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Everything posted by Eskandare

  1. Makes for the decision to either have upgradable buildings or have additional launch sites be the upgrade. Personally I'd rather have the ability to get to the flyover contracts without having to fly for 45 minutes to get around the globe. Also, as a neat side effect, KK fixes the issue where x64 isn't playable in career mode.
  2. OK everyone, medsouz updated Kerbal Konstructs, tonight I finished optimization of the carrier and will be shipping out (see what I did there) once I get home, however there is a minor glitch with the animation for the forward aircraft lift. This is something I cannot correct as it may be an issue with ksp and unity. Just don't leave anything on the lifts. Also you'll see your craft bounce a little on it's shock absorbers, this may be an issue with the physics being manipulated by a static. I have the animation set to 25 seconds I may move it up to 35 seconds to see if this reduces the landing gear bounce. Next up on my list will be a small base next to the (Krand Kanyon?) Large canyon on Kerbin and a secret science and logistics base hidden on Kerbin (I found an awesome location) this will include an underground hanger for large planes and space planes. (yes I'm aware of the static camera issue I'll design in a way so the camera can fit around the coliders, this will always be an issue until someone makes a way for the camera to ignore coliders. Look out for the next release of the KSS Kerminsov.
  3. So far I am running very stable with and without mods. Some mods are too legacy to be compatible so obviously it will crash. So far with what is currently updated it runs very smooth. Why would i want to run DX 11 anyway? KSP doesn't have anything that requires DX 11?
  4. So far so good, with the exception of upgradeable KSC complex buildings, Windows KSP x64 appears to run more stable then then .24 and ridiculously more stable then .25. Anyone else try x64 on windows?
  5. So far I have been running Win KSP .90 x64 with zero hickups without OpenGL. All I wish to see is the ability to upgrade the complex in career. :-/
  6. I used 0.25 x64 and got it working... it appears x64 is fine (well almost, career is bugged). FAR never gave me trouble on .24 x64
  7. Does FAR and NEAR work on x64 because from what I can tell x64 is stable.
  8. Look like I'm backing up 0.25 so I can continue my work on the carrier.There is some optimization I'm doing, a few little things I immediately noticed before boxing up and releasing.
  9. I agree. I tend to use prop engine mods and recategorize them as start to satisfy the early flight requirements.
  10. Despite not career working in x64 how it the general program stability? I guess time to very carefully decided what mods I'm using plus what mods I'm working on.
  11. It goes up, it goes down and you can store planes under the deck too! Will be shipping this update off to AlphaAsh later today.
  12. There is an Ocean Odyssey launch platform.
  13. Actually I fixed it. It has nothing to do with Module Manager. Some modder forgot the ' } ' in their mod. It was a serious pain the @r$e to find.
  14. Is there a maximum of configs that can be processed?? I hangup at 6410 patches.
  15. Looks nice, although I'd suggest using smooth shaders to get rid of the faceted look and make the models round and smooth. I look forward to seeing what you do with it in the future.
  16. Is there a config for lack luster labs antenna?
  17. You could just as easily make your own city. Jool City and all other future cities use the Kerbal Konstructs mod by medsouz and AlphaAsh.
  18. Currently I have an infrastructure, a large port. A ridiculously large airport. I'm currently trying to find an optimum location to "break ground." Although yesterday, while playing KSP I saw a fantastic location for a new base for Kerbin Side. Also I'm playing with the idea of building a space elevator.
  19. I'd like to see the two more planets, Win x64 fixed, Unity 5, bux fixes, and perhaps a simple resource system.
  20. I may add this to my Jool city project. The project is very intense so far. I've got animated traffic lights, animated draw bridge, and working on a rideable animated monorail. I haven't really been able to do any updates on here because I only have time to work a little at a time on the project.
  21. It would work with Kerbin Side if the models were separated into segments. The thing is the car would have to be an animation (animation on click) that travels approximately 2868.75 km
  22. I'm not much of a coder, so this request is for a plugin that would allow a craft to save its location and altitude as long as it has enough fuel. Once out of fuel it despawns (crashes). I've been working on a flying carrier/star ship mod. This would be good for near end game exploration and flying bases even on Jool. I was thinking of using Kerbin Side but I know everyone would like to move thier carrier around. I've made parts for a helicarrier but I haven't found a plugin that fits.
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