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Everything posted by RocketPilot573

  1. I've never been to uhhhhhh, no where? Though I still need to land Kerbals on Eeloo.
  2. I came across it while looking through ChickenKeeper's video list. Kurtjmac's videos got me to buy it though.
  4. Launching some cargo to orbit in my career save. Reusability!
  5. Unless you can get us a picture with an unmoded kerbin in the background, then that's not stock. Also its has even been confirmed that its from a mod.
  6. I just loaded up a copy of .16 and I can confirm 50% throttle is not even a new thing. Though I forget what update removed it. I'm fine with it... It helps noobs and doesn't really effect me at all (I hardly notice it).
  7. Just loaded up my old copy of .16... I whipped up this plane and tried it out: SPEEEEDDDDDD One thing I noticed, the turbo jet doesn't start with low thrust at low altitude and get more powerful at like 20 km... instead the .16 turbojet cruises along at max thrust even at sea level. Spacccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccce! (<-Why is there a space between the letters there!? (No pun indented))
  8. That's not what I was getting at... Jet Engines work anywhere! It's the air intakes that cant make air anywhere except Kerbin and Laythe. If you close intakes while they're full of air, they keep that air until a jet engine consumes them. I've gotten 400 m/s out of a jet powered craft in space. All of the intakes hold ".2" "air," except the radial air scoop which holds "1." However, at Kerbin sea level it will only fill to about ".3." The only way to fill it is to transfer the air to an open intake (which will endlessly refilled at sea level) into a closed air scoop. This would take a while, but doable. Unfortunately, I found that the air scoops are actually really heavy (at least, when you have a few hundred of them), which means the hard delta-v limit for an air powered single stage is probably very low... The 400 m/s ship I spoke of only had the air-scoops filled to .3 each (I didn't do the air transfer thing), so it probably could have gotten about 1200 m/s, but obviously that's no where near an Eve SSTO.
  9. All monoliths except the ones on the Mun can be walked through, but the KSC one being on the ground... that's new. I guess it finally ran out of energy to keep hovering....
  10. I do believe there MAY be a way to do this... It involves a Jet engine and a few hundred air scoops.... EDIT: Nvm! Those air scoops are wayyy heavier than I thought...
  11. For me, its not fun until I turn off revert too, so ANY failure will hurt my funds.
  12. Either Scott Manley or Danny2462.
  13. This is a really good idea, especially for new(ish) players that aren't familiar with the part names (I've been playing for 2 years and I can barely remember the names).
  14. I don't think that need to be removed, but they do need some major nerfing....
  15. Yea, instead of "Science" or "Contracts," how about we just get the ability to chose when game-play features we want when making a sandbox save.
  16. On June 26, 2012 I bought and played KSP for the first time (0.16), so I did a little mission for the 2nd Aniversery:
  17. I've finished the shuttle cockpit, its not much, but I think it looks slightly better than the plain Mk3 Cockpit... Sorry that the HUD is shown. Oh, and did someone say shuttle season?
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