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Everything posted by RocketPilot573

  1. To use the jet pack press "r". And the Alt key toggles the way the kerbal moves (sidestep or turn).
  2. It looks like your ship will get a gravity assist from Ike, come back around Duna and Encounter Ike again. Its a double gravity Assist!
  3. Pretty much all the settings are maxed out, still no trees.
  4. The terrain scatter setting wont make trees show up as far as I know. There seems to be a bug that makes the trees disappear. But rarely they do appear: This is it with the scatters set to 30%. All the trees vanished after the flight was ended. PS- The rocks and grass do show up, its just the trees and cacti the don't.
  5. I think your control surfaces are so close to the center of mass that they just don't know what way to move and thus sending the plane out of control.
  6. Congratulations! And that's an quite an awesome lander too!
  7. Pol. Its defiantly the hardest place I have actually returned a kerbal from.
  8. This is what happens when you rely on the brakes of rover wheels to stop a plane:
  9. You probably need to move the landing gears closer to the center of mass. This should help the plane rotate off the runway. If this doesn't help, then maybe the plane is just too heavy?
  10. Here's my Eve rover: Entry After a verrry long wait, it finally nears the ground And here its observing the "water". Note the broken wheel.
  11. I typically just wing it. Unless I'm preparing for a very difficult mission such as going to Moho or Tylo.
  12. Adding a few SASs on the rocket as well as an ASAS helps too. Unless the rocket is huge and has several gimbaling Mainsails...
  13. My WIP space station: The ship docked to it has a fuel tank in it's cargo bay that will be attached to the station.
  14. I have not done it in a while, but I did find some pics: On the Mun: Later... Burning up:
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