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Everything posted by tmccreight651

  1. NathanKell I hope you understand how horribly underpowered the LM RCS is, 0.5 thruster power simply isnt enough, the LM cant turn round quick enough, i would bump it to 2 at least
  2. good to see FASA is back
  3. i agree with what ll of you have said, you are trying to put it politely but basically, it sounds like fengist gave up too easily
  4. thanks sal, that means a lot coming from you!
  5. Umm, major bug report, when I stage the Saturn V the whole thing wonks out and has a bad fit of rapid unplanned dissasembly, any thoughts?
  6. we should start brainstorming names, im thinking Jebsat-1
  7. can we get a link to the community fixes for these mods please?
  8. welcome back starstrider!, this was one of my favourite mods and im glad its coming back
  9. this video took me over a month to research and i finally decided to put it out there, it is a theory on the origins of the Kerbol System, with in in depth look at how the planets are forming (i believe that the solar system in KSP is less than 2 billion Earth years old) and my theory on multiple topics, including (but not limited to) Moho in .17, Eve's oceans and the Jool Subsystem. thanks for checking out my video and there is more video's on KSP to come https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2sJX5EwwV8
  10. quick Q, is this compatible with 1.0.5? just i used this mod in 1.0 and it made the game much better
  11. im wondering which rover wheel i should use on minmus
  12. is there anywhere i can get craft/subassembly files for this, 2 of the files are broken
  13. just a glitch, all the new bodies (wal,tal) are all missing and sarnus, hale, ovok, urlum, and nedion are all white and have no texture including the rings, is it broke or did i install it wrong?
  14. just a quick suggestion, im not being bossy but in my opinion nedion needs some moons, like maybe a Triton analogue with a retrograde orbit and a Nereid analogue with a highly inclined elliptical orbit
  15. first docking in lko, my space station was completely dead no power (solar panels had blown of during ascent) no fuel no rcs no nuthin so i had to dock or my kerbs would die from lack of O2 so after 15 mins of tryin i finaly got the magnetisim to catch hold and BOOM docked. Amazing
  16. i say, what is all this bally nonsense about fighting, gentlemen we must rid this thread like we rid France of the germans
  17. i just thought it would be a good idea to have a recording software in game so like it puts it into a separate folder and you can upload it to youtube and stuff like that
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