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Everything posted by J.Random

  1. I'm not sure if that's not too much to ask, but could you repackage all the mods, making the distribution really modular? I mean, MKS/OKS, Ka, Ka+, EP, SP... All of them are bundled with USI tools. Most of them are bundled with ORS/CRP. Some of them include Firespitter and even Toolbar. And everything overwrites everything on install. Sure, it makes installation of this one single pack easier because you have everything you need "out of the box", but when you use most of USI packs, plus other mods, it's hard to keep track of which one contains the latest versions of redistributed content. Maybe move each pack into separate USI/Pack_Subdirectory and put redistributables into a separate download?
  2. Weird. As I remember PnP DnD books, in each and every class description character was referred as "she".To anyone saying that kerbals are all male: have you ever seen kerbal junk? Reproductive organs, I mean? How can you say they're male otherwise? To anyone saying women need any sort of role model to get into science: start with yourself. If you're girl, get into engineering. Or science. Whatever. Do a good job, make yourself an example. If you're male, get yourself a smart girlfriend. Smart is new s.e.x.y (come on, Squad, it's not a cuss word!), you know. Agitate your daughters to get into math, physics, biology - encourage them to be scientists or engineers. Stop talking about lack of role models and make yourself a role model. This topic rises again and again, and I don't get it. People rant about female discrimination, and yet one of the first questions female astronaut receives is about how she handles her hair in zero-g. I bet whisky over donut there was also a zero-g boobs question at some point. Gekko in space? First and the most important question: "Do they [snip]?" What is wrong with you people? If you're fixating on gender issue - you're the problem.
  3. Your info is not exactly accurate as well. First, deviations for all Briz-M burn durations were marginal and to be expected. Second, Express-AM6 has new high-pressure xenon tanks exactly for such scenario. No lifetime decrease expected. As usual, stupid journalists made a mountain out of a molehill.
  4. I thought it's a workaround for SAS-induced atmospheric wobbling and infinigliding.
  5. Of course they do! IIRC, the mechanism involved is called nocebo effect. It may be especially annoying (even deadly) when combined with hypochondria.
  6. I see this idea mentioned again and again, and I like it way more than what Squad intends to implement. If I may add: - skill system should be completely exposed to mods. So, base-building/CLSS mods could add "agriculture" skill, random failure/repair mods could add "mechanic", KAS could add "crane operator" just for lulz, and so on. It should be a framework for mods to add onto it. - seats in pods could have designated roles and requirements for kerbals. Say, standard 3-seat pod would have a pilot seat, co-pilot/engineer seat and mission specialist/scientist seat. And to use it, for example you'd _have_ to have a kerbal with "pilot" skill of 3 or more in one of pilot seats. Or to operate mobile lab, you'd have to have 2 kerbals with combined "science" skill >= 5. Kerbal Experience can be a great addition to the game. It's sad that the best examples developers can come up with include magic boost for engines.
  7. It would also play nice with DRE, if kerbals can pass out before being killed. Or with FAR, if kerbal pilot has the ability (toggled by player) to limit AoA, for example, preventing player from tearing craft apart by aerodynamic forces.
  8. Then here's the possible answer why DoD needs X-37: satellite interceptor (a couple of years ago there were assumptions it will use kinetic ammo, but that would be the last measure, I guess). Especially if you consider current US National Space Policy, which declares that they should defend their space infrastructure against any threat (and they're masters in imagining threats). Ability to fry Russian or Chinese spy satellites with zero threat of detection should be priceless for US. Ability to safely land equipment which allows that for checkups/maintenance/upgrades is a bonus.
  9. I wonder if you can fry satellite's electronics with some sort of microwave emitter.
  10. Also, tail-thingies, both centered and raised.
  11. Personal emergency/camping pop-tent (MKS style, but smaller and with crew hatch)?
  12. Could you please leave it be and add new part instead of replacing it? Yes, current model isn't suitable as decoupler, but if you put both nodes to the same offset it may still work as a nice delimiter. It looks nice and hides edges perfectly.
  13. Do you take suggestions? How about radially attachable small core, working as radial decoupler (with support/truss instead of one of the side nodes)? Kinda like this: only as a single part?
  14. Ad networks are a security risk, always were. So no, even if I'm ready and willing to support someone/something monetarily, I will still use ABP and NS.
  15. First, +1 for portfolio. Second, you should probably check if developers are even able to give their time to you. Press coverage and gamecons is one thing, some student project is another.
  16. It may weigh 10t but still handles like 2000t. Ever heard of inertia?
  17. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65365-WIP-MSI-s-Infernal-Robotics-Model-Rework-%28Updated-27-08%29-now-with-FOLDATRONS%21%21?p=1411252&viewfull=1#post1411252
  18. I really like how this part pack steadily matures. Question (probably stupid): I see that every part has its own texture file - isn't it more practical to have a single common file for them? It may become helpful for possible future retexturing attempts (like, for my own installation I'm adding the "checkered concentric circles" signs on axles, but damn, that's a lot of files to edit, even if it's a simple copy-paste operation). Sumghai did it for FusTek pack and it worked very well. Also: WHEELS! DO WANT! They look absolutely awesome. Also#2: Magnet. Any chance for a version where spotlights will get very narrow angle, acting more like a target markers?
  19. Just keep your Pe at 30km+. Your ablative heatshield will be able to keep you safe from overheating even if you try lower Pe, but if you try to brake too fast, you'll kill your kerbals with G-forces. It's safer to brake slower and skip out of the atmosphere for another pass (again, heat isn't really the problem).
  20. That's because wheels aren't wheels. They're sticks. On topic, though, I think there was a mod allowing kerbals to stay on moving vehicles. Don't remember its name, probably something about sea sickness because it was initially made for floating/flying HooliganLabs contraptions.
  21. Just edit RemoteTech_Settings.cfg, add as much GroundStations{} as you like.
  22. You were meant to say Deadly Reentry, I guess, in which case - ascend slower. My solution: put radial booster lower on decoupler. Decouplers should push boosters above their CoM, forcing them to spread outward faster. If you're using struts then you'll have to use separatrons because struts kill the ejection force.
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