... I guess Kethane is dead? Maybe there should be a version that uses the stock ISRU system, edit the drill models in blender/unity change the animations, and edit the configs to stock. I miss kethane it has been the longest standing ISRU a like mod for KSP and should have an honorable send off, become integrated with the stock system.
  16. I haven't gotten around to updating for 1.04 yet. I'll get it done tonight. The mod should work fine since all plugins are still stable on 1.04.
  17. . Hmmmm... I see someone also caught the Nuclear Bug (I want to think I inspired you on that one lol)
  18. Also as a note it works so far in 1.03, but as a warning you may get bugs as I haven't updated to the new heat management modules.
  19. I love this mod, actually look forward to seeing it completely available for all planets especially Jool, so the density is so thick we no longer see the big green bouncy rubber ball. Edit: I may have said this already and forgot...
  20. Odd, I'll look into that, but I'm sure all transforms are zeroed out. I haven't had any trouble at all during my tests.
  21. I had just realized that I uploaded the old config. I'll be making a quick update. EDIT: Fixed
  22. Ummm... Big issues? This is Kerbal Space Program... So what is the problem? The problem can easily be solved by making the craft VTOL (if you're building a space plane) using small rockets or my soon to be released radial nuclear rockets. Land like you would a regular lander but before final touchdown, turn off the main engines and use the horizontal landing rockets. Or... Just mak a MK 2 rocket lander, or whatever... Also I figured the MK 2 ISRU would be great for MK 2 rovers using the dropship style command pod.
  23. I was thinking of making a MKII ISRU system with retractable drills, converter, and two tanks for ore (short and long). I was thinking of making it myself but I'm swamped with developing my mods wrapped around real life stuff. So, if you want to roll with it, I'm handing the idea off to you, SuicidalInsanity. Since you making MK 3 parts, a MK 3 version would be cool too.
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