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Everything posted by J.Random

  1. Yes, moving all of them into a separate group and never touching it works, thanks.
  2. Just noticed that uncontrolled hinges always draw power. Is that intended?
  3. No. And removing it is not an option (as in, impossible) in later Windows releases.
  4. Scatterer doesn't like when you change the FoV (which also happens when you switch into IVA view and back). Double click MMB or Alt-F10 and press "rebuild ocean" or something like that.
  5. First, they should deliver a proper quality product. Of course, they can do whatever they want, the real question is how many customers will pay. I can answer only for myself: I won't.
  6. 3D does look better. Text UI elements, however, look like crap if you resize them not in exactly 20% steps, and even then they're far from ideal. Also, with 4GB limit left behind, I really hope that Squad will release HD texture pack some day.
  7. I wonder what ModuleWheelBase.CycleWheelStrut() does. Maybe it's possible to disable and reenable wheel struts on the fly?
  8. You and whose army? I would easily wait for another couple of months or even more. And yet again, it's the same problem: overpromising, overhyping, underdelivering on self-imposed deadlines. It's a vicious cycle, in which Squad treats a released product as early access. This mad rush should stop. Yep. Issue filed on a bugtracker speaks for itself. Multiple people suddenly have problems with their PCs, noticeable only when they play KSP and expressed as CTD with Access Violation errors. Or maybe it's bugs in the KSP. Occam's razor? Making his own game, iirc.
  9. Fair enough. But it was known prior to release, wasn't it? Wheels were tested in every prerelease build, issues were reported, and yet you (not personally, of course) decided to release instead of saying "screw it, guys, here's what's wrong with this version of Unity, we're upgrading again and/or rebuilding our wheels" and keeping it in development. That's the whole point of this thread: why the rush? Are you late for something?
  10. This. Exactly this. I would even say that patch breaking a mod is perfectly OK. But when the problem is "solved" by some quick dirty hack and left this way, it's not OK. Such "fixes" tend to pile up and it's worrying that Squad now resorts to them instead of working on underlying issues.
  11. There you go: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleWheelBase]] { @MODULE[ModuleWheelBase] { %autoStrut = False } } Of course, it undoes the "fix" Squad was trying to use.
  12. Yes, I'm wrong about them being CM, but that's not the point, really. They were (and it will sound harsh, and I apologize for that, but I don't know a better term) talking heads, making promises on behalf of Squad. When it didn't work out, they (completely coincidentally) quit instead of owning up. I don't want it to happen over and over again. So, whoever is a new talking head, here's my advice: do not overpromise. Do not rush. Do not agree to overtimes. Kick Squad out of the office at 6PM, if you have to. Google "when it's done" and accept it as your deadline. And Squad, just take your vacations whenever you need them, don't link them to your release schedule.
  13. "Beta-Not": Squad (as CM Rowsdower) promises several Beta releases. Makes first, last and the only one. Rowsdower leaves. "Release, Kinda": kommunity advises Squad to stay in Beta, Squad (as CM Maxmaps) promises to deliver, overpromises then asks if they should drop features to meet self-imposed deadline which doesn't make any sense, releases anyway. 1.0 is full of bugs, Squad slaps a couple of quick patches on it and leaves for a vacation. Customers are left with supposedly "released" product having a number of bugs, including a nasty memory leak, for two months. Maxmaps leaves. "Turbo Rush": Squad (as CM Dr. Turkey) promises not to repeat the 1.0 scenario. In private, he tells that they're "hiring very competent QA guys full time, as well as bringing in an actual external QA team to help with some of the workload". Again, features are dropped (or postponed for later "releases") to meet self-imposed deadline which makes even less sense this time. Public testing is started, which is reassuring, but then it's abruptly stopped and the update is released anyway. Again, Squad slaps a couple of patches (FUBAR'ing at least one mod in the process) and goes on vacation. This time the list of outstanding issues includes crash to desktop in the editor or on staging event in flight. Dr.Turkey leaves. Am I the only one seeing a pattern here? Squad, will you quit with the rush already? No more idiotic overtiming, no more dirty workarounds (autostrutting wheels? seriously?), no more slapdash releases. PLEASE. Slow and steady wins the race.
  14. Awesome! Now some other modders *coughroverdudecough* can finally stop using their own implementation of the same feature. Less conflicts between mods and more happy coexistence.
  15. @Nils277, small bugreport regarding landing legs (not suspension): animation for the underside landing legs seems borked: on deploy, they do nothing for a couple of seconds and then deploy instantly.
  16. He did miss an important question: would your skull explode or would its insides just steam spectacularly out of cracks between skull bones?
  17. For exactly the opposite reason (sorry): I don't need the rest of the editor, installing it would be like using Photoshop ProEnterpriseUltraDaVinciEdition where mspaint would do.
  18. Well, if you copied KSP elsewhere then it's basically the same as with Squad store's version. You already know where the copy is, you know which exe you launch, just create the shortcut if you didn't already and edit its properties.
  19. 1. If you bought KSP in Squad store, edit the shortcut properties, add -popupwindow in the "target" field and disable fullscreen in game options. If Steam, right-click on the game in library, Properties -> Set launch options, add -popupwindow. 2. Find KSP.exe or KSP_x64.exe, depending on which you're using (for Steam, easiest way is through the same Properties window, Local files tab -> Browse local files), right-click exe file, Properties -> Compatibility tab, set Run in compatibility mode and choose Windows 7. Desktop? No idea then, try -popupwindow. Never seen this error on desktop (except for sleep mode).
  20. First of all, run with -popupwindow in borderless window, it's always better. Second, a guess: you're on a laptop. This is a common issue in Win8+ on switchable graphics with latest Nvidia drivers, I've seen it in some games (not restricted to Unity), and usually setting Win7 compatibility mode helps as well (not for the sleep mode, afaik, that's probably an OS issue anyway, just like network connections' or VPN issues).
  21. Could you please keep StripSymmetry as separate dll, or at least provide a separate download?
  22. Yeah, coudn't find them either. Nothing unusual, really, they have a history of missed PR opportunities.
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