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Everything posted by J.Random

  1. Yeah, I know that, but aren't they supposed to collide with terrain and other vessels while passing through each other without problems? That's why I mentioned the old thread - it was advised (by you, btw ) to attach them in this manner.
  2. They don't. And it happens only when they're inflated.upd. Another example:
  3. As I remember the old airbags thread, there was an advice to set airbags in a way that they intersect with each other. It doesn't work. Here's a couple of screenshots. The second screenshot contains an exaggerated effect just to show the problem. Usually, I use the first example in tetrahedron configuration, and even the slight offset sends the craft into uncontrollable spin in flight (doesn't matter if in atmosphere or not) and it's breakdancing after landing without stop. Incidentally, sometimes effect is negated by phys warp x4.
  4. Lots of stuff. Orgies and mass drug addiction are first to come to mind. Also, pillaging, suicides, homicides, genocides, a couple (of dozens) of revolutions. Anarchy sounds like fun. Oh, cults! Religious fanaticism! Have I missed something?
  5. I am also not a scientist, so, as layman to layman: if there is no reference frame then you don't know what's happening to this subatomic particle. You can't say if it's moving (because, relative to what?) and you can't say it's still (because again, relative to what?). I would say its position, speed and direction of its motion are undefined. Frame of reference exists for observer. No frame of reference = no observer (even imaginary one) = no measurements. It seems to be nothing more than a "does a falling tree make a sound when noone is there to hear it" question, only with the word "subatomic" in it.
  6. So, starting with R4, it's like automated dds4ksp + ddsloader, only with normal maps being resized, right?
  7. Is it possible to show several resources at once? Say, as R/G/B components?
  8. Surface area of the sphere with 20000 km radius is 5 billions square kilometers.
  9. Who exactly is this Everybody you're talking about? I don't know this guy.
  10. I wouldn't be so sure about that. From DevNotes: the Stability Assist perk/skill is not an SAS we use now, it's the good old "no dampening, strict hold direction, try to return into set position, disable WASD" OLD SAS!
  11. /me still hopes for better, not-nosecone-ish atmospheric sensor package (Universal Storage one without the wedge would do, I think).
  12. There's SmartParts, kOS, RemoteTech and some VPL project.
  13. Waaaait... Sunlight is the only light casting dynamic shadows, and it's directional? Neither spotlights nor omni lights cast shadows? Squad! You aren't using a Pro version of Unity, are you?
  14. Congrats to NASA! Now land it safe, guys. To anyone expecting reentry video: did you even watch the trailer? There will be no comms during reentry, because plasma and all. Best case scenario, you'll get low atmosphere descent and maybe splashdown.
  15. It's OK as long as you wash your hands afterwards. Voted Dinosaurs, because dinosaurs.
  16. Sooooo, it's like a part, right, so it's possible to add resources/modules to the decal? Does it have a collider? I'm thinking DRE ablative shielding.
  17. Can I downvote this (and every other "need rebalance") suggestion? Engine balancing is pointless until atmospheric model is improved (which was kinda promised) and fuel flow curve replaced by thrust curve (I don't think Squad promised this one, but I can dream, right?).
  18. Everything else in your answer (thanks for bearing with me, btw:D) is a well-known basics, but can I haz a link for the quoted part? I can't find the "shockwave temperature" anywhere. There's static temperature (for the non-moving gas at given altitude), there's dynamic or kinetic temperature (derived from kinetic energy of the flow), in sum they give total temperature, which remains constant across the shockwave, and stagnation temperature, which equals to total temperature at trailing edges. Which one is "shockwave temperature"? Stagnation/total temperature is kinda close to flow speed in m/s, but only at hypersonic speeds. It's close enough at M5 for perfect gas, or M6 for imperfect, but at M3 or M7 the difference is up to 300K. And it works only for Earth because there's static temperature (depending on height, or rather, on pressure and gas density) and specific heats ratio (depending on atmosphere composition) in the formula. If that's the one, it may work for Kerbin, but not for Eve or Duna.
  19. 6.3.2 is much better. Especially the rollback of drag changes: craft seems to slow down much easier in lower atmosphere. Another mechanics question: what exactly is "shockwave temperature"? The more I read on the subject, the more it seems that shockwave front is not a physical object, more of a pure mathematical (geometrical, whatever) imaginary surface. There's "upstream" - air in front of the shockwave - and "downstream" - air behind the shockwave. Shockwave itself is just a delimiter between this two areas, isn't it? The only sensible heating equation I've found (yet) is a stagnation temperature, which is a maximum temperature achieved on trailing edges, where air flow stops, transfering all its kinetic energy to the craft, and it has no speed in it, just mach number.
  20. So, will we see four-wheel landing gear carts for these parts?
  21. It doesn't itself depend on air density or reflection angle?
  22. I think if Squad is going to implement ISRU, they should make it as abstract and moddable as they can. Technically, it's just 3 modules: generation, extraction and conversion. Generation should be overridable by modder: whether he wants to generate it randomly from seed or tie it to specific biomes, whether it's finite amount of resources at specific spot or it's some efficiency percentile - anything should be possible. Resource extraction should work on rails, and again, it should be abstract: modder may want to give a fixed rate extraction for stationary drills/scoops/collectors or he may tie it to atmospheric speed of the vessel with the scoop. Resource conversion is already there, but again, it should work on rails. If they implement ISRU like that, it won't matter what their own implementation of resource system will look like. Stock system should provide general framework and an example, modders will do the rest.
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