So as a person who has an AMD gpu (actually ATI:confused:), any ideas on what would happen if I installed PhysX on the CPU for KSP? (Intel i5-2300 2.80 GHz)
I think the unknown thing is either destructible terrain/buildings or a function that summons the Kraken if you are doing too poorly with your career (killing tons of kerbals, no money, etc.
Looks like the forum is having some technical difficulties... I can only view a page after refreshing many times. Hopefully Squad can track down the problem.
In my opinion, instead of "science mode" and stuff, I think sandbox should just have a bunch of options when creating the save. This way you can just choose what game features you want.
I don't know anything about eyes but.. Maybe one eye for seeing near thinks and one for far things? And remember that in IVA, a Kerbal's vision can zoom up to like x20. 0_o
I literally ALWAYYSSSSS had to move over the rocket in the VAB in order to not clip into the tower and blow everything up. Only way a launch tower would work is if you could adjust its position.